  • Yep yep. Been reppin him since he released his first single. Soy Peor is still up there with his best songs.

    Bad Bunny and Rauw Alejandro are running s***ttt

  • May 31, 2022
    2 replies
    gay shoes

    He's nowhere near mainstream

    Of course he's popular because most of the world speaks Spanish but he's not gonna be a top tier artist until he makes songs in English, if you don't understand this you're lost

    His mission is to make y’all come to him. And for English music to no longer be the dominant one in the world. Off to a decent start

  • May 31, 2022
    1 reply

    my parents know who drake and kanye west are...they dont know who bad bunny is yet

    how they supposed to find out if you don’t introduce him to them

  • May 31, 2022
    1 reply

    hes there...just needs to drop a fire English single and hes 100% mainstream

    he's definitely 100% mainstream already. gringos bump his s*** all the time

  • May 31, 2022
    1 reply
    El Nigga

    His mission is to make y’all come to him. And for English music to no longer be the dominant one in the world. Off to a decent start

    English is the most dominant in terms of popularity lol, I don't make the rules

    I don't speak Spanish but I can appreciate the music regardless

  • May 31, 2022

    how they supposed to find out if you don’t introduce him to them


  • gay shoes

    English is the most dominant in terms of popularity lol, I don't make the rules

    I don't speak Spanish but I can appreciate the music regardless

    yea, that’s the point

  • OP
    May 31, 2022
    gay shoes

    He's nowhere near mainstream

    Of course he's popular because most of the world speaks Spanish but he's not gonna be a top tier artist until he makes songs in English, if you don't understand this you're lost

    How can you see this and say he’s “nowhere near” mainstream lol

  • May 31, 2022
    2 replies
    El Nigga

    His mission is to make y’all come to him. And for English music to no longer be the dominant one in the world. Off to a decent start

    There will never be a time when English music isn't the most dominant in the world just off the simple fact that most of the world understands/speaks English compared to any other language.

    Thinking Bad Bunny alone can change this in any meaningful way is delusional. He'll be massive (and I'm curious to see just how massive he gets) and he clearly doesn't need to make songs where he's speaking English to continue to get bigger but there'll always be a proverbial glass ceiling on how big he can get in certain English-speaking countries because of the music he makes.

  • May 31, 2022
    1 reply

    He goated fr

    His 2016-2017 commercial reggaeton and trap era before the albums need some love too, he killed everything and didnt miss in any single

  • May 31, 2022
    gay shoes

    He's nowhere near mainstream

    Of course he's popular because most of the world speaks Spanish but he's not gonna be a top tier artist until he makes songs in English, if you don't understand this you're lost

  • gay shoes

    He's nowhere near mainstream

    Of course he's popular because most of the world speaks Spanish but he's not gonna be a top tier artist until he makes songs in English, if you don't understand this you're lost

    This is very wrong. He's already one of the biggest artists on the planet.

  • May 31, 2022
    2 replies

    His name disqualifies him from that title off rip.

  • OP
    May 31, 2022

    His name disqualifies him from that title off rip.

    Doesn’t seem like many people mind it

  • May 31, 2022
    1 reply

    Guy is cool but y’all really some cheerleaders

  • already is

  • El Nigga

    Dude is literally glitching life lol wrestling, acting, taking over the world without an English song. Like he’s got the video game settings on easy

    listening bad bunny while playing bad bunny game on my steamdeck walking to the cinema to watch el muerto starring bad bunny

    s***s gonna be crazy man

  • in the US and the Spanish-speaking world, maybe

  • OP
    May 31, 2022
    1 reply

    Guy is cool but y’all really some cheerleaders

    You have another man in your avi evaluate that before you call me a cheerleader

  • May 31, 2022
    1 reply

    eurocucks itt like noooo hes not a goat man no one listens to him in lithuania

    if yall dont stfu...

  • Only those with no rhythm and culture will say he is not a goat already

  • austin_butler_fan4

    eurocucks itt like noooo hes not a goat man no one listens to him in lithuania

    if yall dont stfu...

    "No listens to him in Lithuania"

    And don't nobody give a f*** bout Lithuania so shut that s*** up

  • May 31, 2022
    1 reply
    gay shoes

    He's nowhere near mainstream

    Of course he's popular because most of the world speaks Spanish but he's not gonna be a top tier artist until he makes songs in English, if you don't understand this you're lost

  • May 31, 2022
    1 reply

    once EL MUERTO vs MORBIUS comes out he’ll be a household name

  • 666 💢
    May 31, 2022

    Already is