  • DarkTechno

    How many of you bois put up a christmas tree, don't lie

    Never in my life

  • Dec 23, 2020

    christmas trees doesnt even seem appealing to me

    imagine missing on this and having a tree instead for a special holiday

  • Dec 23, 2020
    Nine Arts Dragon

    Why we gotta do this, mans just following their dreams, you coulda called them anything else

    ah i wish them success. May god help them achieve clarity. But i can’t help flaming a little

  • Dec 23, 2020
    Cajun Fries

    Let em be. Its mostly losers still promoting their 120-followers business with android pictures at age 37 calling themselves CEO

  • Dec 23, 2020
    1 reply
    Nine Arts Dragon

    A doughnut?


  • Dec 23, 2020
    1 reply


    You’re a very emotional guy, why is this the first thing that came to your mind?

  • Dec 23, 2020
    Cajun Fries

    F***in never

  • Dec 23, 2020

    If you put up christmas decoration but do nothing during Eid i want you to think about that.

  • Dec 23, 2020
    1 reply
    Nine Arts Dragon

    You’re a very emotional guy, why is this the first thing that came to your mind?

    cuz you dont know our culture?

  • Dec 23, 2020
    1 reply

    cuz you dont know our culture?

    Because they don’t know your culture they’re a "cac"? That’s how you can tell someone is a "cac"? Brother you need to stop being hateful.

  • Dec 23, 2020
    1 reply
    Nine Arts Dragon

    Because they don’t know your culture they’re a "cac"? That’s how you can tell someone is a "cac"? Brother you need to stop being hateful.

    ? why tf u itt if u gon disrespect you f***ing weirdo? I called you a c***cuz my black brothers know better than this and you are a whole weirdo no matter your race is

  • Dec 23, 2020
    1 reply

    ? why tf u itt if u gon disrespect you f***ing weirdo? I called you a c***cuz my black brothers know better than this and you are a whole weirdo no matter your race is

    Why are you being so emotional? I asked you if that was a doughnut and that’s enough to make you feel disrespected?

  • Dec 23, 2020
    1 reply
    Nine Arts Dragon

    Why are you being so emotional? I asked you if that was a doughnut and that’s enough to make you feel disrespected?

    ? why are you in this thread in the first place

  • jesuisadorable

    ? why are you in this thread in the first place

    It doesn’t matter

  • Dec 23, 2020
    1 reply

    How many of you bois put up a christmas tree, don't lie

    imagining imitating kuffar

  • Dec 23, 2020

    imagining imitating kuffar

    You'd be surprised to see how many muslims i've seen bring in a tree in their house, decorate it and s*** and share it on social media

  • Dec 24, 2020
    1 reply

    One question that has been on my mind lately is about Jinns. Jinn are beings that were created by God and consist of fire, whereby this is a metaphor for rebellious behavior. (Iblis is accordingly a jinn and not an angel, since angels cannot oppose God).

    Now I have read a hadith according to which jinn can also be counted as bacteria. So bones of dead animals should not be touched and used by humans, as they are food for jinns. Back then, nobody knew for sure what bacteria and viruses were.

    But that turns the first concept upside down or makes it a bit more confusing.

    Is there a more precise definition of jinns?
    And are jinns judged on Judgment Day?

  • Dec 25, 2020

    How many of you bois put up a christmas tree, don't lie

    closest i've ever slipped in that regard was getting one of those red and white hats back in middle school. i got put in my place asap when i got home though

  • Dec 26, 2020
    1 reply
    Majin balotelli

    One question that has been on my mind lately is about Jinns. Jinn are beings that were created by God and consist of fire, whereby this is a metaphor for rebellious behavior. (Iblis is accordingly a jinn and not an angel, since angels cannot oppose God).

    Now I have read a hadith according to which jinn can also be counted as bacteria. So bones of dead animals should not be touched and used by humans, as they are food for jinns. Back then, nobody knew for sure what bacteria and viruses were.

    But that turns the first concept upside down or makes it a bit more confusing.

    Is there a more precise definition of jinns?
    And are jinns judged on Judgment Day?

    Shaytaan is not a jinn, rather he is an angel that fell into kufr after refusing to prostrate Adam alayhi salam ya Allah azza wajaal’s command because of his belief that he, being made of smokeless fire, is better than a man made of clay and useless dirt.

    Jinn on the other hand are found as both Muslim and non muslim. They will
    be accountable on the Day of Judgement, they are male and female jinn, they live and marry and reproduce and follow
    prohibitions and laws of Allah as we do. Overall though they are part of the unseen.

    About the bacteria and all that jargon you said, i have no clue where you got that from.

    I suggest you read chapter 72 of the Qur’an, titled Al-Jinn as Allah speaks of Jinn to the extent He wants the believers to know.

  • Dec 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Shaytaan is not a jinn, rather he is an angel that fell into kufr after refusing to prostrate Adam alayhi salam ya Allah azza wajaal’s command because of his belief that he, being made of smokeless fire, is better than a man made of clay and useless dirt.

    Jinn on the other hand are found as both Muslim and non muslim. They will
    be accountable on the Day of Judgement, they are male and female jinn, they live and marry and reproduce and follow
    prohibitions and laws of Allah as we do. Overall though they are part of the unseen.

    About the bacteria and all that jargon you said, i have no clue where you got that from.

    I suggest you read chapter 72 of the Qur’an, titled Al-Jinn as Allah speaks of Jinn to the extent He wants the believers to know.

    It was reported that bones are food for the jinn. Among the Ahaadeeth that are reported in this regard is the Hadeeth reported by Muslim that the jinn asked the Prophet sallallaahualayhi wa sallam for food and the Prophet replied “You will have every bone on which the name of Allaah has been mentioned; when it falls into your hands, it will be covered with flesh. And the dung is fodder for your animals.” Then the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) said (to his Companions): “Do not use them (bones and dung) to clean yourselves after relieving yourselves, for they are the food of your brothers (jinn).” Muslim

    Shaytaan cant be an (fallen) angel because angels dont have the free will to rebell againt Allah.

  • Dec 26, 2020
    Super Balotelli
    · edited

    It was reported that bones are food for the jinn. Among the Ahaadeeth that are reported in this regard is the Hadeeth reported by Muslim that the jinn asked the Prophet sallallaahualayhi wa sallam for food and the Prophet replied “You will have every bone on which the name of Allaah has been mentioned; when it falls into your hands, it will be covered with flesh. And the dung is fodder for your animals.” Then the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) said (to his Companions): “Do not use them (bones and dung) to clean yourselves after relieving yourselves, for they are the food of your brothers (jinn).” Muslim

    Shaytaan cant be an (fallen) angel because angels dont have the free will to rebell againt Allah.

    al-Kahf 18:50

    (Recall) when We said to the angels, “Prostrate yourselves before ’Ādam.” So, they prostrated themselves, all of them but Iblīs (Satan). He was of the Jinn, so he rebelled against the command of your Lord.

    So i always assumed he was of the Jinn

  • Jan 21, 2021
    1 reply

    Anybody know of some Muslim forums to discuss Islam besides KTT and Reddit?

  • Jan 26, 2021
    1 reply

    Anybody know of some Muslim forums to discuss Islam besides KTT and Reddit?

    Peace be to all. I wanted to ask, why Judaism is incorrect is Islam’s viewpoint? I know the view of Christianity, but curious to know about why Judaism isn’t “complete”.

  • Jan 26, 2021

    Peace be to all. I wanted to ask, why Judaism is incorrect is Islam’s viewpoint? I know the view of Christianity, but curious to know about why Judaism isn’t “complete”.

    They rejected the prophets sent after Musa by Allah SWT, and viewed themselves as a “chosen” people. The Torah was also manipulated by humans

  • Jan 28, 2021
    2 replies

    What are your opinions on Islamic Socialism? (Not communism, Marx a stinky atheist)
