Hip hop actually wasn't based around violence and killing people at all.... Originally.
Unfortunately people over the years have tried to act like that's the 'culture' around rap though, and if you call out the bozos that commit those crimes you'll hear idiots calling them 'cacs' or saying they 'don't understand the culture'. So now people act like it is.
Few people that are victims to that kind of stupidity on this site too.
karma said
I don’t say it. He’s referring to a thread where I stated that I don’t censor myself when rapping along to songs. Is what it is. Never in my life have I said it on here or in real life in discussion, but KTT loves reaching for the stars. And if you want a link the music then simply go to my threads.
"I don't say it."
in the next sentence
"I say it."
After you smash and she got the nerve to ask "So what are we?"
He speaking facts boys?
Lemme checc..
Am I trill? .....
So I understadns😎
Real talk I hope OP aint crying in the corner or some s***. The only thing worse than that would be if he used this thread as fuel for more s***ty emo trap music
I'm doing good. Weather was nice today, played ball with some friends at the court. Then I had a nice dinner. I'm a bit tired because I haven't been sleeping well and was gonna look for a movie to put on now. But looks like I'll be reading through this thread instead! How about you?
oh sleep is important Danny what was the dinner
I'm okay
This man was Carti before Carti
The bat emoji and everything!!!
This the worse one
Yes, I rap. I love Hip Hop music. It’s my whole life. I don’t demonize any of the things mentioned in my post. But you can still recognize that something is there and call out the hypocrisy. I hate cancel culture, especially when you consider how truly hypocritical it is.
You tried it tho.
Whatsup pump killa. You really saying nigga tho
Oh i took care of that op
Hip hop actually wasn't based around violence and killing people at all.... Originally.
Unfortunately people over the years have tried to act like that's the 'culture' around rap though, and if you call out the bozos that commit those crimes you'll hear idiots calling them 'cacs' or saying they 'don't understand the culture'. So now people act like it is.
Few people that are victims to that kind of stupidity on this site too.