demos are just advertising. RE7 and RE2 got loads of coverage cause their demos were so good.
Capcom got it down yes but do I think everyone can ? No . Even some of the early access of full games with preorder people hate. Forspoken is the example op uses and the demo hurt sales with many saying the main game was better than the demo . Which wasn’t a bug issue . Capcom you kind of know what you are getting for most part . Some games would benefit from a demo others wouldn’t .
American gamers are hyper critical so why would every game drop a demo that is possibly buggier than people would like . Also it takes development resources to create a demo , e3 presentation , beta . The better question is what recent game do you think needed a demo where it would help both the developer and gamer ? Wo long has a demo that transfers progress
No way you say this and gas gamepass, you talking just to talk
Games can have day 1 patches and we accept them . You can’t patch a demo . Like essentially they do make demos for many games they are just only shown to journalists who are critical but know more about how the game making process . If you give everyone access to a demo 2 weeks before you risk shooting yourself in the foot . It has to be a perfectly polished portion of the game .
Possible though. Not logical in most cases or worth the resources versus focusing on day 1patch for the entire game and those giving you money
Forspoken patched the demo before release
No way you say this and gas gamepass, you talking just to talk
Gamepass is a great deal for gamers is it a great deal for MICROSOFT SALES ? No they are focused on building SUBSCRIBERS. Comparing playing a COMPLETED GAME. To a pre release DEMO. Are two different things entirely. With different goals.
Capcom got it down yes but do I think everyone can ? No . Even some of the early access of full games with preorder people hate. Forspoken is the example op uses and the demo hurt sales with many saying the main game was better than the demo . Which wasn’t a bug issue . Capcom you kind of know what you are getting for most part . Some games would benefit from a demo others wouldn’t .
Yeah whoever signed off on a Forspoken demo probably lost their job
RE can do it cause Capcom knows they're gonna kick ass
Forspoken patched the demo before release
You can patch a demo but that is often a bad bad situation where again you could dedicate those resources to THE MAIN GAME . Patching a demo is rare because once word of mouth is out very few double back . S*** even the Callisto situation at launch was more a bad demo than a launch . I’m simply saying demos cost time , revenue and things that affect time show of launching . As does presenting the game to press . I’ve mentioned with steam you can refund any game . Microsoft Sony policies you can if game is buggy but wanting a free taste of every game doesn’t help most developers
Yeah whoever signed off on a Forspoken demo probably lost their job
RE can do it cause Capcom knows they're gonna kick ass
Lol this is all I am saying yea FOR US demos are cool but would Capcom have made more money without a demo ? Yes . Both are true . The demo wasn’t buggy . Dropped during game awards before the bad previews .
I think of it more as a prologue since the PT portion wouldn’t be in the game but yeah more pt , ground zero level vertical slices for free or a lower price point depending on depth would be cool for announcements
Forspoken should have come with Playstation Plus Premium to be honest. That game being 70$ set it up in a bad situation and announcing it so early
Announcing it June 2020 when no one was looking for it got us here
Lol this is all I am saying yea FOR US demos are cool but would Capcom have made more money without a demo ? Yes . Both are true . The demo wasn’t buggy . Dropped during game awards before the bad previews .
"Companies shouldn't make demos because they can loose profits" is a bootlicking take
Square is very profit oriented but they still deliver demos for most of their games so they're real for that
If it wasn't for demos I would have never played the GOAT game Nier: Automata
That first intro mission sold me immediately
"Companies shouldn't make demos because they can loose profits" is a bootlicking take
Square is very profit oriented but they still deliver demos for most of their games so they're real for that
lol it isn't a bootlicking take. I work at a GAME COMPANY LMFAO. I am not asking you how it works. I know in this case how it works in many cases because I ask. If you are talking post launch demos yep I get you I am all for it. PRE RELEASE DEMOS on a lot of games go against their marketing goals.
I just told you if you want a demo you can buy a game on steam and refund it . There is specifically a guy who does it speedruns games returns them. People pirate games. Gamepass exist. Game sharing exist. Playstation plus on all levels and trials exist. I am saying in many ways all of what I list above is a form of a demo or getting to play games early. As is Alphas, Betas public and closed. Early access. We still have demos in many ways just not in the same exact way we used to. Wanting a company to make a prerelease demo sometimes works sometimes doesn't. Depends on if its the first level taken out, a vertical slice made specifically for a demo or a prologue.
If what you were saying were universally a good idea then every marketing team would have a demo rather than pour money into ads and other things
lol it isn't a bootlicking take. I work at a GAME COMPANY LMFAO. I am not asking you how it works. I know in this case how it works in many cases because I ask. If you are talking post launch demos yep I get you I am all for it. PRE RELEASE DEMOS on a lot of games go against their marketing goals.
I just told you if you want a demo you can buy a game on steam and refund it . There is specifically a guy who does it speedruns games returns them. People pirate games. Gamepass exist. Game sharing exist. Playstation plus on all levels and trials exist. I am saying in many ways all of what I list above is a form of a demo or getting to play games early. As is Alphas, Betas public and closed. Early access. We still have demos in many ways just not in the same exact way we used to. Wanting a company to make a prerelease demo sometimes works sometimes doesn't. Depends on if its the first level taken out, a vertical slice made specifically for a demo or a prologue.
If what you were saying were universally a good idea then every marketing team would have a demo rather than pour money into ads and other things
Bro I don't care about your "well actually 🤓" takes, it's not hard to understand why companies don't do them but I still want them. It's that simple
Bro I don't care about your "well actually 🤓" takes, it's not hard to understand why companies don't do them but I still want them. It's that simple
are trials not what you want? essentially more trials? More on plus or gamepass? what is the difference between all that I list and what you want
are trials not what you want? essentially more trials? More on plus or gamepass? what is the difference between all that I list and what you want
Well here is a legit question, why are regular demos still so prevalent for Japanese games? Is it a cultural thing, a structural difference between Eastern and Western games?
Because Japanese games still tend to be level based which would seem to make it easier to slice off a section for a demo.
Well here is a legit question, why are regular demos still so prevalent for Japanese games? Is it a cultural thing, a structural difference between Eastern and Western games?
Because Japanese games still tend to be level based which would seem to make it easier to slice off a section for a demo.
Oh yes its partially a cultural thing. Their marketing teams work differently. Like yes you can see a bunch of ads of Scarlet Nexus or whatever game . You can see a bunch of previews too. But they like being able to control their own narrative more in a different way as in hand to the gamer. Publishers and developers can generally know who is going to post a favorable preview, promotional deals with an IGN with ads all over the website, invite them to game premieres, send early codes or choose who to send codes to. Which isn't "paying for good reviews or previews" but can build a thing where some journalist obviously look the other way on sometimes saying things that could affect sales. Demos can be deceptive marketing too. All depends who and what is behind it.
Americans and West are focused on quarters , stock and all of that more than Japanese companies.
Oh yes its partially a cultural thing. Their marketing teams work differently. Like yes you can see a bunch of ads of Scarlet Nexus or whatever game . You can see a bunch of previews too. But they like being able to control their own narrative more in a different way as in hand to the gamer. Publishers and developers can generally know who is going to post a favorable preview, promotional deals with an IGN with ads all over the website, invite them to game premieres, send early codes or choose who to send codes to. Which isn't "paying for good reviews or previews" but can build a thing where some journalist obviously look the other way on sometimes saying things that could affect sales. Demos can be deceptive marketing too. All depends who and what is behind it.
Americans and West are focused on quarters , stock and all of that more than Japanese companies.
I just prefer the Japanese approach of getting the demo into consumers hands, no strings attached and they can judge.
A trial is limited and you often have to pay, like the Wild Hearts trial that launched today. PS Plus trials make you subscribe to their most premium service which isn't even worth it. Now yes, if all refund policies were as good as Steam I wouldn't complain.
Used to play the mw2 demo with cliffhanger so much
Developers used to have entire multiplayer demos that would be available even after the full game launched
I remember playing the Shadowrun Xbox demo all the time, s*** had full lobbies all the time people would run it as if it were the full game
I just prefer the Japanese approach of getting the demo into consumers hands, no strings attached and they can judge.
A trial is limited and you often have to pay, like the Wild Hearts trial that launched today. PS Plus trials make you subscribe to their most premium service which isn't even worth it. Now yes, if all refund policies were as good as Steam I wouldn't complain.
Then I get you more policies should be closer to steam so gamers never fell tricked into buying games or relying so much on previews and metacritic that they cannot think for themselves. Doing prerelease demos for many games makes no sense though. There are definitely some that would benefit from a prologue demo or demo that saves progress that carries into the game
Then I get you more policies should be closer to steam so gamers never fell tricked into buying games or relying so much on previews and metacritic that they cannot think for themselves. Doing prerelease demos for many games makes no sense though. There are definitely some that would benefit from a prologue demo or demo that saves progress that carries into the game
I mean but that's the thing, Japan has kept doing pre-release demos all this time even for their biggest games so it's not weird to wonder why Western devs with higher budgets can't. I took a chance on Hogwarts Legacy and enjoyed it but I feel it's a game that would've benefited from a traditional demo
I mean but that's the thing, Japan has kept doing pre-release demos all this time even for their biggest games so it's not weird to wonder why Western devs with higher budgets can't. I took a chance on Hogwarts Legacy and enjoyed it but I feel it's a game that would've benefited from a traditional demo
I like the idea of demos but I also like the risk lol lmfao. IN terms of a hogwarts I would wait for word of mouth or sale either way right now but I get you. I do like that feeling of taking a risk outside of just previews or reviews and f***ing with a game. Knowing based on long gameplay walkthroughs that are honest ( yes I know they are more rare). This more applies to indie side. Major games I don't really need a demo because if I am paying 60-70$ for something I don't even trust a demo because a demo can again show you all the right things or be full extent of gameplay loop. Part of the issue of what you are talking about isn't just the non existence of demos but they also don't make quality demos like they used to that grip the player make them want to play more and all those things. There is a lot that goes into making a good demo. If a Game or many games dropped the beginning of the game ( not a trial or even a free trial) it wouldn't necessarily be the best part of the game to hook someone
I like the idea of demos but I also like the risk lol lmfao. IN terms of a hogwarts I would wait for word of mouth or sale either way right now but I get you. I do like that feeling of taking a risk outside of just previews or reviews and f***ing with a game. Knowing based on long gameplay walkthroughs that are honest ( yes I know they are more rare). This more applies to indie side. Major games I don't really need a demo because if I am paying 60-70$ for something I don't even trust a demo because a demo can again show you all the right things or be full extent of gameplay loop. Part of the issue of what you are talking about isn't just the non existence of demos but they also don't make quality demos like they used to that grip the player make them want to play more and all those things. There is a lot that goes into making a good demo. If a Game or many games dropped the beginning of the game ( not a trial or even a free trial) it wouldn't necessarily be the best part of the game to hook someone
Sorry for being antagonistic initially, it wasn't appropriate
Sorry for being antagonistic initially, it wasn't appropriate
Nah I get you I got like 100-200 video game magazines which was one of the things I was like "I never want to throw it out". Not just for nostalgia stake although it is fun to flip back but there is a history to it. Demo culture was different. I think its also partially if they did like monthly demos that weren't up forever that would help. A lot of what I was getting at is that now once you put something out be it Demo, Beta, Alpha, Game , Free to Play what the f*** ever it is you have to support it. You have to update it. You have to be sure its the best representation of whatever product you are wishing to sell.
I get that when you read something I write it can come across as "fuck that time is over just buy s*** or gamepass". When in reality I am thinking of how best they can change the current market. Because we are too reliant on reviews I do agree. S*** for the amount we pay for premium plus or game pass we should be able to trial any first party game . Like there should be kind of more choice in what we can access.
With Ubisoft plus, ea access and all that s*** that is how they are pushing out demos now though. Then most of the people we want to try their games are smaller like indie or developers where like Hogwarts Legacy they had to prove themselves. Avalanche had to prove themselves. In Avalanches case I know they were nervous to send review codes out to some people that made their game more about the trans debate than the game itself. I know Kinda Funny said they didn't get a code but then everyone got on Kinda Funny because their dumbasses said in lead up "we are unsure if we are going to review it " then they threw a fit about not getting a code .
Like all of that goes into it.
In short its all love don't worry. Microsoft , Sony, third party, indie all do some things I like some things I don't.