this ain't nothing special. he should've came out the gate with something more uptempo. this is too much of a slow pace to really bring any excitement to the project imo
This is going to be all over the radios what are you talking about ?
This is going to be all over the radios what are you talking about ?
yea but that's because it's JT, not because this song is a statement piece.
People are so fickle!! Saying this is too safe, but also panned filthy when it dropped.
He said f*** it I will comeback with something I know will sell 😤
yea but that's because it's JT, not because this song is a statement piece.
Tell that to singles from man of the woods
I can’t lie I love this
yea but that's because it's JT, not because this song is a statement piece.
MOTW flopped though
Tell that to singles from man of the woods
ay look im not denying his pull, i'm just saying the first single ain't really something that makes people excited in my opinion. it's a decent song tho
That promo vid of him in the woods has to be the most damaging promo of all time
He was legend status and hailed so much by my generation until he did that whole “I’m actually white” thing at the exact wrong moment
I worked for a long time on this album and I ended up with 100 songs, so narrowing them down to 18 was a thing, and then, yeah, I’m really excited about this album. I think every artist probably says this, but it is my best work.”
I worked for a long time on this album and I ended up with 100 songs, so narrowing them down to 18 was a thing, and then, yeah, I’m really excited about this album. I think every artist probably says this, but it is my best work.”
if i had a dollar for everytime artists been saying this..
but i actually do wanna believe this time
Justin Bieber is the classic case of bigger overseas than in his own region (CAN/US), Justice World Tour had multiple stadium dates in Asia, South Africa, South America and Australia, while “only” arenas in the US. But he canceled suddenly when he had stadium concerts in just a few days in São Paulo, Argentina and Chile. He also canceled the Purpose World Tour when he was basically the biggest popstar in the world at that moment. Both for “health reasons”. Just like Miley Cyrus, he hates touring.
On The Run II tanked because no one cares about Jay Z like that. I don’t know why that is being used as an example when Beyoncé just finished one of the biggest tours ever last year.
Already said JT needs to be like P!nk. Both are from the same generation. She’s a touring act doing stadiums and arenas even if her last big album was in 2012-13
You get it!
When Justin releases a first single we are expecting to get hit in the face. The song is very mellow but with that said the song is very Justin. This is an appetizer for other songs to come. It's cute.
This song may not be the statement piece some were hoping for, but it’s a nice warm up comeback and a nice re-introduction to his voice after another long hiatus. Super super catchy tune, been stuck in my head all morning
I worked for a long time on this album and I ended up with 100 songs, so narrowing them down to 18 was a thing, and then, yeah, I’m really excited about this album. I think every artist probably says this, but it is my best work.”
He has to be careful with statements like that. I just want him to release the album and do what he does best.
That promo vid of him in the woods has to be the most damaging promo of all time
He was legend status and hailed so much by my generation until he did that whole “I’m actually white” thing at the exact wrong moment
No you didn't
Also I’m pretty sure this entire song is one big double entendre but I would need JT to talk about the themes of this album first to confirm that
The album is long, so I wouldn’t mind if he dropped more songs until March
No Angels tomorrow or Saturday (if he performs that on SNL), Sanctified next week
every JB thread its like “buggati biebz back” or “king saving us again” his popularity really isnt like that at all anymore
You're really wrong on how JB is not that popular I got coworkers who would cop tickets pronto for him