My gf is Mexican and she says she and her family use gringo exclusively for white people so I guess it’s regional
Kinda interesting though
bad bunny propaganda will not prevail
There is no propaganda, he is talented and very charismatic. That’s the reason why he’s one of the biggest artist in the world right now.
You hear Titi song? Peep the second half. It’s literally Spanish version of Trilogy, Birds Weeknd “don’t you fall in love with a nigga like me” “hazle caso a tu amiga ella tiene razón yo voy a romperte el corazón, voa romperte el corazooooon. No te enamores de mi” even the production gets dark lol
ok this comparison hard
My gf is Mexican and she says she and her family use gringo exclusively for white people so I guess it’s regional
Kinda interesting though
I traveled to Cuba and was considered a gringo by upper class Cubans with pale skin.
It depends like you said.
So site consensus is he’s already GOAT tier
I traveled to Cuba and was considered a gringo by upper class Cubans with pale skin.
It depends like you said.
Curious are you white? Black?
Very interesting lol TIL I guess
One of the most gassed artists I’ve ever seen. Dead can’t tell if y’all even trolling or not
Talking about he got classics and some of the best songs of the year like his s*** doesn’t sound like 99% of raggaeton we’ve been hearing for decades. The genre itself it just lackluster and needs evolution.
my parents know who drake and kanye west are...they dont know who bad bunny is yet
all of Latin America knows who Bad Bunny
Is he popular in Francophone countries and Asia?
Asia no. Not even a little bit. Not even known