Kanye stans are really something else.
Y’all really voting for this nigga to run our country?
I can say the same about people voting Hillary, Trump and Biden
At least Kanye made Jesus Walks
Kanye stans are really something else.
Y’all really voting for this nigga to run our country?
you telling me drake stans wouldn't vote for drake?
you telling me bey stans wouldn't vote for beyonce?
yeah, i'm not convinced mf
I would absolutely not vote for Drake under any circumstances
I can say the same about people voting Hillary, Trump and Biden
At least Kanye made Jesus Walks
What does Kanye hope to accomplish with this? Because there’s zero chance that White Americans are gonna vote Kanye f***ing West into office. Hell not even Black Americans are rocking with him right now. His own f***ing clan (Kardashians) aren’t even promoting this. Look man I love ye more than most but this is just stupidity. What’s the reason?
FYI: I’m still voting for him
Kanye stans are really something else.
Y’all really voting for this nigga to run our country?
Yes! tf
How would he be any worse than all the other old racist slave masters?
Presidents don’t even call the shots anyways, and putting this strain on himself is dumb af IMO, but I’d still vote for Ye over any old white man. Periodt! He has the money and resources s*** why not?
I don’t really know much about politics. HYPOTHETICALLY, what if he got more votes than Biden and Trump? Obviously that won’t happen. But hypothetically, if he did would he win and become president of the USA?
Not a chance lol
What does Kanye hope to accomplish with this? Because there’s zero chance that White Americans are gonna vote Kanye f***ing West into office. Hell not even Black Americans are rocking with him right now. His own f***ing clan (Kardashians) aren’t even promoting this. Look man I love ye more than most but this is just stupidity. What’s the reason?
FYI: I’m still voting for him
That’s what people said about Trump in 2015
pretty sure he's collecting signatures not an actual petition
prob got people on the ground in the state too. He'd already gotten a team for SC based on the articles from a few days ago
Y’all really taking this serious hanh?
I don't think running is the problem. I just think Ye shouldn't win
Anyone with a working brain knows that Kanye has zero chances of winning lol
Not even Black people are considering voting for him, and that says a lot.
Even in 2016 when he was the coolest nigga on the planet, he still didn’t have a chance. Now he’s public enemy #1, a “c00n” you name it.
KTT not even taking this s*** serious. In 2016 this s*** would be making ripples
This is a clear indication of how much Ye has lost the people.
And he’s really going through with this?
Not even his own stans are thinking of voting him
Bu what you doing? Smh
signed it 3 times with random SC addresses
Should I make a bot that will just fill out this form thousands of times with random info?
Should I make a bot that will just fill out this form thousands of times with random info?
cant say yes in case the feds are watching but