Feel like i'm noticing a resurgence of ppl using this word casually again which wasn't a thing from like 2014-2020 time it's kinda jarring not trying to make a case for or against it. But has anyone else noticed this?
like folks that are generally very socially conscious, aware & that type of thing ?
it’s a gamer thing, you wouldn’t get it
not tapped in with the gamer community . i guess this thread is provoked by the trendy hinge hoes i've been talking to as newly single person mainly
i figure joe rogan head ass type dudes never stopped
but honestly, it’s because many people don’t put ableism (and classism, but that’s for another thread) on the same level as racism and homophobia, so you’ll still see its usage among certain groups of people who would be considered SJWs otherwise
Feel like i'm noticing a resurgence of ppl using this word casually again which wasn't a thing from like 2014-2020 time it's kinda jarring not trying to make a case for or against it. But has anyone else noticed this?
like folks that are generally very socially conscious, aware & that type of thing ?
my man it was most definitely a thing in those years you listed lmao
it never left, get off twitter and youll see
dont use twitter, people are socially conscious outside of twitter fam lool
my man it was most definitely a thing in those years you listed lmao
i mean it's like blocked on this very website is it not
Im ngl i be saying this word heavy lmao
It never left my vocab
But im mentally ill so i can say it
Im ngl i be saying this word heavy lmao
It never left my vocab
But im mentally ill so i can say it
maybe it's just the neurodivergent quirked up shorties im talkin to feel like they got a pass