  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Except Rihanna imo. She can get Em back on top of the charts.

    I don't think so, look at the PND track with rihanna also she didn't write that ltwyl song (the catchy hook that got it onbthe radio) but did contribute by adding clout( being considered a hitmaker) and general interest (the most popular singer who has publicly been through a horrible domestic violence situation made a song with eminem about it!? A lot of thinkpieces came about)

  • Jun 21, 2020
    dat guy

    damn you put in work, thanks a lot

    You're more than welcome

  • Jun 21, 2020

    I think musically part of him gave up/lost it when proof died

    If you compare encore with any album released since it's just different levels

  • Jun 21, 2020

    More so driven by the controversy in life, it was just amplified by d****

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Back when Mark Wahlberg was Marky Mark
    (fuckin' friend)
    This is how we used to make the party start
    We used to mix Hen' with Bacardi Dark
    And when it kicks in you can hardly talk
    And by the sixth gin you're gon' probably crawl
    And you'll be sick then and you'll probably barf
    And my prediction is you're gon' probably fall
    Either somewhere in the lobby or the hallway wall
    And everything's spinning
    You're beginnin' to think women
    Are swimming in pink linen again in the sink
    Then in a couple of minutes
    That bottle of Guinness is finished
    You are now allowed to officially slap b****es
    You have the right to remain violent and start wilin'
    Start a fight with the same guy that was smart-eyein' you
    Get in your car, start it, and start drivin'
    Over the island and cause a 42-car pile-up
    Earth calling, pilot to co-pilot
    Looking for life on this planet, sir, no sign of it
    All I can see is a bunch of smoke flyin'
    And I'm so high that I might die if I go by it
    Let me out of this place
    I'm outta place
    I'm in outer space
    I've just vanished without a trace
    I'm going to a pretty place
    Now where the flowers grow
    I'll be back in an hour or so

    His verses on that track

  • Jun 21, 2020

    Nah its a pretty awful thing to say

  • Jun 21, 2020
    dat guy

    he was on d**** during TES as well

    D**** werent a serious problem with him until 8 mile.
    He's explained this multiple times.
    Its sleeping pills that did him in. He was recording and album and filming 8 mile at the same time and he couldnt sleep. And then it got out of control over the next 3 years

  • Jun 21, 2020

    This entire album was him at his peak d*** addiction. I can’t agree OP

    I will say tho, his flows were a lot less annoying and cringey back then 👀

  • Jun 21, 2020
    2 replies

    His verses on that track

    eminem (white rapper from the mid-west with racist past) shouting out Marky mark (former white rapper from the mid-west with racist past)

  • Jun 21, 2020
    2 replies

    Also the response to relapse hurt his career because he knee jerked into a more pop sound.

    When recovery blew tf up he decided that was the way to go. As much as people here hate it tons of rappers gave him praise for that album.

    That influenced his decision making from there on. Also not working with the bass brothers changed his sound alot.

    Alot of factors had to come apart for Em to start declining.

    Now dude needs to try to satisfy every single section of his huge and varied audience and that literally never works out.

    Em was at his best when he didnt give a f***, literally. When he made music he liked with his longtime production crew he was one of the best to ever live.

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    Also the response to relapse hurt his career because he knee jerked into a more pop sound.

    When recovery blew tf up he decided that was the way to go. As much as people here hate it tons of rappers gave him praise for that album.

    That influenced his decision making from there on. Also not working with the bass brothers changed his sound alot.

    Alot of factors had to come apart for Em to start declining.

    Now dude needs to try to satisfy every single section of his huge and varied audience and that literally never works out.

    Em was at his best when he didnt give a f***, literally. When he made music he liked with his longtime production crew he was one of the best to ever live.

    Eminem has no confidence when it comes to his art. Seems the total opposite of a Kanye west type approach to music.

  • Jun 21, 2020

    And his durag

  • Jun 21, 2020
    Bo Ceephus

    Also the response to relapse hurt his career because he knee jerked into a more pop sound.

    When recovery blew tf up he decided that was the way to go. As much as people here hate it tons of rappers gave him praise for that album.

    That influenced his decision making from there on. Also not working with the bass brothers changed his sound alot.

    Alot of factors had to come apart for Em to start declining.

    Now dude needs to try to satisfy every single section of his huge and varied audience and that literally never works out.

    Em was at his best when he didnt give a f***, literally. When he made music he liked with his longtime production crew he was one of the best to ever live.

    Your post makes too much sense. Get the f*** out of this thread

  • Jun 21, 2020

    eminem (white rapper from the mid-west with racist past) shouting out Marky mark (former white rapper from the mid-west with racist past)

    Damn but to be fair both incidents happened when each artist/actor was a teenager. In the words of MCA from The Beastie Boys: “I’d rather be a hypocrite than the same person forever”

  • Jun 21, 2020
    2 replies

    Eminem has no confidence when it comes to his art. Seems the total opposite of a Kanye west type approach to music.

    Because hes just trying to satisfy everyone by adding every type of sound that he has. He's overthinking it and it always comes out trash. Just let this mf rap over some good alchemist beats or just blaze and not have to think about making it into a song and itll be a good album.

  • Jun 21, 2020
    Bo Ceephus

    Because hes just trying to satisfy everyone by adding every type of sound that he has. He's overthinking it and it always comes out trash. Just let this mf rap over some good alchemist beats or just blaze and not have to think about making it into a song and itll be a good album.

    Great take

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    Because hes just trying to satisfy everyone by adding every type of sound that he has. He's overthinking it and it always comes out trash. Just let this mf rap over some good alchemist beats or just blaze and not have to think about making it into a song and itll be a good album.

    I feel like he's more or less done that on his past two albums, especially the last one... and while I guess they've been improvements to some people, they still aren't special.

  • Jun 21, 2020

    He’s coming back slowly, he still isn’t as good as he was, but there are moments in his past two albums that at least show promise

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply
    dat guy


    amazing song with godlike production

  • Jun 21, 2020
    2 replies

    amazing song with godlike production

    Do you worship the devil?

  • Jun 21, 2020
    madison beer guy

    I feel like he's more or less done that on his past two albums, especially the last one... and while I guess they've been improvements to some people, they still aren't special.

    Ehh. There are some that hes clearly trying to make into songs and not really just go off.

    He makes alot of songs about women now and that stepdad joint was one of the worst things I heard from him. He actually did it better rapping about get raped on relapse than he did on his last album.

    I think when hes just rapping it's really not that bad. Hes never going back to his prime. But its listenable. Then he switches to that "and now this hoes cheating on me" bro. You're 47 Em why we wanna hear about this??

    But when hes just rapping I enjoy it still even if it's still lesser quality than his prime.

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Do you worship the devil?

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    "Godlike production"
    Not my God

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    "Godlike production"
    Not my God

    have you heard the beat?

    those strings

  • Jun 21, 2020

    have you heard the beat?

    those strings

    Early 2010s sound with eminem whisper singing the hook
    Edit: I revisited the song and it's trash because silly me listened to a s***ty version on YouTube
    So i went to eminem yt page and it's not that bad, just his singing vocals are still trash and homeboy talking behind it on the hook makes it worse.