  • Apr 27, 2021
    2 replies

    Saw some false information in another thread so I decided to debunk it. The issue here is that of the verse “He is created from a water gushing forth, Proceeding from between the back-bone and the ribs“ so basically around your spinal area. At face value it seems like they’re implying that semen and the testes comes from that area. A Christian said that this is against science (very ironic). Well according to the National Institute of Health “ The testes are formed in the abdominal cavity and descend into the scrotum during the seventh month of gestation, when they are stimulated by androgens.” Exactly where the Quran says it is from.

  • Apr 27, 2021

    @thankmelater @alphabear I think it was you discussing it

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Apr 27, 2021
    1 reply

    Saw some false information in another thread so I decided to debunk it. The issue here is that of the verse “He is created from a water gushing forth, Proceeding from between the back-bone and the ribs“ so basically around your spinal area. At face value it seems like they’re implying that semen and the testes comes from that area. A Christian said that this is against science (very ironic). Well according to the National Institute of Health “ The testes are formed in the abdominal cavity and descend into the scrotum during the seventh month of gestation, when they are stimulated by androgens.” Exactly where the Quran says it is from.

    Thank you fam. I was just thinking about what he was saying and thinking damn theres actually a flaw in the Quran? Appreciate it

  • Apr 27, 2021
    2 replies

    Thank you fam. I was just thinking about what he was saying and thinking damn theres actually a flaw in the Quran? Appreciate it

    The Mighty Quran has no flaws, their books do...

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Apr 27, 2021

    The Mighty Quran has no flaws, their books do...

  • Apr 29, 2021

    Month is going by too fast...

  • Apr 29, 2021

    The Mighty Quran has no flaws, their books do...

    Besides all of the obvious things the scientific parts that are explained in the Quran centuries before science caught up to them is what makes it so obvious to me Islam is the one true religion.

  • May 2, 2021

  • May 2, 2021

    Last 10 days of Ramadan

  • May 2, 2021

    Don’t be doing anything haram especially in these last 10 days

  • May 2, 2021

    Working out while fasting a drag

    Cant do no abdomen sets or imma fold like a lawn chair

  • May 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Saw some false information in another thread so I decided to debunk it. The issue here is that of the verse “He is created from a water gushing forth, Proceeding from between the back-bone and the ribs“ so basically around your spinal area. At face value it seems like they’re implying that semen and the testes comes from that area. A Christian said that this is against science (very ironic). Well according to the National Institute of Health “ The testes are formed in the abdominal cavity and descend into the scrotum during the seventh month of gestation, when they are stimulated by androgens.” Exactly where the Quran says it is from.

    Talk to em saxiib

  • May 2, 2021

    Talk to em saxiib

    Got to tell them the truth waalaalo

  • May 2, 2021

    Had to curve a girl cause of fasting, not on that temptation s***

  • May 7, 2021
    2 replies

    i'm not going to go into specifics but i've been having trouble in keeping up my obligations as a muslim. i finally decided i had enough earlier this week and took all the necessary steps to repent, and for the first time in a long time i have kept up my duties. i asked Allah for a sign that i was doing right by Him, something positive, and literally an hour later i discovered that all the classes i need to graduate university are available next semester meaning i can graduate one semester earlier than anticipated. i almost cried wAllahi.

    right now i feel strong but i am very scared of relapsing into my old ways. please make dua for me so that i can keep what i got going.

  • May 7, 2021

    i'm not going to go into specifics but i've been having trouble in keeping up my obligations as a muslim. i finally decided i had enough earlier this week and took all the necessary steps to repent, and for the first time in a long time i have kept up my duties. i asked Allah for a sign that i was doing right by Him, something positive, and literally an hour later i discovered that all the classes i need to graduate university are available next semester meaning i can graduate one semester earlier than anticipated. i almost cried wAllahi.

    right now i feel strong but i am very scared of relapsing into my old ways. please make dua for me so that i can keep what i got going.

    Inshallah brother you keep your faith, keep up with your prayers and try not to fall into your bad ways, Allah is always forgiving no matter how much bad you have done if you repent.

    “Your Lord did not abandon you, nor did He forget.“

  • May 7, 2021

    i'm not going to go into specifics but i've been having trouble in keeping up my obligations as a muslim. i finally decided i had enough earlier this week and took all the necessary steps to repent, and for the first time in a long time i have kept up my duties. i asked Allah for a sign that i was doing right by Him, something positive, and literally an hour later i discovered that all the classes i need to graduate university are available next semester meaning i can graduate one semester earlier than anticipated. i almost cried wAllahi.

    right now i feel strong but i am very scared of relapsing into my old ways. please make dua for me so that i can keep what i got going.

    Allah is always there for you. No matter how far away you go you can always come back

    And he will show you his love in different ways


  • May 7, 2021
    1 reply

    The more I think about it the more certain religious things really add value to ur day to day tbh

    Like praying 5x is only conducive if u havd a routine & doing it in the morning esp gets your productivity going. Sorta like the JP “make ur bed thing”. The discipline from it really helps with other small things like getting off your bed & brushing your teeth before sleep. Good s*** tbh

  • May 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Way I see it only problem with Islam are the Muslims themselves (esp Arabs)

  • May 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Way I see it only problem with Islam are the Muslims themselves (esp Arabs)

    Definitely. People don't realize the differences between culture and religion.

  • May 7, 2021

    Definitely. People don't realize the differences between culture and religion.

    Yup. Issue with us is that we’re still very much socio-culturally tribal + collectivist in the middle of a progressively westernizing individualistic world. The more collectivist u get the more you take on the burden of repping the collective identity. This can be good or bad depending on the situation imo.

    The bad part is that u feel obliged to shove your opinion down other ppls throats & judge & condemn cause u have this deep-rooted drive to protect things that embody the spirit of social solidarity. Religion bring one major thing. Honestly with the Internet n s*** I feel ppl should self-learn religion at this point with as minimal face-to-face discussion as possible

  • How is Ramadan going for everyone?

  • Can't believe it's nearly over
