  • Nov 15, 2022

    Last thing we need is the US meddling in the affairs of foreign countries.

    Its really gonna take the executioners to refuse to go through with all this to really get something going

  • Nov 15, 2022


    21 replies and no likes is CRAZY

  • Nov 15, 2022
    1 reply

    United Nations should at least be negotiating that Iran finishes sentencing everyone involved/arrested before they go through with anything and where/when/how they'll dispose of all of those sentenced to death to buy time to negotiate and give small pinch of civility to all this

  • Nov 15, 2022

    Not real. Even the Newsweek article that these social media posts were based off of never said that.

  • Gojira 🦖
    Nov 15, 2022
    1 reply

    United Nations should at least be negotiating that Iran finishes sentencing everyone involved/arrested before they go through with anything and where/when/how they'll dispose of all of those sentenced to death to buy time to negotiate and give small pinch of civility to all this

  • Gojira 🦖
    Nov 15, 2022
  • Nov 15, 2022

    Maybe something comes outta this

  • Nov 15, 2022

    Last thing we need is the US meddling in the affairs of foreign countries.


  • Nov 15, 2022

    Mad embarrassing to see some people fall for such blatant propaganda.

    That bozo Trudeau ended up having to delete his tweet

  • Nov 15, 2022
    1 reply

    Surah Al-Anfal is about war tokens. In Surah Al Nour the almighty says some good things like don't pimp out and force your slave girls to have s***with others which is awesome and progressive for the time I guess. You and I know that having slave girls is bad in 21st century but these Hizbullahi's on Islamic regimme payroll believe they are fighting with infidels and the girls they capture are war tokens because the Ulemma said so according to the book. These idiots believe Arab traditions during 7th century Islam is the best way. To them that is real Islam.
    Good on you for calling them out tho.

    I don't know what a war token is exactly ? Can you explain ?

    Regarding Surah Al-Nour, Islam and the Prophet PBUH like you said was extremely progressive and how they defined what a slave was and how you were meant to treat them. Just because Islam says you are able to own a slave does not mean you are allowed to own a slave. This has to be clear. You are not allowed to just go and make people your slaves. There must be a LEGITMATE Nation-Wide war going on. Sadly, this is one of the drawbacks of religion is that you get extremist groups like Hezbollah who think it is ok to go own slaves and treat them horribly when in reality we know that it's a sin in Islam. They even get public support because they use Islam and the fear of the west to justify it. Whether Hezbollah has a justification to exist is another conversation.

  • Nov 15, 2022

    Also, can you tell me very specifically the culture of which people you think says that Raping Women and Killing Protestors is good and not a sin?

    I am hesitant to believe the title and these articles, as they are very scary to read and believe, but if they are true they are enabling a rape culture.
    The west enables rape culture, and I think forcing women to wear a hijab inherently enables a rape culture.
    I was generally speaking as devils advocate saying IF these countries thought raping women and killing protestors was good and not a sin.

  • Nov 15, 2022

    I didn't say that any specific thing the Islamic Republic does is directly traceable to things people did in the 7th century

    HE said "But no matter how pure you believe the prophet was you gotta realize that the judicial code laid out in a 1400yr old scripture mixed with 7th century Arab traditions ain't fit to be used as a model to govern 21st century people”

    You said “You are saying Arab Traditions. That is culture. NOT religion.”

    I’m saying that if the prophet lived in 7th century Arabia, and the Quran dates back to that time, it is inherently influenced by the culture of the people who were the original Muslims. I am not saying that the Islamic Republic’s interpretation of the Quran is necessarily valid or faithful.

    Are you saying that the Quran, and the religion that claims it is the word of God, is not influenced at all by 7th century Arabia?

    Also I would like to point out, every single country CURRENTLY in the entire world has slaves on a much bigger scale than any Islamic Nation. Would you consider these Arab traditions ? I do not understand why you MUST act like these are religious at all. It is not religion.

  • Nov 15, 2022
    2 replies

    Trudeau deleted his tweet lol wow. CNN now saying this was false as well

  • Nov 15, 2022
    1 reply

    I don't know what a war token is exactly ? Can you explain ?

    Regarding Surah Al-Nour, Islam and the Prophet PBUH like you said was extremely progressive and how they defined what a slave was and how you were meant to treat them. Just because Islam says you are able to own a slave does not mean you are allowed to own a slave. This has to be clear. You are not allowed to just go and make people your slaves. There must be a LEGITMATE Nation-Wide war going on. Sadly, this is one of the drawbacks of religion is that you get extremist groups like Hezbollah who think it is ok to go own slaves and treat them horribly when in reality we know that it's a sin in Islam. They even get public support because they use Islam and the fear of the west to justify it. Whether Hezbollah has a justification to exist is another conversation.

    Sorry I meant war bounty

    You aint wrong tho and as a Muslim it is your duty to call out the corrupt Ulemma and them Hizbullahis, they are ruining your religion. Like this is bad for Islam, really really bad,,,

  • Nov 15, 2022

    Trudeau deleted his tweet lol wow. CNN now saying this was false as well

    Lock thread ban op

  • Nov 15, 2022

    It's always interesting to see what this site is willing to believe without a shred of evidence and what it decides needs to be fact checked to oblivion

  • Nov 15, 2022
    2 replies

    Trudeau deleted his tweet lol wow. CNN now saying this was false as well

    this makes OPs crybaby posts in Help so much funnier

  • Nov 15, 2022
    1 reply
    Big Tobacco

    this makes OPs crybaby posts in Help so much funnier

    "I donate to ktt, I don't troll"
    "This is racism"

  • Nov 15, 2022

    "I donate to ktt, I don't troll"
    "This is racism"

    “ How do you, from your laptop in your home, know more than the government of Canada?”

  • Nov 15, 2022
  • Nov 15, 2022
    1 reply
    Big Tobacco

    this makes OPs crybaby posts in Help so much funnier

    You are sick bother. You are making it look like as if the MPs didn't sign the petition asking for the death penalty. Ofcourse mass sentencing hasnt been carried out yet, but the news is real.

    The petition came out last week but only caught wind in the western media now. I knew about the MPs recommendation last week and wasnt surprised at all, the islamic regimme using scare tactics is their bread n butter.

    Your dumb ass is a communist right? And your stupid ass is always supporting the shia clergy, the same f***ing clergy that ordered mass execution of iranian communists in early 80s

  • Nov 15, 2022

    You are sick bother. You are making it look like as if the MPs didn't sign the petition asking for the death penalty. Ofcourse mass sentencing hasnt been carried out yet, but the news is real.

    The petition came out last week but only caught wind in the western media now. I knew about the MPs recommendation last week and wasnt surprised at all, the islamic regimme using scare tactics is their bread n butter.

    Your dumb ass is a communist right? And your stupid ass is always supporting the shia clergy, the same f***ing clergy that ordered mass execution of iranian communists in early 80s

    I hope the current leadership is overthrown by the Iranian masses, and a government which is in the interest of the working class - whether that be Islamic or secular - is formed

    I also hope that lies and distortions for the purpose of promoting western involvement are combatted and that the west stays out

  • Gojira 🦖
    Nov 16, 2022
  • negroswan 🌶️
    Nov 16, 2022
    1 reply

    only a few of those 15000 protesters have officially been sentenced to death at the moment, but they are all at risk of getting killed
