I don’t really know much about politics. HYPOTHETICALLY, what if he got more votes than Biden and Trump? Obviously that won’t happen. But hypothetically, if he did would he win and become president of the USA?
Not necessarily, because presidential elections in the US arent won by popular vote. He would need to win the popular votes in a certain # of states to be president. And the deadline to be on the ballot in a bunch of the most crucial states have already passed.
Nobody. Im from Harlem.
Politics have no reach over here
If you don't vote you shouldn't have a political opinion
petitions never work lmao
pretty sure he's collecting signatures not an actual petition
prob got people on the ground in the state too. He'd already gotten a team for SC based on the articles from a few days ago
Kanye is running for President. Like he always said he were. This s*** is materializing. zomg
If you don't vote you shouldn't have a political opinion
Saying that Kanye shouldn’t run this country isn’t a political opinion, that should be common sense
hope that when this fails some sense is knocked into him
lol 2024 inbound running as a Republican where he'd have a bigger chance
Kanye is gonna get 12 votes and then never speak about it again
best case scenario tbh
Nobody. Im from Harlem.
Politics have no reach over here
These suburbans won’t understand this lol
They don’t realize the government don’t do s*** for us lol
Saying that Kanye shouldn’t run this country isn’t a political opinion, that should be common sense
Its a free country anyone can run
Thats what a democracy is
Saying that Kanye shouldn’t run this country isn’t a political opinion, that should be common sense
I don't think running is the problem. I just think Ye shouldn't win
These suburbans won’t understand this lol
They don’t realize the government don’t do s*** for us lol
this is a cop out. when you look at things like bidens climate plan (not enough but a good start) its clear that there is a meaningful difference between the candidates.
even if both suck and its not that large.
this is a cop out. when you look at things like bidens climate plan (not enough but a good start) its clear that there is a meaningful difference between the candidates.
even if both suck and its not that large.
People like him are the reason Trump is president
They are a lost cause
Is there any possible way Kanye can be in the debates with Biden and Trump
He needs to be at 15% in multiple polls. So no