  • Nov 18, 2021
    1 reply

    My God, ⁣You took everything I loved from me. Whenever my heart got attached to something, you broke my heart. You wiped away everything I loved. Whenever my heart dwelt for something you made it worry.Whenever my heart settled in a place, you displaced it. So that I do not love other than you, so that I not worship but you, nor rest and assure anyone but you, to ask you alone, to pray to you alone, to trust you alone, to search for you only, and to worship you alone.⁣
    ⁣My God, thank you for these blessings.

    • Martyr Mustafa Chamran
  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    My God, ⁣You took everything I loved from me. Whenever my heart got attached to something, you broke my heart. You wiped away everything I loved. Whenever my heart dwelt for something you made it worry.Whenever my heart settled in a place, you displaced it. So that I do not love other than you, so that I not worship but you, nor rest and assure anyone but you, to ask you alone, to pray to you alone, to trust you alone, to search for you only, and to worship you alone.⁣
    ⁣My God, thank you for these blessings.

    • Martyr Mustafa Chamran

    Chamran got "Martyrd" for criticizing Khomeini.

    Couple weeks before his death he'd sent Khomeini a letter criticizing him for his relationship with Gaddafi and blamed Libya for Imam Musa Sadr disappearance.

  • Nov 22, 2021
    1 reply
    Frankito Reynolds

    Chamran got "Martyrd" for criticizing Khomeini.

    Couple weeks before his death he'd sent Khomeini a letter criticizing him for his relationship with Gaddafi and blamed Libya for Imam Musa Sadr disappearance.

    What does that have to do with the quote. You’re not Muslim and base your entire personality off hating Iran and Islam. You’re annoying.

  • Nov 22, 2021
    3 replies

    What does that have to do with the quote. You’re not Muslim and base your entire personality off hating Iran and Islam. You’re annoying.

    Thought you should mnow this fact because you seem pretty ignorant

    I love Iran. You hate Iran because you support Hizbullah

  • bejewelry 🩸
    Nov 22, 2021
    1 reply
    Frankito Reynolds

    Thought you should mnow this fact because you seem pretty ignorant

    I love Iran. You hate Iran because you support Hizbullah

    U an ex muslim?

  • same 2 ex muslims still it

  • bejewelry

    U an ex muslim?

    No, I wasnt raised with a particular religion.

  • Nov 23, 2021
    1 reply
    Frankito Reynolds

    Thought you should mnow this fact because you seem pretty ignorant

    I love Iran. You hate Iran because you support Hizbullah

    He died on a battlefield in one of the most brutal wars mankind is witnessed. Just because you make something up randomly doesn’t make it true. You get caught lying and spreading lies, disinformation and baseless rumors constantly on this website and for what? If you’re against the Iranian government that’s cool but going on your rants every time Iran is even remotely mentioned just makes you look foolish.

  • Nov 23, 2021
    1 reply

    He died on a battlefield in one of the most brutal wars mankind is witnessed. Just because you make something up randomly doesn’t make it true. You get caught lying and spreading lies, disinformation and baseless rumors constantly on this website and for what? If you’re against the Iranian government that’s cool but going on your rants every time Iran is even remotely mentioned just makes you look foolish.

    That's why I put martyrd in " "

    His death was reported as suspicious and the details werent disclosed. You are free to look that up. His letter to Khomeini exists. You are free to look that up also. He was very close to Imam Musa Sadr and despised Gadaffi.

    You know nothing about Iran or its history. You blindly follow the brand of a stupid idealogy.

    Iran's regimme has a mafia esque structure. Officials get Epsteined all the time. Not too long ago the veteran politician Rafsanjani was found face downd butt naked in his swimming pool. Just a few months ago an Iranian Mullah judge got suicided in a hotel via free fall in Romania.

  • Nov 23, 2021
    2 replies
    Frankito Reynolds

    That's why I put martyrd in " "

    His death was reported as suspicious and the details werent disclosed. You are free to look that up. His letter to Khomeini exists. You are free to look that up also. He was very close to Imam Musa Sadr and despised Gadaffi.

    You know nothing about Iran or its history. You blindly follow the brand of a stupid idealogy.

    Iran's regimme has a mafia esque structure. Officials get Epsteined all the time. Not too long ago the veteran politician Rafsanjani was found face downd butt naked in his swimming pool. Just a few months ago an Iranian Mullah judge got suicided in a hotel via free fall in Romania.

    Rafsanjani died in a hospital this is easily accessible information idk why you’re lying dude. Secondly I looked for this alleged letter that he sent to Khomeini and nothing came up. If said letter actually exists then please send it my way, if you can’t provide it then that shows that you are lying yet again. I don’t know why you feel like you have to argue with me everywhere you go man.

  • Nov 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Rafsanjani died in a hospital this is easily accessible information idk why you’re lying dude. Secondly I looked for this alleged letter that he sent to Khomeini and nothing came up. If said letter actually exists then please send it my way, if you can’t provide it then that shows that you are lying yet again. I don’t know why you feel like you have to argue with me everywhere you go man.

    You believe anything Hassani Nasrallah tells you ay

    Rafsanjani body was found in a pool. Confirmed by family members.

    For the Chamran letter you gotta use the google website translate option. It is a very useful tool.

  • Nov 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Rafsanjani died in a hospital this is easily accessible information idk why you’re lying dude. Secondly I looked for this alleged letter that he sent to Khomeini and nothing came up. If said letter actually exists then please send it my way, if you can’t provide it then that shows that you are lying yet again. I don’t know why you feel like you have to argue with me everywhere you go man.

    I argue with you because you are a Hizbullahi

    Since you are from Libya and like Gadaffi I thought it was necessary for you to know what the guy you quoted thought of him.

    Chamran was a legit talented guy.
    Many legit guys wanted that stupid war to end. Saddam started it (planned by CIA) but Khomeini made it go for f***ing 8 years because he didnt want a ceasefire early (another fact that supports he was a puppet).

  • Nov 23, 2021
    Frankito Reynolds

    I argue with you because you are a Hizbullahi

    Since you are from Libya and like Gadaffi I thought it was necessary for you to know what the guy you quoted thought of him.

    Chamran was a legit talented guy.
    Many legit guys wanted that stupid war to end. Saddam started it (planned by CIA) but Khomeini made it go for f***ing 8 years because he didnt want a ceasefire early (another fact that supports he was a puppet).

    What does me being Libyan and being supportive of my nations old government have to do with a quote about Allah (SWT) that I found Ming relatable? These two men having a issue with each other or a Iranian political leader potentially being assassinated has nothing to do with this thread or the quote I shared. Literally everyone on ktt who comes across you finds you annoying and delusional. Leave me alone.

  • Nov 23, 2021
    1 reply
    Frankito Reynolds

    You believe anything Hassani Nasrallah tells you ay

    Rafsanjani body was found in a pool. Confirmed by family members.

    For the Chamran letter you gotta use the google website translate option. It is a very useful tool.

    How do I even know this letter is authentic? Your source is literally some random website that’s filled with viruses and pop ups lmao.

  • Fargo

    How do I even know this letter is authentic? Your source is literally some random website that’s filled with viruses and pop ups lmao.

    Try Shia-news website


    I guess you can hire a hand writing expert if you dont believe the letter was hand written by Chamran.

  • Nov 30, 2021

    Have a spirit of learning and an interest in increasing your knowledge and wisdom in all stages of your life and in all conditions. Reflect on your deeds and traits and their effects, and ponder the incidents that happen around you and their results, so that you become more knowledgeable and experienced every day, for there is a lesson and guidance in every act or incident, and there is a message and meaning in every happening. Every occurrence reveals courses and phenomena, and represents examples and lessons to those who pore over it. Therefore, never neglect supplying yourself with more knowledge and experience until the last day of your life. The more knowledgeable a person is, the more trials and errors he will avoid. God, the Glorified, says, “And he who is given wisdom, is certainly given an abundant good” (2:269), and He says to His Prophet, may God’s blessings be upon him and his progeny, “And say, ‘My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.’” (20:114)⁣

    • Seyid Ali Al-Sistani
  • Nov 30, 2021
    1 reply

    This is something Ive noticed from nowadays muslims

    Allah: Help the poor

    Muslims when they see a poor man: May Allah help him

  • Dec 1, 2021
    1 reply
    What Zit Tooya

    This is something Ive noticed from nowadays muslims

    Allah: Help the poor

    Muslims when they see a poor man: May Allah help him

    Muslims these days: alhamdulillah one day I do halal one day I do haram.
    At the end of the road allah will tally my deeds and grant me janna

  • Dec 1, 2021
    1 reply
    Frankito Reynolds

    Muslims these days: alhamdulillah one day I do halal one day I do haram.
    At the end of the road allah will tally my deeds and grant me janna

    Tbh muslims are lost

  • Dec 1, 2021

    Is the Euphrates River drying up a big deal?

    Turkey is damming it’s source for hydro power, it will happen very soon

  • Dec 1, 2021
    1 reply
    What Zit Tooya

    Tbh muslims are lost

    he isn't muslim he's a weird troll. don't interact with him.

  • Dec 1, 2021
    1 reply

    he isn't muslim he's a weird troll. don't interact with him.

    Still doesn't deny what I said, wether he's muslim or not, the point is that muslims put everything on allah, waiting for him to land on earth and fix all their problems

  • Dec 1, 2021
    What Zit Tooya

    Still doesn't deny what I said, wether he's muslim or not, the point is that muslims put everything on allah, waiting for him to land on earth and fix all their problems

    oh yea I definitely agree. dua'a means nothing within without good actions and deeds. I know brothers with all the latest clothes and shoes but do little to nothing to help those who don't have things at all. I was just saying in general don't interact with him its not worth it.

  • Dec 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Bruh I know this ethiopian girl who wears the hijab for the twitter clout but a week after doing it she's twerking on tiktok and back to the ''body'' pants and pieces and she was repping islam for like a week on twitter then she got tired of it and said ''yep back to the hoery''

  • Dec 2, 2021

    Do you guys find it hard to maintain your core principles as this world turns?

    Also what do you guys think of the Abrahamic House?
