anyone remember using cheat codes in the title screen of a game that lets you play the demo of another game?
Like crash 3 in Spyro 1
Games can have day 1 patches and we accept them . You can’t patch a demo . Like essentially they do make demos for many games they are just only shown to journalists who are critical but know more about how the game making process . If you give everyone access to a demo 2 weeks before you risk shooting yourself in the foot . It has to be a perfectly polished portion of the game .
Possible though. Not logical in most cases or worth the resources versus focusing on day 1patch for the entire game and those giving you money
Re4 will get a demo
Re4 will get a demo
Definitely doesn't need or demand one though. The demo for RE4 came out in 2005 lmfao
If it wasn't for demos I would have never played the GOAT game Nier: Automata
That first intro mission sold me immediately