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  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply

    i mean, it’s not like there’s black trans ppl and the fact that they’re being killed off at an alarming rate. nope, not at all

    The most mediatized cases were of black cis straight men though, so isn't it misleading that the movement focuses mainly on its trans people?

    (I'm not saying the movement shouldn't help them btw. )

  • Aug 25, 2021

    I’m not black but you should obviously push to defend the most vulnerable group of your own greater people, which are black trans

  • Aug 25, 2021
    red eagle

    yes, they say it's LGBT+ organizations but pretty much all of them are only geared towards the trans cause

    well if its blm money and its going towards black trans people i feel thats less unethical because i always see people mentioning how black trans women is the most vulnerable group in total

    it is f***ed up how much percentage wise went to trans people though. You'd think its be going to a variety of black organizations

  • Aug 25, 2021

    This means that if we scaled the murder rate of Black transgender women and nonbinary people to white cisgender men, we would see over 27,000 murders every year. By comparison, in 2017, there were 4,616 murders of white men. That means that Black trans women and nonbinary people experience a murder rate almost six times higher than white cisgender men. Put another way, 27,000 deaths is 9 times more people than were killed in the September 11 attacks. Image if your community experienced a September 11-scale assault nearly every five-and-a-half weeks.

    30 trans people a year die in the US

  • Aug 25, 2021

    How is questioning an organization transphobia?

  • Aug 25, 2021

    Also mind you the founders are LBGTQ+ women


  • The pastor knows

  • Aug 25, 2021

    I’m kinda going off but I don’t know how you can criticize good deeds and charity by your projected view of what BLM should be doing

    They don’t hold Monopoly on black activism and charity

    Judge them by the actions alone, the groups within their circle they choose to donate to reflect their inner circle and leadership

  • Aug 25, 2021

    This means that if we scaled the murder rate of Black transgender women and nonbinary people to white cisgender men, we would see over 27,000 murders every year. By comparison, in 2017, there were 4,616 murders of white men. That means that Black trans women and nonbinary people experience a murder rate almost six times higher than white cisgender men. Put another way, 27,000 deaths is 9 times more people than were killed in the September 11 attacks. Image if your community experienced a September 11-scale assault nearly every five-and-a-half weeks.

    Man it's insane just how much people will deform the point and statistics to make a point that's obviously wrong

    Dude why are you comparing the murder rates of black transgenders to white men? Why not compare it to black men since this is an organization meant to help out with black suffering?

    If we scaled the murder rate of black men to white cisgender men, we would see around 70,000 murders every year. What does that mean exactly? That while the murder rate of black transgenders is high, it's not necessarily high because they're trans but more because they're black you idiot.

    Also non binary != trans, it's a common trick used to inflate the death rate. About 30 trans people get killed every year in the US, when you include non binary people it jumps to around 45 which is extremely significant

  • Aug 25, 2021

    bruh ktt posters are hive minded they will just make an excuse for BLM


  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply

    Don't know if you can't read or being purposely stupid like usual but when it says " not part of our grassroots apparatus" what that means is these 30 organizations are different than what their main goal is it does not mean they are not helping those who it was intended to help @op

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply

    There are Black trans men and women so that's cool. But I don't mess with BLM for their involvement with, and infiltration by the DNC.

  • Aug 25, 2021
    JT is Electric

    @op maybe bc black lgbt people are the victims of the most violent hate crimes

  • Aug 25, 2021

    BLM the movement > BLM the organization

  • Aug 25, 2021
    Smacked Voodoo

    There are Black trans men and women so that's cool. But I don't mess with BLM for their involvement with, and infiltration by the DNC.

  • Aug 25, 2021
    2 replies

    BLM Headlines In 2020 and 2019

    Black Lives Matter

    Donations can be made directly to the Black Lives Matter Global Network, and their “ongoing fight to end state-sanctioned violence, liberate Black people, and end white supremacy forever”.

    • Support the Struggle Against Police Brutality

    • support bail funds topay for arrested protestors

    • raise money for criminal justice reform

    yet they didnt do s*** with over 200 milli

    But @OP raised a good point but yall gon call transphobia yell insults all types of s*** to avoid using your brain
    HIVE mind

  • Aug 25, 2021

    Don't know if you can't read or being purposely stupid like usual but when it says " not part of our grassroots apparatus" what that means is these 30 organizations are different than what their main goal is it does not mean they are not helping those who it was intended to help @op

    Thread should be locked

  • Aug 25, 2021

    They hijack the real BLM movement and used it to exploit dead black bodies. Been known

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply

    The most mediatized cases were of black cis straight men though, so isn't it misleading that the movement focuses mainly on its trans people?

    (I'm not saying the movement shouldn't help them btw. )

    This is what I'm saying basically.

    BLM is NOT an organization against police brutality or even meant to help the black communities at large.

    It's a pro-trans organization who donates here and there to other black groups cosplaying as a movement meant to help african americans at large. I have no problem against pro-trans organization but this is extremely unethical

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply

    BLM Headlines In 2020 and 2019

    Black Lives Matter

    Donations can be made directly to the Black Lives Matter Global Network, and their “ongoing fight to end state-sanctioned violence, liberate Black people, and end white supremacy forever”.

    • Support the Struggle Against Police Brutality

    • support bail funds topay for arrested protestors

    • raise money for criminal justice reform

    yet they didnt do s*** with over 200 milli

    But @OP raised a good point but yall gon call transphobia yell insults all types of s*** to avoid using your brain
    HIVE mind

    Dude it's blatantly unethical, people itt are just covering their eyes and ears trying to ignore the situation screaming transphobia it's really weird lol

  • Aug 25, 2021

    I don’t know much about the organization or how movements become official organizations but I always kinda felt like BLM becoming an organization in this way seemed weird, it feels like something that belonged to the people switched into belonging to these few people. What was the process for them to even get the rights for this?

  • Aug 25, 2021

    To be fair the second sentence is kinda facts

  • Aug 25, 2021

    Black oganization birthed and run by black people

    helps black people

    OP: You’re not a black organization!!

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