  • Jul 11, 2023

    Oh. They coming for Jonah

  • Jul 11, 2023
    3 replies

    First Kanye, now Jonah..

    Follow the money..

  • Jul 11, 2023
    1 reply

    First Kanye, now Jonah..

    Follow the money..

  • Jul 11, 2023

    Source: trust me
    It’s so easy for women to make false accusations it’s ridiculous

  • Jul 11, 2023


  • Gangy ❤️
    Jul 11, 2023

    Last role I saw Justin Long in was Barbarian and uh...yeah..

    I was about to say..

  • Jul 11, 2023
    1 reply

    She also alleges a actor named Jonathan Togo assaulted her friend who was also underaged and intoxicated

  • Jul 11, 2023
    1 reply

    The Pop Crave has officially picked up the story

  • Jul 11, 2023

    jonah hill always been trash but no one wanted to listen

  • Jul 11, 2023
    2 replies

    part of me, or really, all of me is not shocked by any of this and i guess im left wondering if the majority of people just didnt know this is basically how the world works?

    i remember being in 7th grade, and girls in my grade would be dating juniors and seniors in high school. or when i was a freshman in high school, and girls would be dating college freshman or sophomores. yet, it was an understood transaction--- youre trading your body for the ability to elevate your status.

    it just doesnt sit right to say youre going to a party of way older people, and then feigning innocence when claiming people there would want to do sexual things with you. my friends that went to these parties knew they were likely going to do some sexual s*** with someone way older, that's what they expressed they wanted.

    i think the only difference is that later they realize their youth was what fueled the attraction more than anything.

    anyway, so yeah, its know the s*** that goes on in these settings, and its not right, but i still feel you have some agency and understanding to just not go there.

  • Jul 11, 2023

    Damn, not my hero Jonah hill 😔

  • Jul 11, 2023
    krishna bound

    the girl Polanski raped literally went back as an adult to find him and take pictures with him apparently they're friends now. we live in an insane world

    (edit for proof:)

  • Jul 11, 2023

    The worst part of all of this is that there r people defending dude despite him clearly being an egotistical narcissistic a******

    Idk about if he did what she said but he still seems like a douchebag

  • Jul 11, 2023
    2 replies

    part of me, or really, all of me is not shocked by any of this and i guess im left wondering if the majority of people just didnt know this is basically how the world works?

    i remember being in 7th grade, and girls in my grade would be dating juniors and seniors in high school. or when i was a freshman in high school, and girls would be dating college freshman or sophomores. yet, it was an understood transaction--- youre trading your body for the ability to elevate your status.

    it just doesnt sit right to say youre going to a party of way older people, and then feigning innocence when claiming people there would want to do sexual things with you. my friends that went to these parties knew they were likely going to do some sexual s*** with someone way older, that's what they expressed they wanted.

    i think the only difference is that later they realize their youth was what fueled the attraction more than anything.

    anyway, so yeah, its know the s*** that goes on in these settings, and its not right, but i still feel you have some agency and understanding to just not go there.

    Lol what are you trying to say? Minors do stupid s*** because they’re young sure. But why you feel the need to highlight that since it doesn’t change anything about the vile and creepy actions perpetrated allegedly by Jonah Hill and many more of those hollywood weirdos

  • Jul 11, 2023

    It's over

  • Jul 11, 2023
    1 reply

    He 'didn't hand her the cig which was weird'? Like he was smoking a cigarette and she thought it was weird to not hand it to her, a 16 y/o girl? I am confused

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Jul 11, 2023

    He 'didn't hand her the cig which was weird'? Like he was smoking a cigarette and she thought it was weird to not hand it to her, a 16 y/o girl? I am confused

    The intent was never to give her the cig. He was just trying to make a move from what it seems

  • Jul 11, 2023
    1 reply

    part of me, or really, all of me is not shocked by any of this and i guess im left wondering if the majority of people just didnt know this is basically how the world works?

    i remember being in 7th grade, and girls in my grade would be dating juniors and seniors in high school. or when i was a freshman in high school, and girls would be dating college freshman or sophomores. yet, it was an understood transaction--- youre trading your body for the ability to elevate your status.

    it just doesnt sit right to say youre going to a party of way older people, and then feigning innocence when claiming people there would want to do sexual things with you. my friends that went to these parties knew they were likely going to do some sexual s*** with someone way older, that's what they expressed they wanted.

    i think the only difference is that later they realize their youth was what fueled the attraction more than anything.

    anyway, so yeah, its know the s*** that goes on in these settings, and its not right, but i still feel you have some agency and understanding to just not go there.

    I went to plenty of parties with older kids/young adults when I was a teen and I was never assaulted nor was anyone else to my knowledge. I’m not a girl but even then these are adults, if you can’t be a adult and try to get women your age/get consent then you deserve to be punished, simple as that.

  • Jul 11, 2023
    No Future Awarded

    Say it

  • Jul 11, 2023
    1 reply
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    The Pop Crave has officially picked up the story

    Yea he’s done

  • Jul 11, 2023

    Why do talented people gotta be scumbags man

  • Jul 11, 2023
    krishna bound

    the girl Polanski raped literally went back as an adult to find him and take pictures with him apparently they're friends now. we live in an insane world

    (edit for proof:)

  • Jul 11, 2023

    Lol what are you trying to say? Minors do stupid s*** because they’re young sure. But why you feel the need to highlight that since it doesn’t change anything about the vile and creepy actions perpetrated allegedly by Jonah Hill and many more of those hollywood weirdos

    hmm i guess what im trying to say is that in these specific situations, what i often find missing is using it as an opportunity to educate on how these are situations that should be avoided. i think it's perhaps because it gets conflated with someone then accusing you that youre trying to blame the victim completely for someone violating them.

    or actually, maybe i go back on discussing how they should be avoided (which is a personal opinion), but rather being open with what we already know.

    like these situations (being young and invited to person's party/ tour bus/backstage/green room/festival cabana, etc) are shark infested waters, and i dont think it is unreasonable to expect teens to understand that. i guess what i was trying to express earlier was that teens do understand and know this s***.

    tbh i dont really know how to exactly express what im feeling.

    basically, im reading through, and you'll see someone crassly say "well, if she wasnt there in the first place, nothing would have happened" which will be responded with "it's not her fault some creep ass adult assaulted her" and you'll have those liking and retweeting the first person, and a lot of people liking and retweeting the second person, and it's just left at that. and i just feel there is something more (beneficial) in discussing what's in between those two statements.

  • Jul 11, 2023

    I went to plenty of parties with older kids/young adults when I was a teen and I was never assaulted nor was anyone else to my knowledge. I’m not a girl but even then these are adults, if you can’t be a adult and try to get women your age/get consent then you deserve to be punished, simple as that.

    yes, i completely agree.

  • Jul 11, 2023

    First Kanye, now Jonah..

    Follow the money..

    I wouldn't mix a predator with a guy with woat opinions
