Dogs especially, think about it, dogs have been selectively bred over thousands of years to be as docile as possible, to exist just for humans benefit. Genetic engineering type s***.
You own them, they live exclusively on your property and can't leave, you decide when they can go outside and go to the bathroom, chop off their balls so they can't breed. You have full control and dominance over them.
And whose to say they enjoy it? Just because they get excited when you come home or act friendly? If you were a slave wouldn't you act the same way to your slavemaster so they don't abuse you? And even if they did enjoy it, they've been rewired mentally over thousands of years to be that way, it's not natural, and maybe it's stockholm syndrome. Describe all this stuff and replace the word dog with human and what will it sound like?
Also we never really forced Dogs into domestication . it was a mutual relationship