  • Jan 28, 2021

    What are your opinions on Islamic Socialism? (Not communism, Marx a stinky atheist)

    I live in Canada, and I feel like it’s the closest thing to socialist democracy in the world.

    Is socialist democracy the same type of gov that the Prophet Muhammad PBUH would want?

  • Jan 28, 2021
    2 replies

    What are your opinions on Islamic Socialism? (Not communism, Marx a stinky atheist)

    no such thing. Socialism is a kufr system that has nothing to do with Islam.

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply

    no such thing. Socialism is a kufr system that has nothing to do with Islam.

    I’m talking like Gadafhi system lmao

  • Jan 28, 2021
    2 replies

    no such thing. Socialism is a kufr system that has nothing to do with Islam.

    Then what government would the prophets favour?

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply

    I’m talking like Gadafhi system lmao

    Gadafhi was a kafir.

  • Jan 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Then what government would the prophets favour?

    Islamic economic principles basically align with a controlled free market aka a directed economy

  • Jan 29, 2021

    Islamic economic principles basically align with a controlled free market aka a directed economy

    Ah so not exactly capitalism or socialism, I get it.

  • Jan 29, 2021
    2 replies

    Gadafhi was a kafir.

    he wasnt even as evil as the western media portrayed him. We saw what happened after they killed him

  • Jan 29, 2021
    1 reply

    he wasnt even as evil as the western media portrayed him. We saw what happened after they killed him

    Yes but I think he said that because of his lavish lifestyle probably, even if he was a kafir, I don’t think he deserves to die at the hands of power hungry Americans lmao

  • Jan 29, 2021
    1 reply

    didnt ghadafi kinda rape like 1000 women. dont know if this was true or just western media lies

  • Jan 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Yes but I think he said that because of his lavish lifestyle probably, even if he was a kafir, I don’t think he deserves to die at the hands of power hungry Americans lmao

    I personally dont think its on anybody to decide who is a muslim and who is not . Thats totally between the person and Allah. Faith is not always something visibleand everybody doesnt feel like being really religious. It doesnt make them kafirs

  • Jan 29, 2021

    I personally dont think its on anybody to decide who is a muslim and who is not . Thats totally between the person and Allah. Faith is not always something visibleand everybody doesnt feel like being really religious. It doesnt make them kafirs

    Yeah I think Travis is probably a Salafi which I am not so I won’t say whether he is or not an Apostate, maybe he’s just a very bad Muslim

  • Jan 29, 2021
    Super Mario

    didnt ghadafi kinda rape like 1000 women. dont know if this was true or just western media lies

    I wouldn’t trust it if it came from Americans

  • Jan 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Iman Tahawi said “A servant is not considered to have left his faith except by denying that which originally caused him to enter into it,” i.e., except by denying one’s very belief in the central tenets of Islamic faith, such as Allah and His attributes (His oneness, omnipotence, omniscience, etc.), His books, His angels, His prophets and messengers, the Last Day, or the Sacred Law”

  • Jan 29, 2021
    1 reply

    he wasnt even as evil as the western media portrayed him. We saw what happened after they killed him

    i couldnt give less of a crap about what the west said about him. he was a Quranist

  • Jan 29, 2021
    4 replies

    It's sad that the richest region on the planet is so divided.

    Since the discovery of oil no government in the region was selected by the people. All were put in place by western secret agencies orchestrated coupes and fake revolutions.

    The reason is simple; middle east is rich beyond measure and is able to rattle the status quo.

    They want us divided! That is why people like travis bickle are in charge in the region; to spread this tribal mentality. Pointing finger at different sects and beliefs and call each other infidels. This guy is a quranist, those people are sunnis, the shias are kafir and sufis whirl around too much...

    Middle easterners need to put religion on the backburner for a minute and unite for sake of the future of children and the ecosystem, or else in 20 years there will be nothing left.

  • Jan 30, 2021
    Frankito Reynolds
    · edited

    It's sad that the richest region on the planet is so divided.

    Since the discovery of oil no government in the region was selected by the people. All were put in place by western secret agencies orchestrated coupes and fake revolutions.

    The reason is simple; middle east is rich beyond measure and is able to rattle the status quo.

    They want us divided! That is why people like travis bickle are in charge in the region; to spread this tribal mentality. Pointing finger at different sects and beliefs and call each other infidels. This guy is a quranist, those people are sunnis, the shias are kafir and sufis whirl around too much...

    Middle easterners need to put religion on the backburner for a minute and unite for sake of the future of children and the ecosystem, or else in 20 years there will be nothing left.

    Talk that talk brother

  • Jan 30, 2021
    Frankito Reynolds
    · edited

    It's sad that the richest region on the planet is so divided.

    Since the discovery of oil no government in the region was selected by the people. All were put in place by western secret agencies orchestrated coupes and fake revolutions.

    The reason is simple; middle east is rich beyond measure and is able to rattle the status quo.

    They want us divided! That is why people like travis bickle are in charge in the region; to spread this tribal mentality. Pointing finger at different sects and beliefs and call each other infidels. This guy is a quranist, those people are sunnis, the shias are kafir and sufis whirl around too much...

    Middle easterners need to put religion on the backburner for a minute and unite for sake of the future of children and the ecosystem, or else in 20 years there will be nothing left.

  • Jan 30, 2021
    1 reply
    Frankito Reynolds

    It's sad that the richest region on the planet is so divided.

    Since the discovery of oil no government in the region was selected by the people. All were put in place by western secret agencies orchestrated coupes and fake revolutions.

    The reason is simple; middle east is rich beyond measure and is able to rattle the status quo.

    They want us divided! That is why people like travis bickle are in charge in the region; to spread this tribal mentality. Pointing finger at different sects and beliefs and call each other infidels. This guy is a quranist, those people are sunnis, the shias are kafir and sufis whirl around too much...

    Middle easterners need to put religion on the backburner for a minute and unite for sake of the future of children and the ecosystem, or else in 20 years there will be nothing left.

    We absolutely should not put religion on a backburner and we should always acknowledge our differences, but I agree mostly with your statement, we must be pragmatic with ourselves so we can united against our true enemies, the Western World. Iran vs Saudi Arabia is pure bs and they should focus on pushing back on the West instead of fighting each other, when we are victorious then we can worry about who are true Muslims.

  • BadKarma

    We absolutely should not put religion on a backburner and we should always acknowledge our differences, but I agree mostly with your statement, we must be pragmatic with ourselves so we can united against our true enemies, the Western World. Iran vs Saudi Arabia is pure bs and they should focus on pushing back on the West instead of fighting each other, when we are victorious then we can worry about who are true Muslims.

    I did not say give it up forever, I said put it on the backburner for a minute, take a step back and look, learn to accept our differences and stop allowing people in charge to use our spiritual beliefs to influence our actions in order to divide us ... because those leaders are the western agents and what they practice is not real islam.

  • Feb 1, 2021
    Frankito Reynolds

    It's sad that the richest region on the planet is so divided.

    Since the discovery of oil no government in the region was selected by the people. All were put in place by western secret agencies orchestrated coupes and fake revolutions.

    The reason is simple; middle east is rich beyond measure and is able to rattle the status quo.

    They want us divided! That is why people like travis bickle are in charge in the region; to spread this tribal mentality. Pointing finger at different sects and beliefs and call each other infidels. This guy is a quranist, those people are sunnis, the shias are kafir and sufis whirl around too much...

    Middle easterners need to put religion on the backburner for a minute and unite for sake of the future of children and the ecosystem, or else in 20 years there will be nothing left.

    has nothing to do with money

    has nothing to do with class

    has nothing to do with race or ethnicity

    there’s a correct ‘Aqeedah and the rest faulted for their deviancy.

    Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Islam began as a something strange and it will return to being strange, so blessed are the strangers.”

  • Feb 1, 2021
    1 reply

    if you really think Islam will die out because of the creation you need to take a step back and learn your beliefs

  • Feb 1, 2021
    1 reply

    if you really think Islam will die out because of the creation you need to take a step back and learn your beliefs

    I just find it funny how ur posting some rather extremist views on a kanye west forum and telling people how to interpret the book of god here when if u really do hold those beliefs you would distance urself from munafiqeen no ?

  • Feb 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Yet the man is posting threads on his Rick Owen orders 🤦‍♂️ I think ur priorities are f***ed up buddy, either that or ur trolling
