  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    Marvel Stan right here . Sorry not everyone likes amusement park movies we got an attention span longer than 3 seconds

    Is your b**** ass sure I'm a Marvel stan?

    Marvel makes s*** movies for 12 yo kids, while A24 makes s*** movies for pretentious 14 yo kids. Really, the only difference is that the latter group tends to talk down on the first.

    I bet you also think that Inception and Interstellar are one of the best movies of the 21st century right? get your basic ass outte here

  • Nov 14, 2019

    Is your b**** ass sure I'm a Marvel stan?

    Marvel makes s*** movies for 12 yo kids, while A24 makes s*** movies for pretentious 14 yo kids. Really, the only difference is that the latter group tends to talk down on the first.

    I bet you also think that Inception and Interstellar are one of the best movies of the 21st century right? get your basic ass outte here

    WRONG Chris nolan is the most overrated director of all time and interstellar is fake ‘thought provoking’ ‘deep’ dumpster water.
    I get hating on some of A24’s s***, but saying all of it is trash is just ignorant

  • Nov 14, 2019

    I agree, great movie.

  • Nov 14, 2019

    It's up there for sure

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply


    It was dark and gory but I wouldn’t say scariest of modern time a

    Scariest to this day I would still say is the OG paranormal activity. That movie is evidence that no matter the budget or cast if you have a good idea it will resonate with audiences

    Simple movie with a simple story but that movie haunted America for years

  • Nov 14, 2019

    I don't know about scariest. I don't get scared from movies really. But as far as best horror movie it's probably my favorite one since The Strangers.

  • Nov 14, 2019

    I’ve heard good things about it. Made a thread on the old ktt about scary movies and everyone vouched for it

  • I wouldnt say the scariest but it is easily the best horror film since The Shining

    Aster crafts a good melodrama, and then sprinkles in horrific elements. One of the few genius directors of our time.

  • Nov 16, 2019

    I almost laughed out loud for most of the third act

  • Nov 16, 2019

    It's psychologically disturbing so I don't think it would fit with the typical horror type.

    Same with Midsommar.

    This. It's also frustrating when they get mislabled because people walk in expecting a certain kind of film and end up unnecessarily trashing it when it's not what's been advertised. The best parts about both films are the emotional tension rising while the creepy s*** is escalating in the background. Of course that's not gonna be in your face scary but it's gonna f*** you up on a different level.

    I love and hate how both films made me feel after. I was thinking way more about the characters & emotions over the horror elements.

  • Sep 7, 2020
    1 reply

    only horror film to ever give me chest pains tbh

  • Sep 7, 2020

    definitely the last horror movie that scared me

  • 6isco 🦈
    Sep 7, 2020

    the last 20 mins did have me shook

  • Sep 7, 2020

    Nah, it’s one of the s***tiest though

  • Sep 7, 2020

    only horror film to ever give me chest pains tbh

    Need another horror to give me chest pain

  • Sep 7, 2020
    2 replies

    yes it is imo - there's an uneasiness and unsettling tone throughout the whole film - that s*** aint easy to pull off.

    and the idea of you carrying a curse in your bloodline is scary af

  • Sep 7, 2020
    rise zero

    You're a gimungoid p**** if found this movie scary

  • Sep 7, 2020

    I seriously cannot understand the love for this trash ass movie. It wasn’t scary, it was f***ing goofy lol. The scariest part Was seeing Toni collettes ugly ass face.

    I think everyone was ugly in that movie. Even the lil girl.

    At least Midsommar has Florence Pugh lol.

  • Sep 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Kidnapped (2010)
    The Woman (2011)
    Excision (2012)
    Hatchet III/Evil Dead (2013)
    The Babadook (2014)
    The Devil's Candy (2015)
    Neon Demon (2016)
    mother! (2017)
    The House That Jack Built (2018)
    Midsommar (2019)

    What's scary about Mother! or Midsommar, they just weird.

  • Sep 7, 2020

    Didn't realize this was an old ass thread that got revived.

  • Sep 7, 2020
    2 replies

    edginess in this thread , toni collette should’ve been nominated

  • Sep 7, 2020

    yes it is imo - there's an uneasiness and unsettling tone throughout the whole film - that s*** aint easy to pull off.

    and the idea of you carrying a curse in your bloodline is scary af

    I didnt sleep properly for a couple of days first time I watched yeah, that s*** was scary AF.

    Showed it to my family, and less than half way through they were all bored and decided to quit watching. They were waiting for the 'Shock' moments, and there werent any. lol

  • Sep 7, 2020

    real horror heads know that this is one of the best horror movies of the last 20 years at least

  • Sep 7, 2020

    yes it is imo - there's an uneasiness and unsettling tone throughout the whole film - that s*** aint easy to pull off.

    and the idea of you carrying a curse in your bloodline is scary af


  • Sep 7, 2020

    anyone who thinks good horror equates to good jump scares need to watch more movies

    this s*** creeped me out the same way the shining did
