Okay just a second there mister
Even though I have to admit that Camp tour was dope
camp > take care
Peeped this album for the first time the other day and was extremely surprised at how bad it was lol
Gambino fans memeing when they say they enjoy it?
This is biased as hell lmao, v hard to take you seriously with a statement like that. There are no worlds in which Take Care isn't a classic
how is this biased?
I think you can argue all 3 of these as the greatest rap album of all time.
That's my personal cut off for classic.
kendrick stans turned into drake stans and drake stans turned into racists
"protest music"
"Slavery jingles"
"Harriet Tubman music"
"Civil rights bangers"
Hollon he cooking
how is this biased?
I think you can argue all 3 of these as the greatest rap album of all time.
That's my personal cut off for classic.
I don't hate that way of attempting to define it
Peeped this album for the first time the other day and was extremely surprised at how bad it was lol
Gambino fans memeing when they say they enjoy it?
Nah, I enjoyed it
Peeped this album for the first time the other day and was extremely surprised at how bad it was lol
Gambino fans memeing when they say they enjoy it?
Camp is the blogger Illmatic
Peeped this album for the first time the other day and was extremely surprised at how bad it was lol
Gambino fans memeing when they say they enjoy it?
Camp worked really well for kids in their early-mid teens, probably hasn't aged impeccably well and my opinion of it would certainly be different if I'd heard it for the first time as an adult. I don't revisit it all that often and wouldn't argue for it being a rap classic or anything like that. But Gambino improved significantly as a rapper from 2012-2014
thread is a distraction from drakes album flopping
Nobody is gonna believe you, no matter how many times you post it
Nobody is gonna believe you, no matter how many times you post it
and yet you keep replying to me trying to convince yourself otherwise
This is now a childish Gambino appreciation thread
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ahvDGo0vzsA&pp=ygUVR2FtYmlubyBjYW1wZmlyZSBtZW1lI remember this dropped on ktt1 there was genuine chatter about if he signed to OVO because of the bar on here
I remember this dropped on ktt1 there was genuine chatter about if he signed to OVO because of the bar on here
!https://youtu.be/9tfpE6CFEcA?si=F4wO4107lRLmBlxVThis song is actually a classic
Kendrick Lamar fan and I'm not obsessed with numbers. The ones who are are new age Kendrick fans or Die Hard Drake haters
Peeped this album for the first time the other day and was extremely surprised at how bad it was lol
Gambino fans memeing when they say they enjoy it?
i feel like it gets way too much hate i know the whole “i’m not black enough” shtick is annoying but put that aside it’s some elite rapping, singing, and production on it
Peeped this album for the first time the other day and was extremely surprised at how bad it was lol
Gambino fans memeing when they say they enjoy it?
I just can't take dudes voice serious on this album
he's like when kendrick does his weird voice but all of the time