my belief in god is shaky
also i feel like i should work on myself before making a big commitment
1) What's your background in terms of belief?
2) Doubts are easily cleared through knowledge. Take your time and learn about Islam. If you have questions please ask them.
3) Many non-muslim and non practicing muslims have been in your place, including myself. Where's though we fear what's on the other side of things. I heard someone say "Are you actually fearing what you want in life, heaven that is?". These are doubts the devil whispers to us.
We are sinners and we're never going to be perfect. Islam doesn't require you to make big changes right away. It sometime takes years for someone to change or perhaps not change at all. This religion of ours provides us a framework wherein we could improve ourselves.
Know that if you believe (that God is one and that the prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him is his last messenger) than it's better to accept and die as a muslim with sins than a non-believer. For God is the most merciful.
Religion is a marathon not a sprint.
1) What's your background in terms of belief?
2) Doubts are easily cleared through knowledge. Take your time and learn about Islam. If you have questions please ask them.
3) Many non-muslim and non practicing muslims have been in your place, including myself. Where's though we fear what's on the other side of things. I heard someone say "Are you actually fearing what you want in life, heaven that is?". These are doubts the devil whispers to us.
We are sinners and we're never going to be perfect. Islam doesn't require you to make big changes right away. It sometime takes years for someone to change or perhaps not change at all. This religion of ours provides us a framework wherein we could improve ourselves.
Know that if you believe (that God is one and that the prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him is his last messenger) than it's better to accept and die as a muslim with sins than a non-believer. For God is the most merciful.
Religion is a marathon not a sprint.
I wouldn't say i belong to any faith but i believe in the abrahamic idea of god
i've been reading surah and watching stuff explaining islam i like alot of it but i also have doubts about religion in general like what if god doesn't even care if we worship him and when i have those kind of thoughts i feel bad
I wouldn't say i belong to any faith but i believe in the abrahamic idea of god
i've been reading surah and watching stuff explaining islam i like alot of it but i also have doubts about religion in general like what if god doesn't even care if we worship him and when i have those kind of thoughts i feel bad
Before you ask yourself a question of whether God cares or not, ask yourself what do you get out of practising Islam and why you're doing it. For many Muslims, the idea of hereafter reward becomes secondary, and the true luxury is having an objective, logical and practical belief system that can forever be applied in this world, and through its practise, brings peace to your soul, family and community.
Allah doesn't need us, he is not dependant on us, rather we seek him for guidance and healing. We need his grace and mercy. A mercy that goes far beyond the love a mother can give.
Before you ask yourself a question of whether God cares or not, ask yourself what do you get out of practising Islam and why you're doing it. For many Muslims, the idea of hereafter reward becomes secondary, and the true luxury is having an objective, logical and practical belief system that can forever be applied in this world, and through its practise, brings peace to your soul, family and community.
Allah doesn't need us, he is not dependant on us, rather we seek him for guidance and healing. We need his grace and mercy. A mercy that goes far beyond the love a mother can give.
i mean ultimately thats what i want
but i feel like religion alone cant bring happiness but more of a sense of hope.
And even if there is no god or god is indifferent at least one strived to be great
I wouldn't say i belong to any faith but i believe in the abrahamic idea of god
i've been reading surah and watching stuff explaining islam i like alot of it but i also have doubts about religion in general like what if god doesn't even care if we worship him and when i have those kind of thoughts i feel bad
Nothing wrong with asking yourself these questions. As muslims we do not believe in blind faith, God encourages us to use logic/reason (not the rappers).
From a logical standpoint It's a process of negation. You should ask yourself, do you believe in god? If so, has he tried to communicate with us? Ok, where does he claim that?
This should ultimately lead you to the Qur'an for there's not even one contradiction in it or has been altered with unlike the Bible/Torah.
And if you were to reverse this process, and start directly with the Qur'an than there's plenty of tests and claims within that book that challenges you, why? So that you can come to the conclusion that the author can't be anyone but god. If it's god than whatever he said in there is the ultimate truth.
It all boils down to having read the Qur'an for these doubts that you're having are answered by God directly.
i mean ultimately thats what i want
but i feel like religion alone cant bring happiness but more of a sense of hope.
And even if there is no god or god is indifferent at least one strived to be great
Before we talk of happiness, it's important to understand the purpose of this life that we're living.
Just because you're Muslim does not mean you won't be challenged, in fact, the most important and 'perfect' human was tested more than anyone. A life wth only happiness would defeat the very purpose we're put on this earth. Instead, Muslims embrace hardship, as they have a means to tackle it, through a belief system which promotes sympathy, kindness and peace.
Believing in one God is more logical than not believing in God, let alone multiple Gods. Not believing in God, and therefore a designer of the universe leaves you on the back foot on many things from an intellectual perspective.
Before we talk of happiness, it's important to understand the purpose of this life that we're living.
Just because you're Muslim does not mean you won't be challenged, in fact, the most important and 'perfect' human was tested more than anyone. A life wth only happiness would defeat the very purpose we're put on this earth. Instead, Muslims embrace hardship, as they have a means to tackle it, through a belief system which promotes sympathy, kindness and peace.
I view earth as heaven and hell combined in a way.
Joy and Pain all mixed together
Believing in one God is more logical than not believing in God, let alone multiple Gods. Not believing in God, and therefore a designer of the universe leaves you on the back foot on many things from an intellectual perspective.
I agree especially on the polytheism part.
Like the ancient greeks didn't even think their gods made the universe and all the greek myths were just the "gods" behaving like men
i mean ultimately thats what i want
but i feel like religion alone cant bring happiness but more of a sense of hope.
And even if there is no god or god is indifferent at least one strived to be great
Striving for anything other than god will be rendered null and void. For this opens the door to vanity. What good is there in giving charity if it to boost your own reputation?
I wouldn't say i belong to any faith but i believe in the abrahamic idea of god
i've been reading surah and watching stuff explaining islam i like alot of it but i also have doubts about religion in general like what if god doesn't even care if we worship him and when i have those kind of thoughts i feel bad
One central aspect of Islam is that Allah is never too far from you. There are specific passages that address people who feel like Allah has forsaken them or that they’re too far from him. Allah always accepts the people who accept him with open arms no matter who you are, and he never forgets or stops caring about his creation.
I view earth as heaven and hell combined in a way.
Joy and Pain all mixed together
I’m islam, this world is simply a test, and any hardship you endure is simply a part of that test sent by Allah. Even though I was born a Muslim, I recently went through a tough time in my life and reading quranic quotes taught me to embrace hardship and provided me with a peace of mind that I had never experienced before. Nothing in this world can provide you with peace better than Allah. Ultimately it’s your choice if you want to go on this journey or not, and I trust you’ll make the right choice. Once this quarantine is over, travel to your local Mosque, they will accept you with open arms and answer any questions you have.
Striving for anything other than god will be rendered null and void. For this opens the door to vanity. What good is there in giving charity if it to boost your own reputation?
not what i meant my bad
i was trying to say that even if god isnt real (he probably is real) at least one strived to be great because of faith
I’m islam, this world is simply a test, and any hardship you endure is simply a part of that test sent by Allah. Even though I was born a Muslim, I recently went through a tough time in my life and reading quranic quotes taught me to embrace hardship and provided me with a peace of mind that I had never experienced before. Nothing in this world can provide you with peace better than Allah. Ultimately it’s your choice if you want to go on this journey or not, and I trust you’ll make the right choice. Once this quarantine is over, travel to your local Mosque, they will accept you with open arms and answer any questions you have.
yeah most definitely i was just saying its like a spectrum where earth has aspects of both ends
my belief in god is shaky
also i feel like i should work on myself before making a big commitment
The best way of working on yourself is submission to the creator and opening the doors of guidance that proceed.
Please let me know if you have any questions