Loneliest time of the year
How are you doing today ?
It’s not haram to have the thoughts, but to engage in the act itself is definitely forbidden as our body has rights over us.
The best course of action would be ask Allah in dua for guidance and to stop these thoughts, especially if they’re involuntary
Thank you I made dua for the first time today I hope it helps me and others
The idea itself is probably not haram but definitely cannot act on any thoughts to hurt yourself. If you need to talk to someone send me a DM
Thank you. I would never act on it but the fantasy is freeing then I feel guilty
Let’s all do our best okay ?
Thank you I made dua for the first time today I hope it helps me and others
Inshallah. I’ll make dua for you tonight as well brother
Tip for any brothers/sisters struggling with the sawm(fasting) - try drinking coconut water during iftar/suhoor - it’s super hydrating and kills the dry mouth you get in the morning 👍🏾
It can be any drink that’s high on electrolytes too, I usually dilute a bottle down with water over the night to make it last longer. I’ve been drinking it over the past few recent ramadans & it really does help, the thirst doesn’t really hit until Asr salah time
Flying by tbh
A great playlist of a brother describing the iman behind Ramandan
Eid Mubarak to you and your loved ones, I wish you all the best in this world and the next