David Productions really dropping the ball right now. Drop Stone Oceans so we can finally see the ending of the series.
And bring back round about
Might be unrelated but how far are the english translation manga caught up to like not online im all caught up but buying jojo manga in stores
Might be unrelated but how far are the english translation manga caught up to like not online im all caught up but buying jojo manga in stores
I dont understand your question
I dont understand your question
Whats the last jojo manga officially released in english.
Disco Ballad had one of his videos taken down but posting it here for the culture. Part 6 spoiler
Disco Ballad had one of his videos taken down but posting it here for the culture. Part 6 spoiler
You such a real one bruh, I deadass just came itt cause I just saw the news of it getting taken down and was gonna ask if anyone had a link. God bless you b.
I dropped part 6 awhile ago and now I'm back at it
after seeing giorno's requiem everything else seems like a downgrade...although jolyne is more creative with her stand. I dunno how I feel about Whitesnake, he's nowhere near Crimson and Dio level but I guess I'll keep reading cause I wanna see how things turn out in this weird/different setting
I dropped part 6 awhile ago and now I'm back at it
after seeing giorno's requiem everything else seems like a downgrade...although jolyne is more creative with her stand. I dunno how I feel about Whitesnake, he's nowhere near Crimson and Dio level but I guess I'll keep reading cause I wanna see how things turn out in this weird/different setting
Boiii, you ll see
Want to read Jojolion to the latest chapter so bad but i CANNOT read jojo if its not in color 😩
Want to read Jojolion to the latest chapter so bad but i CANNOT read jojo if its not in color 😩
No excuses
three eps in and s2's wayyy the f*** better than s1
star platinum
You in for a journey
Random asf but mans really looks like a Jojo character
Can u spoiler this it's part 9 spoilers