any other reason 'they've checked out/ they woulnt care/they cheated first' etc. again no just break up don't be shook of being single/comfortability/thinking abut the kids/ living arrangements etc. simplify your life just break up n see anyone you want to see
I've seen this movie before
the fact he boasting and announcing this shows he's proud of this fact and should tell you all you need to know about this c**
I agree that it's better to end the relationship, but sometimes it can be tough to walk away. As someone who was the s***ty partner in a relationship like that, I'd understand if my ex cheated on me Just my personal opinion
And I wasn't really thinking of a person cheating on someone they're relying on to get them out of the situation, just in general. Can't really have any qualms about your partner cheating on you when you're abusing them imo
If it’s from the POV of the abuser or the s***ty person, sure.
But from someone looking at two people in a relationship, I’d think the cheater is just as bad
These people don't know what love is, their loss
That’s a trauma bond buddy, and she your medicine. That’s not real love.
Ending your life cause you got your heartbroken is weak af, I’m sorry
That’s a trauma bond buddy, and she your medicine. That’s not real love.
Ending your life cause you got your heartbroken is weak af, I’m sorry
it’s baffling that they both think that’s real love
i don’t deny the love is real
it’s just not healthy too put all your eggs in one basket like that
i’m sorry but I love my mom and family and value them wayy too much to put them through grief cuz of a heartbreak
it’s baffling that they both think that’s real love
i don’t deny the love is real
it’s just not healthy too put all your eggs in one basket like that
i’m sorry but I love my mom and family and value them wayy too much to put them through grief cuz of a heartbreak
On your last point, plus I’m not trying to end my life and what it still has to offer because of a girl who can’t equal that. Pretty much said they value their girl over themselves. That’s SUPER unhealthy and narrow-minded/immature
so Love is investing so much into someone that if they are gone you literally have to kill yourself?
you can keep that type of love my bro
you can't have actual love without self-love and if you willing to pull the trigger cuz your girl broke ur trust then yikess thats cringe
You’re spitting itt these niggas dumb as f***
On your last point, plus I’m not trying to end my life and what it still has to offer because of a girl who can’t equal that. Pretty much said they value their girl over themselves. That’s SUPER unhealthy and narrow-minded/immature
yea and when I tried to maturely tell the dude that he lashes out like okay dummy
you go do that then, end your life because you love this girl that much, that'll teach her!
These people don't know what love is, their loss
thats like people that threaten killing themselves when their partner is gonna break up with them
That’s a trauma bond buddy, and she your medicine. That’s not real love.
Ending your life cause you got your heartbroken is weak af, I’m sorry
I wasn't the one who said I would kill myself
I was just saying that you can put your everything into someone you love and you don't have to have a "backup" plan for if things go sour. I ain't worried about things going sour, we've been through the s***s and have a kid on the way, my love for her is not trauma.
I wasn't the one who said I would kill myself
I was just saying that you can put your everything into someone you love and you don't have to have a "backup" plan for if things go sour. I ain't worried about things going sour, we've been through the s***s and have a kid on the way, my love for her is not trauma.
congratulations on the kid my guy!
all the health and luck in the world to you and your family
congratulations on the kid my guy!
all the health and luck in the world to you and your family
Thanks brother
Can't wait for the little guy to get here
thats like people that threaten killing themselves when their partner is gonna break up with them
iF yOu dOn'T kiLL yOuRsElF oVer hEr tHeN iS iT eVeN lOvE??
I wasn't the one who said I would kill myself
I was just saying that you can put your everything into someone you love and you don't have to have a "backup" plan for if things go sour. I ain't worried about things going sour, we've been through the s***s and have a kid on the way, my love for her is not trauma.
Dawg you said we don’t know what real love is in response to bro saying he would kill himself over his shorty leaving, that’s all I was responding to. I wasn’t saying anything about you and yours
I been through exactly what you said and was left with nothings and now I’m with the girl of my dreams. Congrats on your kid dawg, life looking up for you