some scholars consider music to be looked down upon during fast since it takes away from deen. i just use it to do a cleanse, focus more on myself than music. there’s obviously a balance in that, it’s all upto personal belief/motives.
I see! My girl is Muslim but I’m not (I know, that’s already haram lol), so I’ve been learning a lot lately about the faith. Thanks for the info
I see! My girl is Muslim but I’m not (I know, that’s already haram lol), so I’ve been learning a lot lately about the faith. Thanks for the info
thats all good. can always come in and ask questions. hope your relationship stays strong for a long time
I see! My girl is Muslim but I’m not (I know, that’s already haram lol), so I’ve been learning a lot lately about the faith. Thanks for the info
Those that excite depressing sorrows and lustful desires are haram (in music)
Im not sure if other music is halal or haram cause everyone says something else
This ramadan been so good for me and my overall health so far alhamdulillah
Is this in the Quran wtf?? Not trying to be disrespectful, just never heard of this
There are Hadiths,
Not every instruction is laid out in detail in the Quran. A pious muslim also pays extra attention to hadiths.
The Blackened Face of the Musician
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has stated,
"A person who possesses a sitar, on the day of Qiyamat will be raised with a black face. His hands will be holding a sitar of fire. Seventy thousand angels with maces of fire will be hitting him on the face and the head. The singer will arise from his grave, blind, deaf and dumb. The adulterer will be similarly raised. The player of flute will also be made to rise in this way as will be the drum player."
(Mustadrakul Wasael)
It means that all such people will appear on the field of "Mahshar" (on the day of reckoning) as blind, deaf and dumb.
Man, I am so grateful for this Ramadan. I had a reality check that I needed badly. Realized just how far astray I've been over the past few years.
Its so saddening to me how many turks these days act like not fasting or praying is normal 💔
Its so saddening to me how many turks these days act like not fasting or praying is normal 💔
Watching “Ertugrul” made me sad, the real deal “live by it, die by it” Turks are so far & few. So many Turks I know distance themselves from not only Islam, but their proud Turkish identity.
A Turkish Muslim guy I used to work with laughed when I told him I was fasting & praying jumah, and this one Turkish Muslim girl back in HS spazzed when she saw the Turkish flag sorted next to all other crescent moon flag countries she was like “WE’RE NOTHING LIKE THEM OMG WE’RE NOT LIKE SCARY OR DANGEROUS!!!”
Like sis, where’s your Ottoman pride for your ancestry??
One thing I love about being part Pakistani is that Islam is literally a part of our identity. Without it, we’re just North Indians/Punjabis.
Even the most non-religious/liberal/secularist Pakistanis never play about religion.
The chances are, if you are Pakistani, you’re descended from people who explicitly CHOSE to live in an Islamic country cleaved from the British Raj (the other option being remaining in or moving to India as a minority).
Watching “Ertugrul” made me sad, the real deal “live by it, die by it” Turks are so far & few. So many Turks I know distance themselves from not only Islam, but their proud Turkish identity.
A Turkish Muslim guy I used to work with laughed when I told him I was fasting & praying jumah, and this one Turkish Muslim girl back in HS spazzed when she saw the Turkish flag sorted next to all other crescent moon flag countries she was like “WE’RE NOTHING LIKE THEM OMG WE’RE NOT LIKE SCARY OR DANGEROUS!!!”
Like sis, where’s your Ottoman pride for your ancestry??
Damn thats interestig. Turks in Netherlands and Germany are EXTREMELY proud/nationalistic. Even so much so that the Dutch say that the Turks failed to integrate. But being nationalistic is actually considered haram I think. Just sad how much they love being from Turkey but forget their Islamic roots by living like western people all the time. Makes me respect Moroccans so much (second biggest group of Muslims in Netherlands). It doesnt matter how much they sin, most of em will always perform their salah, fast, go to the mosque etc. Turks on the other hand are more likely to skip prayer and ramadan. Seen a TikTok couple days ago and it said that most people in Istanbul arent even fasting
I promised allah that I would do all my prayers and I’m about to miss dhuhr cus I’m taking a s*** what do I do?
I promised allah that I would do all my prayers and I’m about to miss dhuhr cus I’m taking a s*** what do I do?
How long are you s***ting, you diaper baby? Dhuhur got the longest time to pray after Isha prayers lol
How long are you s***ting, you diaper baby? Dhuhur got the longest time to pray after Isha prayers lol
say word i thought u have to do it within 20 minutes to an hour
longest ive gone without music in years
Man I wish I had this self control. I’ve made it a point to cut out music during the day when I’m fasting, but at night after iftar and taraweeh, i check out new stuff when it drops
say word i thought u have to do it within 20 minutes to an hour
only maghrib and fajr got strict times (maghrib kinda diff per school of thought)
only maghrib and fajr got strict times (maghrib kinda diff per school of thought)
ngl brother I just started praying consistently in January I’ve been a Muslim my whole life but I’m just now getting into it
ngl brother I just started praying consistently in January I’ve been a Muslim my whole life but I’m just now getting into it
thats great to hear bro
salah is the most important
ngl brother I just started praying consistently in January I’ve been a Muslim my whole life but I’m just now getting into it
It don’t even feel like Ramadan bruh gotta immerse myself more into the spirit side of things
Encourage y'all to watch Omer Suleiman's Ramadhan series...only 8 mins video per day
The first one:
If this doesn't put things in perspective then idk what will. Just remember those in the grave will be crying now to make Salah...even 1 rakat if they could again and here we are missing it daily
Beautiful people in here Alhamdulillah ❤
Lowkey I been having better workouts during fasting than I did while not for some reason lol
It don’t even feel like Ramadan bruh gotta immerse myself more into the spirit side of things
Listen to islamic pods instead of music
Make sure to make all the salah
Learn surahs / read the Quran everyday