  • Feb 17, 2023

    Dragonia a girl or boy?

    I was predicting trans vibes from this part since we had two OG joestars that are left to cover and they're opposite genders

    pretty sure it's a guy that identifies as a guy that just likes the look of a woman. the scene of the cop finding out they had a woodie was NUTS tho

  • Feb 17, 2023
    2 replies

    Just amazing to follow a part from the very beginning

  • Feb 17, 2023

    In part 4 we had 3 Joestars featured, and technically a 4th depending on what Shizuka is to you

    Discounting the sons of Dio, part 8 is the only one that features more (even not counting the Higashikatas, it contains Johnny, Holly, Yoshikage, Kei)

    edit: it also has Joseph

    we have three in one chapter and at least are close enough to part 8 to have the Higashikatas still alive and well...there's at least one more out there..

    family tree:

  • Feb 17, 2023
    1 reply

    I wonder if they both have the star birthmark, they only revealed it on the older sibling.

  • Feb 17, 2023
    2 replies

    Dragonia a girl or boy?

    Jodio refers to Dragona as his brother so gonna assume male for now but prefers cross-dressing

  • Feb 17, 2023
    Julio Caesar

    Jodio refers to Dragona as his brother so gonna assume male for now but prefers cross-dressing

    I means he got titties so I just assumed FTM lol

  • Feb 17, 2023

    Dragonia a girl or boy?

  • Feb 17, 2023

    I wonder if they both have the star birthmark, they only revealed it on the older sibling.

    I don't think we've had a direct child of a Joestar not have the birthmark since that concept has gone going, but that does open up some interesting theories about Jodio's heritage....

    I will say that he seemed to be depicted as a different pigmentation than Drago in the beginning, from what I could the cop was clearly meant to be a different color than him, and Jodio seemed to be the same color as the cop

  • Feb 17, 2023
    Julio Caesar

    Jodio refers to Dragona as his brother so gonna assume male for now but prefers cross-dressing

    dude is referred to as his bro and has “drag” in his name lmfao pretty safe to assume he just cross dresses

  • Feb 17, 2023

    Dragona might unironically be the best Joestar first name

  • Feb 18, 2023

    DiJotaro Brando

  • Feb 18, 2023
    1 reply

    araki tackled covid, police brutality, gender identity and dua lipa, and we’re only 1 chapter in

  • Feb 18, 2023
    chef lmao

    Fit the name tho
    I wanna see the way he is gonna fight with it

  • Feb 18, 2023

    Jodio is a bit too stoic like Giorno. Hope we get to see more of his fun side in the later chapters. There were these two panels where he was dancing and partying and it looked like he has a personality beyond what Araki gave us in the first chapter

  • Jodio in a nutshell

  • Feb 18, 2023

    I still can't believe they had kci and jojo playing as the outro lol

  • Feb 18, 2023
    March Rigness

    Just amazing to follow a part from the very beginning

  • Feb 18, 2023
    March Rigness

    Just amazing to follow a part from the very beginning

  • Feb 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Finished Steel Ball Run today and I got a lot of thoughts. Firstly, it's definitely my favorite part now, but I do think it's fairly overhyped (mainly a problem with the fans, not the part being disappointing itself) but still very, very good.

    The paneling and art were next level. Especially when Araki drew close ups on characters faces, just amazing. The paneling also felt super cinematic. Some of the panels looked like they were straight ripped from a movie, great stuff.

    As a story, it's easily the best Jojo story so far. I wasn't a huge fan of the actual racing moments (I think those will be much better animated) but I loved all the in between stuff. Probably my favorite thing about this part was the way that stands took a bit of backseat. They're obviously still important, but the stands weren't constantly in panel, they were more of a force in the background and only made themselves visible in certain moments. It really helped create a sense of mystery and confusion. I sorta felt like a character in the story being made aware of stands for the first time. Also the designs of the stands were top tier. Usually I feel there is a few dud stands that really aren't all that cool or interesting, and in this part there was only two like that for me, Chocolate Disco and 20th Century Boy.

    Once the religious aspect of the story was introduced, I thought it was pretty obvious that the corpse was Jesus but still enjoyed the mystery of it all.

    The whole golden ratio and rotation thing didn't make a whole lot of sense to me though. The way I interpreted it was as sort of a method of focus that Gyro and Johnny used to empower their abilities. By trying to find the golden ratio in nature they could envision "perfection" and deliver the ideal attack. Similar to how breathing was used for hamon.

    Speaking of Gyro and Johnny, I loved them as a duo. Gyro might be my overall favorite Jojo character now. He had so much presence in panel, the steel balls were awesome, he had super interesting backstory and noble motivation, just all around a great character. Johnny started out as kinda bland, but he def grew into his own and became an enjoyable Jojo. He'd probably be somewhere in the middle of my Jojo ranks. He wasn't amazing, but he did enough to make himself stand out and be memorable.

    Probably my second favorite character this part was Lucy. She was awesome and so fun to follow. The chapters that just focused on her were some of my favorite moments in the whole part. I loved how she was so quick to take action and get s*** done. Especially at the end when she cut Dio's head off his body

    I also really enjoyed Hot Pants, but she really didn't get enough page time for me. I would've liked to see more of her.

    Funny Valentine was a great villain. Very menacing, cold and calculating. D4C was a little confusing though. As a concept its pretty simple but I feel like in use it was a little hard to follow at times.

    Dio has a bit of a mixed bag for me. Amazing character design and backstory, but I didn't really care for his stand at all. It wasn't "bad" but it just sort of felt out of place I guess. But when Valentine brought back a Dio with The World That was insane.

    I don't really have any major negatives. Just sometimes I felt it was a little too confusing and I would have to reread the same few pages over and over again to get a grasp on what was happening. Some of Gyro's more abstract concepts didn't really make a whole lot of sense, but that could be do to the translation, which could end up being different or making more sense when it gets animated.

    I ended up giving it a 9/10 on anilist. Probably gonna take a bit of break and read/watch some other things before starting part 8.

  • Feb 19, 2023

    Part 9 this nigga literally a drug dealer

  • Feb 19, 2023

    araki tackled covid, police brutality, gender identity and dua lipa, and we’re only 1 chapter in


  • Feb 19, 2023
    1 reply

    I find it more wild that this is a modern period jojo story in HAWAII

  • Feb 19, 2023
    Trash Star

    Finished Steel Ball Run today and I got a lot of thoughts. Firstly, it's definitely my favorite part now, but I do think it's fairly overhyped (mainly a problem with the fans, not the part being disappointing itself) but still very, very good.

    The paneling and art were next level. Especially when Araki drew close ups on characters faces, just amazing. The paneling also felt super cinematic. Some of the panels looked like they were straight ripped from a movie, great stuff.

    As a story, it's easily the best Jojo story so far. I wasn't a huge fan of the actual racing moments (I think those will be much better animated) but I loved all the in between stuff. Probably my favorite thing about this part was the way that stands took a bit of backseat. They're obviously still important, but the stands weren't constantly in panel, they were more of a force in the background and only made themselves visible in certain moments. It really helped create a sense of mystery and confusion. I sorta felt like a character in the story being made aware of stands for the first time. Also the designs of the stands were top tier. Usually I feel there is a few dud stands that really aren't all that cool or interesting, and in this part there was only two like that for me, Chocolate Disco and 20th Century Boy.

    Once the religious aspect of the story was introduced, I thought it was pretty obvious that the corpse was Jesus but still enjoyed the mystery of it all.

    The whole golden ratio and rotation thing didn't make a whole lot of sense to me though. The way I interpreted it was as sort of a method of focus that Gyro and Johnny used to empower their abilities. By trying to find the golden ratio in nature they could envision "perfection" and deliver the ideal attack. Similar to how breathing was used for hamon.

    Speaking of Gyro and Johnny, I loved them as a duo. Gyro might be my overall favorite Jojo character now. He had so much presence in panel, the steel balls were awesome, he had super interesting backstory and noble motivation, just all around a great character. Johnny started out as kinda bland, but he def grew into his own and became an enjoyable Jojo. He'd probably be somewhere in the middle of my Jojo ranks. He wasn't amazing, but he did enough to make himself stand out and be memorable.

    Probably my second favorite character this part was Lucy. She was awesome and so fun to follow. The chapters that just focused on her were some of my favorite moments in the whole part. I loved how she was so quick to take action and get s*** done. Especially at the end when she cut Dio's head off his body

    I also really enjoyed Hot Pants, but she really didn't get enough page time for me. I would've liked to see more of her.

    Funny Valentine was a great villain. Very menacing, cold and calculating. D4C was a little confusing though. As a concept its pretty simple but I feel like in use it was a little hard to follow at times.

    Dio has a bit of a mixed bag for me. Amazing character design and backstory, but I didn't really care for his stand at all. It wasn't "bad" but it just sort of felt out of place I guess. But when Valentine brought back a Dio with The World That was insane.

    I don't really have any major negatives. Just sometimes I felt it was a little too confusing and I would have to reread the same few pages over and over again to get a grasp on what was happening. Some of Gyro's more abstract concepts didn't really make a whole lot of sense, but that could be do to the translation, which could end up being different or making more sense when it gets animated.

    I ended up giving it a 9/10 on anilist. Probably gonna take a bit of break and read/watch some other things before starting part 8.

    Waiting for Steel Ball Run to binge all the anime, then get into that then JojoLands. Long posts like these get me so pumped to watch it

  • Feb 28, 2023

    I find it more wild that this is a modern period jojo story in HAWAII

    JoJolion was modern period...
