  • Jun 4, 2020
    3 replies

    I will say this is my experience at a protest tonight. With what I believe might of been BLM people.

    The people who started it Id say we’re more liberal they had an actual cop leading the protest and refused to let anyone who wasn’t in their group in the front. A lot of
    the talk was about voting for Joe Biden despite his issues, reform etc.

    About 1/4th into the protest people started chanting f*** the people at the front for following the cop and we stopped following the cop and formed our own protest which consisted of about 95% of the og protest the other 5% I think went home because I didn’t see them again.

    This new protest had a completely different vibe, they spoke about Che Guevara, Lenin and various other Revolutions. I was able to
    get into the first two rows of this one, we charged directly at police several times instead of being led by one. Whenever we would move towards police everyone would yell “ we’re coming for you”

  • Jun 4, 2020

    I will say this is my experience at a protest tonight. With what I believe might of been BLM people.

    The people who started it Id say we’re more liberal they had an actual cop leading the protest and refused to let anyone who wasn’t in their group in the front. A lot of
    the talk was about voting for Joe Biden despite his issues, reform etc.

    About 1/4th into the protest people started chanting f*** the people at the front for following the cop and we stopped following the cop and formed our own protest which consisted of about 95% of the og protest the other 5% I think went home because I didn’t see them again.

    This new protest had a completely different vibe, they spoke about Che Guevara, Lenin and various other Revolutions. I was able to
    get into the first two rows of this one, we charged directly at police several times instead of being led by one. Whenever we would move towards police everyone would yell “ we’re coming for you”

    damn. thanks for sharing. sounds like a lot of different methods going on at once

  • Jun 4, 2020

    There is no denying BLM today is more to the left than it was before (before it wasnt about left or right...more liberal lets say).

    But the thing is, after Trump became president and the rise of the right happened, movements like BLM had to pick a side.

    And the left def believes they need black people by their side to end the far right, which is what makes these white people think they have the right to kill a black man.

    Now, does that mean that these leftists are 'using' black people and BLM? Maybe...but the way I look at it is that the left sees movments like BLM as part of the left and part of what is needed to stop the right and supremacists.

  • Jun 4, 2020
    2 replies

    Just finished the video, dude supports the right, and thinks there will be a civil war and that far left groups like antifa are supported by the clintons?

    The video started fine, but then he went way off rails with all this civil war stuff. There is no civil war being planning behind peoples back lol.

  • Jun 4, 2020
    1 reply

    Just finished the video, dude supports the right, and thinks there will be a civil war and that far left groups like antifa are supported by the clintons?

    The video started fine, but then he went way off rails with all this civil war stuff. There is no civil war being planning behind peoples back lol.

    i mean its clear there is a war between globalism & nationalism that is going on right now.

  • Jun 4, 2020

    whenever there is a big crowd with a megaphone rn speaking about "vote joe biden, go home after curfew, stay peaceful" there's a big chance that somebody there is a fed.

    i had a video saved of someone with a megaphone arguing with people in the crowd later and when things got heavy he hid behind the police line. 100% undercover cop. not sure how i can upload it but it was in portland

    google COINTELPRO for more info

  • Jun 4, 2020

    I will say this is my experience at a protest tonight. With what I believe might of been BLM people.

    The people who started it Id say we’re more liberal they had an actual cop leading the protest and refused to let anyone who wasn’t in their group in the front. A lot of
    the talk was about voting for Joe Biden despite his issues, reform etc.

    About 1/4th into the protest people started chanting f*** the people at the front for following the cop and we stopped following the cop and formed our own protest which consisted of about 95% of the og protest the other 5% I think went home because I didn’t see them again.

    This new protest had a completely different vibe, they spoke about Che Guevara, Lenin and various other Revolutions. I was able to
    get into the first two rows of this one, we charged directly at police several times instead of being led by one. Whenever we would move towards police everyone would yell “ we’re coming for you”

    that's the energy needed. it's only because of that energy that the whole world knows about this

  • Jun 5, 2020

    you have to always question who is now at the top of anti-establishment movements once they become corporatized

    but in this case the statement “black lives matter” is universally important and supersedes whatever corruption could be going on in the organization itself imo (although such corruption should obviously be addressed)

  • Jun 5, 2020

    i mean its clear there is a war between globalism & nationalism that is going on right now.

    Class war* as has always been the case

  • Jun 6, 2020
    1 reply

    yes but op you do a lot of cooning on this site family

  • Jun 6, 2020

    yes but op you do a lot of cooning on this site family

  • What political movement in history hasnt?

  • Thats going to happen eventually in every and any movement in America

    FBI and CIA are as good as this as any govt entities in the world

    And f*** eventually, there’s plants in BLM and been such for years

  • Synopsis

    thats because theyve been taught to believe that peaceful protest will get them change. all these people in power know if property and capital

    Exactly. Billionaires that run this s*** are jerking off in the maldives getting caviar licked off their balls while the people suffer thinking a cardboard sign is gonna get them any change. Just like how that's worked since forever right?

    Then everyone forgets and 2 months later we get another police brutality, rinse repeat, and maintain control.

    People need to fight for this s*** with their lives. No powerful racist is just gonna turn over their entire life's work and give up that power because people are chanting rhymes in the street. Especially people who they literally hate.

    The US government has been using violence for years and years to reform systems on every continent. Maybe its time they get a taste of their own medicine?

  • Jun 6, 2020

    I will say this is my experience at a protest tonight. With what I believe might of been BLM people.

    The people who started it Id say we’re more liberal they had an actual cop leading the protest and refused to let anyone who wasn’t in their group in the front. A lot of
    the talk was about voting for Joe Biden despite his issues, reform etc.

    About 1/4th into the protest people started chanting f*** the people at the front for following the cop and we stopped following the cop and formed our own protest which consisted of about 95% of the og protest the other 5% I think went home because I didn’t see them again.

    This new protest had a completely different vibe, they spoke about Che Guevara, Lenin and various other Revolutions. I was able to
    get into the first two rows of this one, we charged directly at police several times instead of being led by one. Whenever we would move towards police everyone would yell “ we’re coming for you”

    yeah there are def plants in the protest. No one in their right f***ing mind should be inviting cops to protest with them

  • Jun 6, 2020
    4 replies

    now the rothchild gonna preach to us about social justice huh yeah mr "my family is worth a few billion", go off defending the cause

  • JaWick

    It’s obvious that BLM has turned political. The left have been gathering these types of groups for years and using them for gain in elections.

    If a single person is swayed by Biden trying to pander to black people, they gotta be like 5

    I’m probably gonna vote for the racist c*** bc I hate the idea of 4 more years of Donald, but he’s a deplorable

  • Jun 6, 2020
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    now the rothchild gonna preach to us about social justice huh yeah mr "my family is worth a few billion", go off defending the cause

    they calling me a conspiracy theorist... they are causing chaos in plain sight bro

  • Jun 6, 2020

    they calling me a conspiracy theorist... they are causing chaos in plain sight bro

    Well some believe that from chaos comes order (ordo ad chao)

  • Jun 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Is this abt George Soros n what not

    Imagine even entertaining them schizo 4chan conspiracies

  • Jun 7, 2020
    krishna bound

    now the rothchild gonna preach to us about social justice huh yeah mr "my family is worth a few billion", go off defending the cause

    A f***ing Rothschild

    Yeah whatever this guy says, I’m just gonna assume that the opposite is what would actually help us non-billionaire folk

  • Jun 7, 2020
    Scratchin Mamba

    Is this abt George Soros n what not

    Imagine even entertaining them schizo 4chan conspiracies

  • Jun 7, 2020

    Shawn whatever the f*** is wack
