  • Oct 24, 2023
    1 reply
    · edited

    there is an entire body of work dedicated to the Bible and it’s accuracy dating back to God knows where

    even if some superiors/higher ups changed the Bible at some point of time, it would inevitably be found out because the Bible is always being evaluated and checked to see if it aligns with the original texts and scriptures

    that isn’t even mentioning other Christians around the world that could also check to see they’re doing that s*** correctly

    honestly questioning the Bible’s veracity of all things is a pretty lazy way to try to dunk on the religion, it’s pretty robust all things considered if you ask me

    But there are precedents though like the whole English edition thing back when they left the catholic church not tryna dunk on anything btw I'm genuinely interested

  • Oct 24, 2023
    1 reply

    It's called studying

    Do more

  • Oct 24, 2023
    1 reply

    But there are precedents though like the whole English edition thing back when they left the catholic church not tryna dunk on anything btw I'm genuinely interested

    yeah they pulled from the same source that the other editions did when they set out to write that version

    ”The Textus Receptus constituted the translation-base for the original German Luther Bible, the translation of the New Testament into English by William Tyndale, the King James Version, the Spanish Reina-Valera translation, the Czech Bible of Kralice, the Portuguese Almeida Recebida, the Dutch Statenvertaling and most Reformation-era New Testament translations throughout Western and Central Europe”

    and again, even if these niggas tried to do some sneaky s***, it would be eventually found out due to the other editions that preceded the KJV anyways, and they’d be condemned as heretics or even killed

  • Nessy 🦎
    Oct 24, 2023
    1 reply

    there is an entire body of work dedicated to the Bible and it’s accuracy dating back to God knows where

    even if some superiors/higher ups changed the Bible at some point of time, it would inevitably be found out because the Bible is always being evaluated and checked to see if it aligns with the original texts and scriptures

    that isn’t even mentioning other Christians around the world that could also check to see they’re doing that s*** correctly

    honestly questioning the Bible’s veracity of all things is a pretty lazy way to try to dunk on the religion, it’s pretty robust all things considered if you ask me

    They were the only authority on christianity at the time, who would go after them..?

  • Oct 24, 2023

    yeah they pulled from the same source that the other editions did when they set out to write that version

    ”The Textus Receptus constituted the translation-base for the original German Luther Bible, the translation of the New Testament into English by William Tyndale, the King James Version, the Spanish Reina-Valera translation, the Czech Bible of Kralice, the Portuguese Almeida Recebida, the Dutch Statenvertaling and most Reformation-era New Testament translations throughout Western and Central Europe”

    and again, even if these niggas tried to do some sneaky s***, it would be eventually found out due to the other editions that preceded the KJV anyways, and they’d be condemned as heretics or even killed

    Ive always been fascinated by this topic tbh like the translation of sacred texts and the risk of losing some of thd meaning in the process and all that, really interesting

  • Oct 24, 2023

    They were the only authority on christianity at the time, who would go after them..?

    i guess i just don’t understand what you’re trying to say or the history

    if there are other versions existent of a text and people mess with a text and disseminate it, it’s going to have direct dissonance between every other text that already came out

    the mother church didn’t even necessarily hold a homogenous set of views at that time either, they argued and persecuted their own like other later denominations

  • Oct 24, 2023

    The New Testament is an anti Roman mushroom religion. Many examples of it but to some it all up early Christians would in ingest psychedelic mushrooms and write about their experiences. Christians didn’t want to assimilate into Roman society, so naturally that made them enemies.

    In order to preserve their religion they spoke in code so the Roman’s wouldn’t be able to find them out.

    For example jesus is just an allegory for the seasons.

    The son/sun stall be born, die, reborn, and then give life.

    In winter crops die and the days have a short amount of sunlight. And the rain is replaced with snow and ice. The son/sun is dead

    In spring the crops come back to life. And ice melts and water begins to flow again. More sunshine in spring. The sun/son is back from the dead.

    The summer represents the everlasting life of heaven. The garden of Eden is a plane where crops are plentiful and you never have to worry about food or water. Just like summers. The sun/son is here and things are good.

    In autumn things being to die again. That represent the final days of Christ. The last suppers before winter. The sun/son is going away now.

    Then in winter the son/sun dies.

    Now. The Old Testament and the removed parts of the Bible. Is the word of the god of reincarnation.

    Most of the modern Bible is doctored however. It is used to manipulate primarily women, political leaders, lower socioeconomic people, children, and people with a strong moral code.

  • Oct 24, 2023
    2 replies

    Come on @op don't ruin a good story with the truth; let the legend of fairy tales live on!

    Wait till you learn that 7th century coins in middle east don't make sense at all and confront the Muslim narrative. There is strong evidence that Islam was made up too 😂

  • Oct 24, 2023
    Fur Stake

    Do more

    Fo sho, i never stop. Maybe you should too

  • Oct 24, 2023
    1 reply
    Uncle Jack

    Come on @op don't ruin a good story with the truth; let the legend of fairy tales live on!

    Wait till you learn that 7th century coins in middle east don't make sense at all and confront the Muslim narrative. There is strong evidence that Islam was made up too 😂

    Elaborate on this king… what are the specifics that contradict the traditional narrative? I have encountered this idea before but don’t remember the details

  • Oct 24, 2023

    Super Religious ppl just sound so schitzo to me

  • Oct 24, 2023
    1 reply

    New Testament > Old Testament

  • Oct 24, 2023
  • campspazlo

    Jesus and his family paid taxes to Rome. Jesus advocated paying taxes to Rome. He clashed more with domestic Pharisees and other local tribes more than the Roman imperialists.

    He was the only pacifist in a long line of more radical Messiah claimants, who were more in favor of using force to expel the Romans

    Jesus is just an allegory for kneeling to Rome. Josephus and Titus invented the New Testament together around the time of Titus’ destruction of Jerusalem.

    The New Testament is backdated 40 years prior from that to parallel Titus’ conquest and Jesus’ life that can only be true if

    A) Christian’s are right and Jesus predicted the future

    B) The gospel and New Testament was Roman propaganda invented after the destruction of the second temple.

    Op never read the Bible and knows nothing about history.

    Jesus was literally poor. Catholics were poor and homeless. Jesus was asking for the empire to repay the debts and wipe debt clean.

    If you actually care to know you should read “And Forgive Them Their Debts: Lending, Foreclosure and Redemption from Bronze Age Finance to the Jubilee Year” by Michael Hudson

  • Oct 24, 2023


  • Oct 24, 2023

    Why should I give taxes to some emperor of a slave society

    Me when the IRS comes knocking

  • Oct 24, 2023


  • soapmanwun

    New Testament > Old Testament

    For sure for sure

  • Oct 24, 2023
    1 reply

    Didn't Romans give modern Christians the current interpretation of Jesus' teachings?

    FYI, that man was not saying follow me as in worship me. He was saying follow me like literally follow the path I've gone down and realise your own God nature aswell.

    The roman society would crumble if every person did what Jesus REALLY taught

    how do you advise someone realize their own God nature?

    I'm not asking to take the piss but really wanna know what you feel is a route to that experience in daily life

  • Oct 24, 2023

    kids really dumb as S*** these days

    cant even troll right

    That's what happens when you don't go to school for 2 years and zoom call your teacher.

    I don't think we really realize how dumb the next generation bout to be.

  • Oct 24, 2023
    Uncle Jack

    Come on @op don't ruin a good story with the truth; let the legend of fairy tales live on!

    Wait till you learn that 7th century coins in middle east don't make sense at all and confront the Muslim narrative. There is strong evidence that Islam was made up too 😂

    taking any religion at absolute textual and literal face value is a bad idea

  • Oct 24, 2023
    1 reply

    Didn't Rome quickly fall after converting to Christianity

  • Oct 24, 2023
    AK Fresh

    Didn't Rome quickly fall after converting to Christianity

    No not at all

  • Oct 24, 2023
    1 reply

    there is an entire body of work dedicated to the Bible and it’s accuracy dating back to God knows where

    even if some superiors/higher ups changed the Bible at some point of time, it would inevitably be found out because the Bible is always being evaluated and checked to see if it aligns with the original texts and scriptures

    that isn’t even mentioning other Christians around the world that could also check to see they’re doing that s*** correctly

    honestly questioning the Bible’s veracity of all things is a pretty lazy way to try to dunk on the religion, it’s pretty robust all things considered if you ask me

    No one questioned it because it was Kings & Popes that were the ones spewing the information

    Even if some people knew it was wrong, they weren’t going to openly question it in fear of being executed for heresy

  • Oct 24, 2023
    1 reply

    Elaborate on this king… what are the specifics that contradict the traditional narrative? I have encountered this idea before but don’t remember the details

    This is very informative