How do you guys feel about Qadr what is your take on it
It contradicts the notion of free will and justice.
What about it?
I’ve been thinking about it a lot more and know I’m extremely confused
I'm trying to spread some awareness on the genocide going on in China against the Uighur muslims, but mods moved my thread to politics section. It would be great if you guys signed the petition.
I’ve been thinking about it a lot more and know I’m extremely confused
In what sense?
No? Lol
Can you have free will if everything you do is already predetermined? And if you don't have free will, is it fair to be judged for your actions? I'm not trying to offend anybody, I'm muslim myself, but I've been wresteling with this contradiction since I was a kid.
In what sense?
Do we really even have choice since everything is already known?
Can you have free will if everything you do is already predetermined? And if you don't have free will, is it fair to be judged for your actions? I'm not trying to offend anybody, I'm muslim myself, but I've been wresteling with this contradiction since I was a kid.
I’ve been having these same thoughts
Do we really even have choice since everything is already known?
Answer me this and I am asking @mirza as well.
We all know the attributes of Allah azza waa jaal as outlined in His 99 Names(I suggest you read them here before reading further ) If Allah, na’audhobillah was deficient in any of these attributes, He would negate His Title correct?
So if you fully believe and attribute these titles to Allah azza waa jaal, you also are believing in the fact that Allah azza waa jaal is more than capable of creating a situation where, at the same time, His creation has the ability to make decisions for himself, but all these decisions are known by Him before they are done.
We read it in the Quran al Kareem, say It in supplication, Wa Huwa ‘Ala Kulli Shay’in Qadeer, meaning Allah Has the Ability of All things.
It would be blatant disbelief in saying that free will contradicts the notion of predeterminism, and frankly it is disbelief to generalize Qadr (Divine Decree) in such a way, as Qadr encompasses four parts:
1. Al ilm- The Knowledge of Allah
2. Al Kitabah - The Writings of Allah in al-Lauh al-Mahfoudh (the Preserved Tablet)
3. Mashee’ah of Allah - Allah’s Will
4. Al Khalaq - The Creation of Allah
I suggest you read about these (excluding the thoughts of the deviant sects Qadarites and Jabarites to begin with until you have cemented you belief of Al Qadr) in detail and I can provide some good reads on it if you’d like inshallah.
The disease of shubbuhat (Specious Thought) occurs to the being in the heart when you struggle over that which is unseen and is said to be Unseen and under the control of the Most Exalted, Allah azza waa jaal. It is above our brains to think about how our free will is synonymous with the Will of Allah
Let me know if you’d like more explanation on anything Inshallah
To add and example:
Imagine you are coming to class after preparing for a test the entire week, and as you come in through the door you see the paper on your desk. However, when you sit down you notice the test is already filled out for you. No one has blinked an eye, nor does anyone including the proctor have an answer as to how and why.
Your preparation was your choice, you could’ve spent that time doing whatever you pleased, but you chose to study for your exam.
The test being completed for you is the Unseen, it is the tenets of al- Qadr.
You prepared for the test as you willed, in hopes of the best outcome. This is how you walk among this dunya as well. Synonymously, there is the test of Allah azza waa jaal which is already written, and you cannot fathom it contents nor its reasons.
What is one of the benefits of full trust and belief on Al Qadr?
You are free of influence of the world’s strenuous affairs, whether it be on your mind or own your heart.
Al- Mu’minun are the only people who can say this for a fact, and it is the source of liberation in this dunya.
Religion is s***
Nice way of starting discourse guy.
May Allah guide you or otherwise break your back.
Leaning towards islam might revert one day
dont think i could do it tho
What's stopping you?
my belief in god is shaky
also i feel like i should work on myself before making a big commitment