  • Nov 10, 2019

  • Nov 10, 2019

    It is one of the scariest if not the scariest because it shows a family getting completly obliterated and drifting apart. It's actually a film about a family crisis and that part is so f***ing real that it gets me more than trashy jumpscares

  • Nov 10, 2019
    Eric C

    how much different is the unrated? I’ve seen the theatrical and didn’t dig it that much.

    its essentially the exact same movie. Just shows a little bit more gore.

  • Nov 10, 2019

    Sinister was pretty scary

    That lawn mower home video still haunts my dreams

  • Nov 10, 2019

    plus horror is the most subjective genre together with comedy. its the hardest thing to do and please everyone

  • Nov 10, 2019
    Chuck McGill

    Something about the aura and atmosphere Ari Aster created was genuinely unnerving. I get chills even thinking about certain scenes from that movie and a horror movie hasn't done that to me in a long, long time.

    So, is it the most horrifying film in at least the last 10 years? If not, what is it?

    definitely, been tryna recapture that feeling since and nothing has been able to match it

  • Nov 10, 2019

    Sinister was pretty scary

    Wanted to mention that one but thought I would get clowned. It is definitely scary though.

  • Nov 10, 2019
    1 reply

    Only thing really scary bout that movie was the girl with the misformed face

  • Nov 10, 2019
    1 reply

    fr, s***'s boring and tiring, just like any other hipster bullshit film by A24 studio

  • Nov 10, 2019

    that ending

  • Nov 10, 2019

    Only thing really scary bout that movie was the girl with the misformed face

    the sound she made was f***ing creepy :

  • Nov 10, 2019
    2 replies

    i thought the first part of the movie was so much more intense than the second half
    once all the ghost s*** starts s***s goes out the window imo and its not scary at all

  • Nov 14, 2019

    might be the funniest

  • Nov 14, 2019

    if you’re scared by Sinister you should probably just stay away from horror movies tbh

  • Nov 14, 2019

    i thought the first part of the movie was so much more intense than the second half
    once all the ghost s*** starts s***s goes out the window imo and its not scary at all

    the film isn’t split into halves, the paranormal s*** doesn’t even actually show itself until at least 2/3 into the movie. but i agree.

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    You're a gimungoid p**** if found this movie scary

  • Nov 14, 2019

    I liked how it built up to the ghost s***

  • Nov 14, 2019

    i thought it was scary for sure

  • Nov 14, 2019

    What’s it about

  • Nov 14, 2019


  • Nov 14, 2019

    Sinister was pretty scary

    His face was scary as heck but besides that it wasn’t too bad. Expected him to be more active in the movie than he actually was.

  • Nov 14, 2019

    Haven’t seen it. Will watch soon

  • Nov 14, 2019

    Its not very scary

  • Nov 14, 2019

    It’s gassed but it’s also a great film....and I’m sure a lot of people telling you it’s trash now also thought it was great before everyone started gassing it.

    Apparently it’s really cool to love new directors when no one else does and then s*** on them when they get popular lmao.

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    fr, s***'s boring and tiring, just like any other hipster bullshit film by A24 studio

    Marvel Stan right here . Sorry not everyone likes amusement park movies we got an attention span longer than 3 seconds
