  • Mar 18, 2023
    1 reply

    The Japanese person at the mansion is Rohan

    Different dimension one. Might be similar stand, might be different

  • Mar 18, 2023

    b**** shut up

    hes just excited about reading a manga please go touch grass

  • Mar 18, 2023

    Different dimension one. Might be similar stand, might be different

    but its the exact same design!

  • P9 Araki on his way to undo 10 years of SBR verse in a single page

  • mishima 😈
    Mar 20, 2023

    I ain’t gone lie. We need a dio spinoff.

  • Japanese broadcast is done it’s officially completed

  • May 5, 2023
    2 replies


  • Demon baby


  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply
    Demon baby


    I dont get it

  • LOVE

    I dont get it

  • May 14, 2023
    1 reply

    Finished Jojolion today, I have some mixed feelings on it but they're overall positive. I already knew that this part was Araki revisiting Morioh and Josuke, but I had no idea about the set up or story. I absolutely loved how heavily focused this part was on the mystery of Josuke and the things and people surrounding him. It also kept that slice of life feel that Part 4 had. Getting to know all the members of the Higashikata family was a cool way of introducing a bunch of characters and also helped maintain the slice of life feel.

    My favorite member of the family was Daiya. She wasn't in the story really at all towards the end, but I just thought she was funny. I thought it was super cute how she'd always be holding onto Josuke in the background of panels. I liked Hato too but she also didn't really have that big of a role in the story but I enjoyed her stand and arc more than the other family members.

    I think I like this version of Josuke more than part 4 but I prefer Crazy Diamond over Soft & Wet. I liked the weird quirky stuff he did earlier in the story while also being very cool and calculated later in the story.

    Yasuho was a solid character and I enjoyed seeing her relationship with Josuke. I was hoping that Araki was gonna dive more into the romance aspect of their relationship since that did become part of their story but that never really happened. I think it would've been interesting to see like a 3-4 chapter arc where Araki dropped the stands and just explored their relationship a bit more. Maybe not go full romance manga, but just show them hanging out and bonding without immediately getting pulled away for a stand battle. I think that would've really helped the believability of their romance. Paisley Park was kind of an underwhelming stand. it's fine that it doesn't have combat abilities but it felt like it could basically just do whatever it needed to do to get information from one person/place to another. it didn't really feel like their was a whole lot of rules for it, and the ones that were there were easily bent

    Like I said, I really enjoyed the trying to solve the mysteries surrounding Josuke and I think overall Araki did a good job at keeping that part of the story interesting. The stuff about the rock humans, Locacaca and Johnny was also great

    My biggest problems with this part were the stands and how often s*** was repeated. It felt like the average power of the stands was toned down quite a bit, and while that worked in SBR, I don't think it worked nearly as well in Part 8. I found a lot of the stands to either just not be that interesting or so simple that Araki wasn't able to do much with them. Soft & Wet is cool but I wasn't really in love with it. Ozone Baby and Wonder of U were easily the best stands in this part. There weren't any "bad" stands either, just none (of than the 3 I mentioned) that really made an impact on me.

    My other problem was that it seemed like everyone kept repeating everything multiple times. Like Yasuho and Josuke would be trying to solve something during a stand battle and Yasuho would retell every single moment that led up to that moment again and again. It wasn't even just Yasuho, it felt like nearly every character did that at least once. It was way more apparent in this part than other parts and really hurt the pacing and flow of fights.

    Other random thoughts about the part

    It was obvious that Tooru was up to some s\*\*\* when he was introduced. Not that great of a villain though honestly. He just kinda showed up at the towards the end. However, Wonder of U was awesome and worthy of being the final stand. I feel like Holly's story never really concluded. I guess she's still in a coma? The chapter where Jobin turned on Norisuke was great. I was pretty indifferent on him but that chapter was fantastic. It was also really cool to see Lucy back in the final few chapters where she meets this universe's version of Joseph and Hermit Purple. I loved that and didn't expect it at all

    Some negatives, some positives, but mostly positives imo. I could definitely feel myself starting to get burnt out on Jojo, so I'll probably wait a while before starting Jojolands. I know there's only a few chapters out now, so I'm not really in a rush to get started either.

  • I don’t think I’ve read Crazy Diamond in 2023 tbh. Gotta catch up

  • Trash Star

    Finished Jojolion today, I have some mixed feelings on it but they're overall positive. I already knew that this part was Araki revisiting Morioh and Josuke, but I had no idea about the set up or story. I absolutely loved how heavily focused this part was on the mystery of Josuke and the things and people surrounding him. It also kept that slice of life feel that Part 4 had. Getting to know all the members of the Higashikata family was a cool way of introducing a bunch of characters and also helped maintain the slice of life feel.

    My favorite member of the family was Daiya. She wasn't in the story really at all towards the end, but I just thought she was funny. I thought it was super cute how she'd always be holding onto Josuke in the background of panels. I liked Hato too but she also didn't really have that big of a role in the story but I enjoyed her stand and arc more than the other family members.

    I think I like this version of Josuke more than part 4 but I prefer Crazy Diamond over Soft & Wet. I liked the weird quirky stuff he did earlier in the story while also being very cool and calculated later in the story.

    Yasuho was a solid character and I enjoyed seeing her relationship with Josuke. I was hoping that Araki was gonna dive more into the romance aspect of their relationship since that did become part of their story but that never really happened. I think it would've been interesting to see like a 3-4 chapter arc where Araki dropped the stands and just explored their relationship a bit more. Maybe not go full romance manga, but just show them hanging out and bonding without immediately getting pulled away for a stand battle. I think that would've really helped the believability of their romance. Paisley Park was kind of an underwhelming stand. it's fine that it doesn't have combat abilities but it felt like it could basically just do whatever it needed to do to get information from one person/place to another. it didn't really feel like their was a whole lot of rules for it, and the ones that were there were easily bent

    Like I said, I really enjoyed the trying to solve the mysteries surrounding Josuke and I think overall Araki did a good job at keeping that part of the story interesting. The stuff about the rock humans, Locacaca and Johnny was also great

    My biggest problems with this part were the stands and how often s*** was repeated. It felt like the average power of the stands was toned down quite a bit, and while that worked in SBR, I don't think it worked nearly as well in Part 8. I found a lot of the stands to either just not be that interesting or so simple that Araki wasn't able to do much with them. Soft & Wet is cool but I wasn't really in love with it. Ozone Baby and Wonder of U were easily the best stands in this part. There weren't any "bad" stands either, just none (of than the 3 I mentioned) that really made an impact on me.

    My other problem was that it seemed like everyone kept repeating everything multiple times. Like Yasuho and Josuke would be trying to solve something during a stand battle and Yasuho would retell every single moment that led up to that moment again and again. It wasn't even just Yasuho, it felt like nearly every character did that at least once. It was way more apparent in this part than other parts and really hurt the pacing and flow of fights.

    Other random thoughts about the part

    It was obvious that Tooru was up to some s\*\*\* when he was introduced. Not that great of a villain though honestly. He just kinda showed up at the towards the end. However, Wonder of U was awesome and worthy of being the final stand. I feel like Holly's story never really concluded. I guess she's still in a coma? The chapter where Jobin turned on Norisuke was great. I was pretty indifferent on him but that chapter was fantastic. It was also really cool to see Lucy back in the final few chapters where she meets this universe's version of Joseph and Hermit Purple. I loved that and didn't expect it at all

    Some negatives, some positives, but mostly positives imo. I could definitely feel myself starting to get burnt out on Jojo, so I'll probably wait a while before starting Jojolands. I know there's only a few chapters out now, so I'm not really in a rush to get started either.

    Yeah there’s a ton of directions JJL coulda went in that were more engaging than what we ultimately got. And I don’t even say that as a fan imparting my own belief system, Araki literally hinted at massively different directions he wanted, before going with the “who’s the guy behind the mask” thing.

  • May 16, 2023
    1 reply

    I feel like with 6 being an inspiration for 9, and who we've gotten so far, we gotta get grand again conceptually

    8 was the parallel to 4, which is a pretty grounded and small town plot. perfectly okay with that. but we were pretty much on a trajectory in terms of the scope of powers and concepts for 7 straight parts that I think has to get continued with the series send off

  • May 16, 2023
    1 reply

    I feel like with 6 being an inspiration for 9, and who we've gotten so far, we gotta get grand again conceptually

    8 was the parallel to 4, which is a pretty grounded and small town plot. perfectly okay with that. but we were pretty much on a trajectory in terms of the scope of powers and concepts for 7 straight parts that I think has to get continued with the series send off

    I thought 5 was the inspiration for 9

  • 925Andrew

    I thought 5 was the inspiration for 9

    An is the operative word

    They both will be in parts, Giorno is just the main foundation for Jodio

  • Nigga was a game breaker

  • Oct 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Part 7 is talking too long to adapt. So I’m about to start reading the manga

    My first time reading the Jojo manga. Let’s do it

  • Oct 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Part 7 is talking too long to adapt. So I’m about to start reading the manga

    My first time reading the Jojo manga. Let’s do it

    Remember to read the colored version

  • Oct 22, 2023
    1 reply
    big stepper renzo

    Remember to read the colored version

    Nah Black and White part 7 is different with the shading

  • Feb 6, 2024
    2 replies

    Jolyne is so well written man.

  • Feb 22, 2024

    Nah Black and White part 7 is different with the shading

    Ngl seeing catch the rainbow colored was insane

  • Feb 29, 2024

    finally got a smiths reference