  • Jun 2, 2020
    1 reply

    EsSelamün Aleyküm my mumin brother

    Its just weird to me there are different versions of a holy book

    Wa aleykum as-salam

    It's hard to translate a language that's as rich as Arabic.

  • Jun 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Wa aleykum as-salam

    It's hard to translate a language that's as rich as Arabic.

    Even with a perfect translation, intentionally or not, people always understand different things anyways. I dont think Islam should be not be seen as such a strict religion. It should be all between ALLAH and the believer.

  • Jun 2, 2020
    1 reply
  • Jun 2, 2020

    ktt2 shook

  • Jun 2, 2020

    Even with a perfect translation, intentionally or not, people always understand different things anyways. I dont think Islam should be not be seen as such a strict religion. It should be all between ALLAH and the believer.

  • Jun 2, 2020

    Look how beloved Malcolm X was to Allah.


  • Jun 2, 2020

    Thanks for this link ❤️ I donated, I hope everyone who is able to will also inshallah

  • Jun 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Guys I’m so proud of our religion having such a clear stance against oppression and racism
    I wish more people knew about this side of our faith

    Hilf al-fudul is such a pivotal concept in our understanding of islamic morals and ethics and yet talked about so little

  • LITA

    Guys I’m so proud of our religion having such a clear stance against oppression and racism
    I wish more people knew about this side of our faith

    Hilf al-fudul is such a pivotal concept in our understanding of islamic morals and ethics and yet talked about so little

    agreed, we have to inform them tho! We cant expect the media to do that for us, thats why we are here ❤️

  • Jun 2, 2020
    1 reply

    inshaAllah we are trying to pray like we did during ramadan

  • Jun 3, 2020
    1 reply

    There will come tribulations in which one sitting will be better than one standing. The one standing will be better than one walking. Whoever seeks these tribulations will be destroyed by them. Whoever finds a place of shelter or refuge, let him take refuge in it. (Sahih al-Bukhari)

  • Jun 5, 2020
    2 replies

    Make sure you learn martial arts/bow and arrow, horseriding, permaculture and your religion and teach it to others.

    There will come a time where these things are going to be essential ( war, the coming of dajjal, etc)

  • rwina sawayama

    inshaAllah we are trying to pray like we did during ramadan

  • Ezio 🎰
    Jun 6, 2020

    Make sure you learn martial arts/bow and arrow, horseriding, permaculture and your religion and teach it to others.

    There will come a time where these things are going to be essential ( war, the coming of dajjal, etc)

    I was thinking about that earlier today, thank you for the sign

  • Jun 6, 2020

    Such a great khutbah

  • Jun 6, 2020

    mashallah habibi

  • Jun 6, 2020

    everyone should cop this tbh

  • Jun 6, 2020
    1 reply

    There will come tribulations in which one sitting will be better than one standing. The one standing will be better than one walking. Whoever seeks these tribulations will be destroyed by them. Whoever finds a place of shelter or refuge, let him take refuge in it. (Sahih al-Bukhari)


  • westtoronto125


    Al Bukhari, Hadith 3601 and Muslim, Hadith 2886

  • Jun 13, 2020

    i love this book

  • Jun 26, 2020
    1 reply

    wwyd if u talked to a girl and later find out she doesnt like religion and is pretty anti-religion

  • Jun 26, 2020
    1 reply
    rwina sawayama

    wwyd if u talked to a girl and later find out she doesnt like religion and is pretty anti-religion

    uh why you talking to Kafira brother


    go make Tawbah and forget about it. That fitna is not worth it

  • Jun 26, 2020
    travis bickle

    uh why you talking to Kafira brother


    go make Tawbah and forget about it. That fitna is not worth it

  • Jun 26, 2020
    8 replies

    Who the f*** you think you are tocome here with your caucasian ass and have the nerve to tell people what they can do or do not based on THEIR religion you stupid ass racist islamaphobic hater ass low self esteem loser b**** motherfucker go worry about your sins coming in a thread you have no business with trying to talk s*** about them stupid ignorant b****
