I’m so happy I don’t drink coffee daily anymore. The withdrawals woulda have been killing me this year
Ramadan mubarak, hope it goes well for you.
Been listening to Al Zain Quran Radio today, it's on the Radio Garden app in Khartoum. Mashallah beautiful recitation with an uplifting cadence. I wonder who it was.
Have nice memories of previous Ramadans itt, your support and encouragement is always good to have.
Zizzi Ramadhan Mubarak
Copped me a Qur'an the other week, still reading the intro, trying to take notes to make sure I understand it.
Idk, I've been feeling sorta lost recently and then, idk I've been drawn to Islam since I was 18 but never took my first step because I thought I was a Christian, though idk I'm certainly more interested in learning more about the history/background of Islam way more than Christianity (esp since my grandad was a Muslim even though he lived that haram life, still looked up to him). Wish me luck on my spiritual journey, wherever it may take me :)
Copped me a Qur'an the other week, still reading the intro, trying to take notes to make sure I understand it.
Idk, I've been feeling sorta lost recently and then, idk I've been drawn to Islam since I was 18 but never took my first step because I thought I was a Christian, though idk I'm certainly more interested in learning more about the history/background of Islam way more than Christianity (esp since my grandad was a Muslim even though he lived that haram life, still looked up to him). Wish me luck on my spiritual journey, wherever it may take me :)
Welcome brother
I suggest you watch these videos as you are from a Christian background and it gives you a better idea of why we follow Islam. Islam's message has always been there from the get go. I hope this helps
Zakir Naik is another person I'd recommend. He has many people of all backgrounds and religions ask questions on stage. It may give you answers or questions you may have.
In regards to studying, I'm glad you are being active. We have Tafseer which provide explanations behind the verses
I'd recommend watching Mufti Menk. All his videos are amazing in regards to everyday knowledge. Just search his name on youtube to find his channel. Here is the video for the first surah in the Qur'an
Copped me a Qur'an the other week, still reading the intro, trying to take notes to make sure I understand it.
Idk, I've been feeling sorta lost recently and then, idk I've been drawn to Islam since I was 18 but never took my first step because I thought I was a Christian, though idk I'm certainly more interested in learning more about the history/background of Islam way more than Christianity (esp since my grandad was a Muslim even though he lived that haram life, still looked up to him). Wish me luck on my spiritual journey, wherever it may take me :)
To inform yourself on the life of the prophet, I’d heavily recommend watching this doc in parts (watch it 30 mins at a time, while you’re just chilling, eating, etc). It’s near 3 hours lol, that’s why
i dreamt of smoking weed last night
Hold it out brother, keep strong and read more Quran
Copped me a Qur'an the other week, still reading the intro, trying to take notes to make sure I understand it.
Idk, I've been feeling sorta lost recently and then, idk I've been drawn to Islam since I was 18 but never took my first step because I thought I was a Christian, though idk I'm certainly more interested in learning more about the history/background of Islam way more than Christianity (esp since my grandad was a Muslim even though he lived that haram life, still looked up to him). Wish me luck on my spiritual journey, wherever it may take me :)
If you want to know the main difference between Christianity and Islam here is a fact, the Bible has been changed hundreds of times over the years (even Christians admit this) while the Qur’an has never been changed (even admitted by Atheist Scientists)
Anyone got any good lectures, articles, books, anything to watch or read? Feel like I'm losing my way man.. Fasting is easy but I'm struggling with prayers and keep missing them even tho I don't intend to idk how to explain it. My connection to the deen isn't as strong as it used to be and I really want to restore it this ramadan
Are Shias Muslim? Who do they consider the last prophet to be? Do they respect Prophet Muhammad PBUH? Do they also read the Quran?
Are Shias Muslim? Who do they consider the last prophet to be? Do they respect Prophet Muhammad PBUH? Do they also read the Quran?
Most of the scholars classed them as deviants/apostates. especially those cursing the sahaba and the wives of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. But 'some' go one step further and take Ali as someone who received revelation after the Prophet. Even added his name in the kalimah.
But they do read the same Qur'an.
Only missed 2 days so far cos of the vaccine and I was feeling very weak, hopefully I don’t miss any more, except when I go for my 2nd dose
Anyone got any good lectures, articles, books, anything to watch or read? Feel like I'm losing my way man.. Fasting is easy but I'm struggling with prayers and keep missing them even tho I don't intend to idk how to explain it. My connection to the deen isn't as strong as it used to be and I really want to restore it this ramadan
Whenever I feel down, I always read the best source. The Quran. Use an english translation if you want and just read it.
Anyone got any good lectures, articles, books, anything to watch or read? Feel like I'm losing my way man.. Fasting is easy but I'm struggling with prayers and keep missing them even tho I don't intend to idk how to explain it. My connection to the deen isn't as strong as it used to be and I really want to restore it this ramadan
Everything starts with dhikr.
Also read:
Purification of the soul by Hamza Yusuf or
The beginning of guidance by Imam Al Ghazali
Copped me a Qur'an the other week, still reading the intro, trying to take notes to make sure I understand it.
Idk, I've been feeling sorta lost recently and then, idk I've been drawn to Islam since I was 18 but never took my first step because I thought I was a Christian, though idk I'm certainly more interested in learning more about the history/background of Islam way more than Christianity (esp since my grandad was a Muslim even though he lived that haram life, still looked up to him). Wish me luck on my spiritual journey, wherever it may take me :)
Always read the Quran with your soul. There is nothing like it.