If that ever gets off the ground
There's been ZERO movement on that since they announced the Mando movie
I think the Mando movie and the Filoni movie are going to run into the same problem Marvel has been running into. Making Disney+ primary material to understand the films instead of it being supplemental.
It’s kind of a double edged sword.
If you make the shows completely independent from the films and purely supplemental, then people will complain that they’re not necessary viewing and will question why characters don’t appear in the films.
But then if you do make the shows wrap into and directly affect the films, then people complain that they’re have to do homework in order to understand the next film.
I still believe that film & TV should never crossover, even in a cinematic universe. It’s just two completely different mediums and there will never be a way to properly do it that satisfies the majority of fans
It’s kind of a double edged sword.
If you make the shows completely independent from the films and purely supplemental, then people will complain that they’re not necessary viewing and will question why characters don’t appear in the films.
But then if you do make the shows wrap into and directly affect the films, then people complain that they’re have to do homework in order to understand the next film.
I still believe that film & TV should never crossover, even in a cinematic universe. It’s just two completely different mediums and there will never be a way to properly do it that satisfies the majority of fans
I think something like The Clone Wars struck a perfect balance though
Now obviously that was animation but it still wasn't something that you NEEDED to watch in order to understand was was going on in Episode 3. Instead it built on the events of that movie and added context that made it better. But you could still watch ROTS by itself and it works flawlessly.
I think film and TV can crossover and work, it just all depends on what they do with it. It would need to be something where what happens in the show doesn't really effect the events of a movie, but they can still use movie characters.
Alden was so f***ing good as Han, he just needs a movie that matches his potential
I fw with that movie HEAVY
I would've guessed Filoni would take the reins
Beyond that, Lucasfilm is more than just Star Wars so will he be involved in say Indiana Jones too?
The sequel trilogy is probably the biggest cinematic fumble in recent times
They should’ve started out with the TV shows to build up to releasing the sequel trilogy in the 2020s
Now that the sequel trilogy is done and it’s widely hated among fans they basically are pushing a bunch of Empire era shows to work around it (except the Mandoverse)
i don't think they needed a TV run leading up to the new trilogy. they just needed to plan the movies out ahead of time instead of winging it
This s*** in the mud, they're gonna have come through with something crazy to rebuild
This s*** in the mud, they're gonna have come through with something crazy to rebuild
One good movie and it's a trillion saga again tbh
Wish I was a soul less grifter I would be rich
Some of yall with no morals or character should consider rather than just get likes use being disingenuous sarcastic Sack of feces to make money
One good movie and it's a trillion saga again tbh
I'm sceptical because I don't think any of these corporates in the creative space are realising there's a cultural shift occurring. They seem intent on burning money on duds. Let's see though
streets saying favreau and filoni taking over
good sign tbh
filoni disney s*** been kinda mid so far but favreau with nobody holding him back creatively is goat s***
Bring back Alden for Han, bring in Sebastian Stan for Luke, and cast a new Leia to tell a story set between the Mando shows and movie and the Sequels
MBB as new Leia
The acolyte was the last straw lol
i fw the the concept and period it was set in but goddamn was that script bad