Few Ways they could go
Would be cool if they dealt with him rising to become a mob boss in 80’s-90’s Gotham, maybe even throw a version of Harley in there but definitely not Spring Breakers Joisey Guhl Margot Robbie Harley. Could have Unmasked Rich Bruce in it somehow;
maybe get really wild and have Matt Reeves Commisioner Gordon as the “good guy”
Leading to a third one where it’s classic Batman vs Joker
damn they need 2 cut u the check
1 billion dollars on a 55M budget (without China) and the most successful R rated film ever does the talking fam lol
Came back to 6 quotes yall on my ass damn
But if Joaquin signs up on this one I trust his judgement because he's very picky with the projects he takes on.
1 billion dollars on a 55M budget (without China) and the most successful R rated film ever does the talking fam lol
Shiet when you put it like that
"Todd Phillips struck a deal to co-write the next Joker installment"
don't know why, i guess cause it was so successful financially. curious as to what direction they go
Get me in contact with Todd I’ll write the script
it’s still funny to me that this s*** was literally The King Of Comedy but with the Joker in it
it’s still funny to me that this s*** was literally The King Of Comedy but with the Joker in it
Smooth brain take. Not nearly as similar as people make it seem. I'm convinced people who say this haven't seen the King of Comedy
1 billion dollars on a 55M budget (without China) and the most successful R rated film ever does the talking fam lol
Smooth brain take. Not nearly as similar as people make it seem. I'm convinced people who say this haven't seen the King of Comedy
Niggas forgot King of comedy was about kidnapping a TV host
Niggas forgot King of comedy was about kidnapping a TV host
It's just dumb to paint the entire movie as a copy when there are clear obvious references but besides that
it’s still funny to me that this s*** was literally The King Of Comedy but with the Joker in it
A lot DC flicks will start moving towards that direction.
Deathstroke gona be No Country For Old Men but just Deathstroke in it. Not that it's inherently bad or anything
A lot DC flicks will start moving towards that direction.
Deathstroke gona be No Country For Old Men but just Deathstroke in it. Not that it's inherently bad or anything
No Country for Old men was Terminator but based in reality
Smooth brain take. Not nearly as similar as people make it seem. I'm convinced people who say this haven't seen the King of Comedy
This. I feel like niggas heard another nigga say it and jumped on
thats a fact lmao. All you mcu shills do is just cry about how dark a movie is
Lol bro what’s your obsession with MCU? You literally talk about MCU more than actual MCU fans. You ok?
Heck yes brother
We need more more films like Joker and less WOKE AGENDA "movies" like Parasite
I think if they didn’t waste time getting Joker to become Joker it would of been an amazing film. The last 25 minutes >>>>>>>
2nd watch was boring as hell because I was just waiting for it to get to the good part. Joaquin is amazing tho regardless.
I think if they didn’t waste time getting Joker to become Joker it would of been an amazing film. The last 25 minutes >>>>>>>
2nd watch was boring as hell because I was just waiting for it to get to the good part. Joaquin is amazing tho regardless.
Does the last 25 minutes work as well without the build up of tension and gradual beating down of joker though?
I agree tho the last part is what makes the film to me besides some of the great acting like Joaquin pretending he was on Murray’s show in his living room and stuff