the best are demos that let you carry your save over to the main game SE goated for this
Which games did this?
Which games did this?
some examples off the top of my head are games like dragon quest XI, triangle strategy, live a live, octopath traveler 2
wait for the remake
that's what I meant lol
really hoping it’s good tbh
I heard 2 was a really good remake but 3 had kinda polarizing stuff
im p new to the resident evil franchise tho so im enjoying both
I heard 2 was a really good remake but 3 had kinda polarizing stuff
im p new to the resident evil franchise tho so im enjoying both
2 remake is one of my favs, 3 remake i think was just a little misguided in some aspects. but capcom a track record has been insane lately so i feel like there’s more reason to optimistic than not
Video games have gone crazy because we used to get demos and all sorts of s*** now we stuck with preorders and battle pass lmao
the best are demos that let you carry your save over to the main game SE goated for this
Switch demos are goated for that
Havent tried one yet that didnt transfer data
I usually lose steam with most games so ima try to power through lol but I feel u
RE games are only like 10 hours long usually
American gamers are hyper critical so why would every game drop a demo that is possibly buggier than people would like . Also it takes development resources to create a demo , e3 presentation , beta . The better question is what recent game do you think needed a demo where it would help both the developer and gamer ? Wo long has a demo that transfers progress
American gamers are hyper critical so why would every game drop a demo that is possibly buggier than people would like . Also it takes development resources to create a demo , e3 presentation , beta . The better question is what recent game do you think needed a demo where it would help both the developer and gamer ? Wo long has a demo that transfers progress
Demos are always a positive fully unless its ass which then they should havethe foresight to not release it, a demo js not that strenuous on a regular team especially if youre talking major developers. A smaller team that less than a dozen most the time makes it, these major studios have hundreds & western demos were normal until 2017/2018. Fairly around first half of ps4 era and was a dime a dozen in the 360/ps3 era.
Western developers basically do-do demos still tho, its called public betas & private alphas.
Demos are always a positive fully unless its ass which then they should havethe foresight to not release it, a demo js not that strenuous on a regular team especially if youre talking major developers. A smaller team that less than a dozen most the time makes it, these major studios have hundreds & western demos were normal until 2017/2018. Fairly around first half of ps4 era and was a dime a dozen in the 360/ps3 era.
Western developers basically do-do demos still tho, its called public betas & private alphas.
Even major developers if a demo is buggy or not accurate representation of the game then it hurts them . Also in the case of most major developers that is still time you could be working on the main game . Demo is a separate build or at times vertical slice . I’m saying there are few cases where someone is on the fence and vertical slice drops or demo that makes them preorder . It’s great for indies . Triple A yes it’s big studio but making a polished demo cost money . Same way you have crunch or working more to go gold you have to make a demo , preview , public beta. Them street fighter betas have been near flawless but a lot goes into that
I say this as someone working at a game company right now .
Steam refund policy is basically demos for everything
Lmfao nah just drop
a good lil demo 2 weeks or so before it drops especially for a great game so you get even more hype ooh gotta love that
a good lil demo 2 weeks or so before it drops especially for a great game so you get even more hype ooh gotta love that
Games can have day 1 patches and we accept them . You can’t patch a demo . Like essentially they do make demos for many games they are just only shown to journalists who are critical but know more about how the game making process . If you give everyone access to a demo 2 weeks before you risk shooting yourself in the foot . It has to be a perfectly polished portion of the game .
Possible though. Not logical in most cases or worth the resources versus focusing on day 1patch for the entire game and those giving you money
Chaos theory demo
lol fasho. My friend and I used to play it so much that we'd just run through the level with one of the bricks you can pick up at the beginning
American gamers are hyper critical so why would every game drop a demo that is possibly buggier than people would like . Also it takes development resources to create a demo , e3 presentation , beta . The better question is what recent game do you think needed a demo where it would help both the developer and gamer ? Wo long has a demo that transfers progress
demos are just advertising. RE7 and RE2 got loads of coverage cause their demos were so good.