This man talking like he Jay-Z with his triple entendres and s*** lmaoooo.
Glorifying depression, smh
Always pisses me off seeing it. People love to just use it for attention like its a joke or something
i walk in this b**** like episode
then got kicked right out this b**** like episode
say nigga like a roots episode
say nigga like the ktt user episode
So is there objectively no other choice than to become a gang member or is that just what your environment has led you to believe is the case?
Being in that environment forces you in one way or another to act and move on ways you ordinarily wouldn't whether or not you belong to a gang, just because of who your friends and family are is enough for niggas to come after you as of you were the one who was doing it yourself... Which leads to niggas doing it themselves cuz they might as well if they going through all the trouble or end up caught up and getting dragged further into something that initially had nothing to do with them lmaoo. Even in cities without gangs like Philly this rings true
Oh i took care of that op
Ayooooo ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
I dont know s*** about Episode
Think they talked about him in a kkk meeting
Thats the only time i heard about the nigga
Think they talked about him in a kkk meeting
Thats the only time i heard about the nigga
Think they talked about him in a kkk meeting
Thats the only time i heard about the nigga
We didn't!
If nothing is ever too far then how is cancel culture too ingrained in hip hop?
Episode in his suburban pool rn
It’s absolutely wild to me that This Thread, of all threads, has not been locked
Mods must be trill, or at the very least, #sadboygang?
You and ARCADE GOON should hang out sometime
He was in a Billie Elish thread yesterday talking about fat juicy cocks.
Is this what goes on in G&G?
Episode in his suburban pool rn
nah he's punching holes in walls rn