  • bejewelry 🩸
    Apr 3, 2022
    1 reply
    best poster

    not trying to lay down with the post sehri tummy

    I cant fall asleep

  • bejewelry

    I cant fall asleep

    had the same issue today

    lets hope i get some sleep tonight need to be up @ 9am for work
    yesterday only slept from 1:30 to 4:30 then fell asleep around 8 after suhoor

  • Apr 3, 2022
    2 replies

    I'm not really sure. I think a friend started reading the Quran so I started reading it too because we'll sometimes talk about religion and other philosophy topics.

    Since then I've been reading it, watching dawah videos, reading other sources, etc. I find myself agreeing with a lot of it. I was raised Christian, turned agnostic in my early teens and I found Islam answering a lot of questions I had with Christianity which is why I'm still interested.

    If I was a less stubborn I probably would've reverted already but it takes a lot to satisfy me and I don't see the point unless I truly truly believe it.

    I’m in the exact same boat as you man. I’m Lebanese, raised Christian, became agnostic, but I’ve been drawn to Islam for a couple years now. I have a Qu’ran that I read every now and then. I’m fasting for Ramadan. but I’m too much of a skeptic of religion to revert. I don’t believe there’s anything after this life. but something is drawing me in. I don’t know.

  • Apr 3, 2022

    I’m in the exact same boat as you man. I’m Lebanese, raised Christian, became agnostic, but I’ve been drawn to Islam for a couple years now. I have a Qu’ran that I read every now and then. I’m fasting for Ramadan. but I’m too much of a skeptic of religion to revert. I don’t believe there’s anything after this life. but something is drawing me in. I don’t know.

    I guess a Muslim would say our natural draw to Islam is our fitra. Maybe something will be revealed to us to erase our skepticism eventually.

    Regarding afterlife, I like how Shaykh Uthman from the OMF explains it. It's another existence that we can't really comprehend, much like our existence as a baby in the womb. For me it's something I can't prove or disprove but, I think there's a higher change of proving it than disproving it

  • Apr 3, 2022

    already oversleeping through fajr and it's only the 2nd day

  • Apr 3, 2022
    2 replies

    I’m in the exact same boat as you man. I’m Lebanese, raised Christian, became agnostic, but I’ve been drawn to Islam for a couple years now. I have a Qu’ran that I read every now and then. I’m fasting for Ramadan. but I’m too much of a skeptic of religion to revert. I don’t believe there’s anything after this life. but something is drawing me in. I don’t know.

    Really recommend watching Shayk Uthman. He has discussions with atheists, agnostics, Christians in a calm and logical way.

    Maybe this video will help:

    I'd go through his channel and watch his discussions. Hopefully will answer your doubts

  • Apr 3, 2022
    1 reply
    The Krab Season

    Really recommend watching Shayk Uthman. He has discussions with atheists, agnostics, Christians in a calm and logical way.

    Maybe this video will help:


    I'd go through his channel and watch his discussions. Hopefully will answer your doubts

    appreciate it man, I’ll definitely check this out

  • mvp

    appreciate it man, I’ll definitely check this out

    Your welcome brother

  • The Krab Season

    Welcome brother

    I suggest you watch these videos as you are from a Christian background and it gives you a better idea of why we follow Islam. Islam's message has always been there from the get go. I hope this helps


    Zakir Naik is another person I'd recommend. He has many people of all backgrounds and religions ask questions on stage. It may give you answers or questions you may have.


    In regards to studying, I'm glad you are being active. We have Tafseer which provide explanations behind the verses

    I'd recommend watching Mufti Menk. All his videos are amazing in regards to everyday knowledge. Just search his name on youtube to find his channel. Here is the video for the first surah in the Qur'an



    Old post that might be beneficial too. Click the post to get the videos

  • Apr 3, 2022
    1 reply
    The Krab Season

    Really recommend watching Shayk Uthman. He has discussions with atheists, agnostics, Christians in a calm and logical way.

    Maybe this video will help:


    I'd go through his channel and watch his discussions. Hopefully will answer your doubts

    Mufti Menk and Shayk Uthman are the goats (even as a non-Muslim)

  • Apr 3, 2022

    If I revert I'm taking my shahada with Shayk Uthman

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Apr 4, 2022

    Podcast list from @op

    • The Safina Society Podcast (fun and insightful)
    • Sacred Text Messages (profound wisdom)
    • Seerah of Prophet Muhammad by Yasir Qadhi (Life of the Prophet)
    • Mohamed Ghilan
    • Al Maqasid

    Started the episodes on veganism as a muslim from Ghilan

  • Sloth

    Mufti Menk and Shayk Uthman are the goats (even as a non-Muslim)

    This post too real

  • Apr 4, 2022
    2 replies

    Working out while fasting isnt as bad as I thought it would be

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Apr 4, 2022
    Oblivion X

    Working out while fasting isnt as bad as I thought it would be

    Did it for the first time today, as I wanted to do it right before iftar and my gym closes early on weekends. Honestly was able to lift as much as usual, maybe a couple less reps during some sets

  • bejewelry 🩸
    Apr 4, 2022
    Oblivion X

    Working out while fasting isnt as bad as I thought it would be

    I did that yesterday, and I def couldnt hit as many reps and got thirsty by the end.

    Gonna try post-iftar workout but I doubt it cuz i like to crash afterwards

  • Apr 4, 2022
    1 reply

    Why the hell do I keep watching cooking and food videos while fasting

  • bejewelry 🩸
    Apr 5, 2022

    Why the hell do I keep watching cooking and food videos while fasting

    I watched a mukbang s*** was wild

    They eat more food while I could even on a 2 day fast if I tried

  • Apr 8, 2022
    3 replies

    doing the no music fast as well. being tested tonight

  • bejewelry 🩸
    Apr 8, 2022
    1 reply
    best poster

    doing the no music fast as well. being tested tonight

    Music the one thing i cant give up

  • Apr 8, 2022
    1 reply
    best poster

    doing the no music fast as well. being tested tonight

    you're stronger than i am. I managed it easily the past few years but this time around...

  • Apr 8, 2022

    Music the one thing i cant give up

    I still listen to ambient stuff to focus on school but man, pusha single is calling me

  • Apr 8, 2022

    you're stronger than i am. I managed it easily the past few years but this time around...

    doing it for the third year in a row now. everyone decided to drop this month

  • Apr 8, 2022
    2 replies
    best poster

    doing the no music fast as well. being tested tonight

    Is this in the Quran wtf?? Not trying to be disrespectful, just never heard of this

  • Apr 8, 2022
    1 reply

    Is this in the Quran wtf?? Not trying to be disrespectful, just never heard of this

    some scholars consider music to be looked down upon during fast since it takes away from deen. i just use it to do a cleanse, focus more on myself than music. there’s obviously a balance in that, it’s all upto personal belief/motives.
