we can only hope after his rant against the jewish people tomorrow that it is indeed the end for ye
i'm sure you have all the answers to create a perfect utopia
Create a utopia? No. Build the framework for us to collectively progress towards one? Yes.
Create a utopia? No. Build the framework for us to collectively progress towards one? Yes.
It would probably be the best thing that ever happened to him if he got deplatformed because he would actually have to focus on other things besides being an edgelord
Still the greatest to ever do it and I’m sure every potential future album would be amazing as well
He’s gotta just stop now though, but he won’t so what I say doesn’t even matter
I'm not sure what the future is for ye.
He won't get forgiveness and he won't get "another chance". He won't make another MBDTF or even another DONDA. He'll surround himself with all the yes men he can off his name alone and from there, I genuinely do not see a way out from him that does not end in rehab or hospitalization; I wouldn't even rule out the possibility of suicide at this point.
I even bought YGEBB thinking he was at least on his Yeezus s*** and trying to build a corporate brand for himself. Now the clothes feel tainted, and I generally feel like it's his last great idea so I'm torn on keeping it. I was really here to the bitter end man.
we can only hope after his rant against the jewish people tomorrow that it is indeed the end for ye
Yep. He can say whatever really but you can’t go against them
he is going to do something very shocking this weekend and make national headlines
What a shocker Ye does a shocker
wow you’re like able to see in the future that’s so rad
People literally died at Travis Scott's concert due to negligence and he's still here.
People literally died at Travis Scott's concert due to negligence and he's still here.
Gucci has put out countless racist pieces and they are still one of the biggest brands in the world, ye is not done cuz of one tee.
Thing is, he’s black
Can only skate by for so long
starting next week he’s slowly gonna be a genius that was playing 6D chess all along again
People literally died at Travis Scott's concert due to negligence and he's still here.
Trav didn't kill those people alone, Live Nation and the underequipped security at the venue also killed those people.
Ye is just doing this himself; this is entirely his fault
People literally died at Travis Scott's concert due to negligence and he's still here.
Did Travis intentionally seek out these deaths? Did he do nothing in the wake of those deaths to make sure such a thing wouldn’t happen again?
Kanye literally is going out and saying these on his own volition
u can b talkin bout somethin completely unrelated and some white man gonna bring up travis scott concert incident
Did Travis intentionally seek out these deaths? Did he do nothing in the wake of those deaths to make sure such a thing wouldn’t happen again?
Kanye literally is going out and saying these on his own volition
Eggsacly. Kanye is my all time favorite artist and one of the greatest artists and minds that we’ve ever witnessed, but that doesn’t mean we should treat him like he’s this infallible deity that’s without flaw, seeing lots of the comments on Tremaine’s ig post about him were passive aggressively racist and came off very Trumpian to me.. kinda scary in a way lmao