Not knowing much of anything about Bob Dylan, I went into this pretty blind. I came away with an appreciation of him and his music. Timothee Chalamet disappears into the role and delivered one of the best performances of the year. Edward Norton also gives a fantastic performance. Mangold directs the hell out of this thing and the framing of this biopic being over a five year period sets it apart from most other music biopics. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t fall into the biopic tropes, it does sometimes but this film still works a ton for me.
ngl was gonna skip this one cause idc about bob dylan but im bout to watch in theaters today cause bro has been killin the promo run
time to learn bout some bob dylan
gonna sit my asian ass down and listen
ngl was gonna skip this one cause idc about bob dylan but im bout to watch in theaters today cause bro has been killin the promo run
He’s literally the goat of music
We talked about this before. You think Dylan is the God of music but I think it’s Prince.
We talked about this before. You think Dylan is the God of music but I think it’s Prince.
It's too tough to compare them because they operate on such different levels.
Prince obviously the better musician, composing and playing everything himself. Masterful use of the best voices ever heard. However Dylan got two decades head start on him, and is probably gonna be making good music two decades after Prince has been gone. Has much deeper and wider body of work than even Prince could hope to match. Has incalculable levels of influence that has rippled through countless generations at this point. Both turbo goats anyway.
Now seated
i fwed it. s*** flew by tbh didn’t want it to end when it ended.
also elderly man next to me was enjoying tf out of this one singing along and giggling n s***.. was nice to see
still not interested in diving into his discography tho ngl
too many albums/song s*** kinda overwhelming
will gladly take some song recs tho
Interview with Zane Lowe about the role and the movie
! giving michael cera in that thumbnail image