  • Feb 2, 2020

    I believe in social futurism or techno progressivism.

    Meaning embracing science, technology, and real statistics to diagnose and solve the social justice concerns that our population faces and will face in the future. Basically, investing in ways to help the most amount of people in need efficiently to address the undeniable problems of the past and eventually move forward to a more advanced society that is more inclusive and just.

    This a fancy way to say I’m a satanic racist lmfaooooo no shade though just know, I KNOW

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    I believe in social futurism or techno progressivism.

    Meaning embracing science, technology, and real statistics to diagnose and solve the social justice concerns that our population faces and will face in the future. Basically, investing in ways to help the most amount of people in need efficiently to address the undeniable problems of the past and eventually move forward to a more advanced society that is more inclusive and just.

    yeah bro how could that go wrong

  • Feb 2, 2020

    yeah bro how could that go wrong

    Nigga think he slick 😂

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    1. Capitalist: very easy to succeed in. I don’t believe in free things and hand outs. Work hard and work smart and you will be successful. Some people will fail in this system because they lack ambition, drive, or intelligence and that’s fine. That’s life.

    2. Balanced Diplomatic Axis: immigration is fine and globalization is welcomed but there should be regulations. We still need to protect the best interests of our country. I don’t like constantly meddling in the business of other countries but I understand we have to put people in their place when they get out of hand.

    3. Moderate civil axis: I believe in freedom but I don’t believe in absolute freedom. People aren’t trustworthy enough to give them that much freedom. The population needs to be controlled to an extent. We need increased surveillance and police presence and certain criminals and terrorists do not deserve rights at all.

    4. Progressive: traditions are a waste of time. Just because something was always done one way it doesn’t mean it can’t be done better or differently. I’m always in favor of questioning current standards and adjusting them to fit modern day society and expectations. We need to constantly be thinking about today and tomorrow, not the past.

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply
    · edited

    1. Capitalist: very easy to succeed in. I don’t believe in free things and hand outs. Work hard and work smart and you will be successful. Some people will fail in this system because they lack ambition, drive, or intelligence and that’s fine. That’s life.

    2. Balanced Diplomatic Axis: immigration is fine and globalization is welcomed but there should be regulations. We still need to protect the best interests of our country. I don’t like constantly meddling in the business of other countries but I understand we have to put people in their place when they get out of hand.

    3. Moderate civil axis: I believe in freedom but I don’t believe in absolute freedom. People aren’t trustworthy enough to give them that much freedom. The population needs to be controlled to an extent. We need increased surveillance and police presence and certain criminals and terrorists do not deserve rights at all.

    4. Progressive: traditions are a waste of time. Just because something was always done one way it doesn’t mean it can’t be done better or differently. I’m always in favor of questioning current standards and adjusting them to fit modern day society and expectations. We need to constantly be thinking about today and tomorrow, not the past.

    Don’t being anti-freedom and anti-tradition go against each other?

  • Feb 2, 2020
    2 replies

    Don’t being anti-freedom and anti-tradition go against each other?

    I wouldn’t say I’m anti freedom. It’s just that people see things like the patriot act and increased surveillance as stripping them of liberty and privacy and I don’t see it that way. Those are welcome to me because it’s increasing safety. I’m fine with things like that.

    I’m all for free speech, press, religion, marriage, etc.

  • Feb 2, 2020
    3 replies

    wish i could have been born into money so i could not believe in free things or handouts

  • Feb 2, 2020

    wish i could have been born into money so i could not believe in free things or handouts

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    I wouldn’t say I’m anti freedom. It’s just that people see things like the patriot act and increased surveillance as stripping them of liberty and privacy and I don’t see it that way. Those are welcome to me because it’s increasing safety. I’m fine with things like that.

    I’m all for free speech, press, religion, marriage, etc.

    No you're not. You have literally said in the past that Islam should be eradicated

  • Feb 2, 2020

    I'm with Bernie but I like the wall

    f*** that goofy ass wall

  • damn gotta take 8values

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    No you're not. You have literally said in the past that Islam should be eradicated

    The radicals yea. Radical anything needs to be exterminated

    I don’t have a problem with folks who just mind their business, don’t eat pork, and pray 5 times a way


    A lot of the questions were pretty iffy I would probably have answered differently given more thought but thats what I got

  • Feb 2, 2020
    2 replies

    The radicals yea. Radical anything needs to be exterminated

    I don’t have a problem with folks who just mind their business, don’t eat pork, and pray 5 times a way

    This is not what you said

  • Gojira 🦖
    Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    This is not what you said

    Why aren’t you pressing Kim Jong Un for literally saying Death To Israel and its people lmfao

  • Feb 2, 2020

    Why aren’t you pressing Kim Jong Un for literally saying Death To Israel and its people lmfao

    Because that's not what he said weirdo

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    As if laws have stopped people before lmfaoooo

    They have. The political machines of the 19th and early 20th century no longer exist, and corruption among congress still exists, but isn’t as blatant as it was in the past

  • Feb 2, 2020
    3 replies

    They have. The political machines of the 19th and early 20th century no longer exist, and corruption among congress still exists, but isn’t as blatant as it was in the past

    Fam it’s like you genuinely believe the complete opposite of the truth. Please say sike

  • Feb 2, 2020

    Taking test to determine who you are is lame. Speak from your heart ❤️ use your brain 🧠

  • Feb 2, 2020

    wish i could have been born into money so i could not believe in free things or handouts

    If you wake up everyday day with the thought of needing a handout, you are creating hand out energy.

    So the universe will supply you with the energy you feed into it.

    So basically broke nigga energy can be hereditary but it is not a fatal contaminant. Just pray and work hard

  • Synopsis

    This is not what you said

    I would have to see the context. Maybe I was being idealistic

    In a perfect world all religion would be eradicated. It would not exist. The Middle East would def be better off without it.

    But in the practical sense people can believe whatever as long as they aren’t harming others

  • Feb 2, 2020

    Just don’t like em, simple as

  • NiceLikeChrist

    I wouldn’t say I’m anti freedom. It’s just that people see things like the patriot act and increased surveillance as stripping them of liberty and privacy and I don’t see it that way. Those are welcome to me because it’s increasing safety. I’m fine with things like that.

    I’m all for free speech, press, religion, marriage, etc.

    Smh this is why chip monitoring and the money made off our data is a problem now. You letting all this happening with privacy issues because of an irrational fear of safety.

  • DickerSpaniel

    wish i could have been born into money so i could not believe in free things or handouts

  • Socially Liberal. Trying to be socially fiscal all while trying to balance some money use to make sure I have a decent life with my family. It's a hard balance because I would love to have the bravery of letting go of all material things and live off minimum wage/doing art with complete happiness, but that isn't just the case right now.

    Doing my best to take care of the planet and people around me. Donate to some causes when I can.