I remember this dropped on ktt1 there was genuine chatter about if he signed to OVO because of the bar on here
!https://youtu.be/9tfpE6CFEcA?si=F4wO4107lRLmBlxVThis was actually nice
Nobody is gonna believe you, no matter how many times you post it
hes tryna make himself believe it at this point
Nope, all Kendrick fans are now obsessed with numbers, like all Drake fans are
Generalizing is the only way
I agree. All Stans must die immediately
I agree i get the a bit of retribution in the little nerd war between them & drake fans, but don’t get to fully transforming into a sales bot & pretend to be any different than them
I’ve always been a numbers guy and a Kendrick fan
Numbers are fun to follow. They don’t dictate quality, great artists flop all the time and s*** songs become hits. But they’re fun to follow and discuss
Bino killed this
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UfQHEpf2q8k&pp=ygUcQ2hpbGRpc2ggZ2FtYmlubyBzbyBpbnRvIHlvdQ%3D%3DMan I can’t help but cringe at this guy
Bino killed this
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UfQHEpf2q8k&pp=ygUcQ2hpbGRpc2ggZ2FtYmlubyBzbyBpbnRvIHlvdQ%3D%3DThe radio freestyles he did in the early 10s
Most of them kendrick fans don’t care about numbers. I notice them bragging more about Kendrick having the most classic albums of his generation
Most of them kendrick fans don’t care about numbers. I notice them bragging more about Kendrick having the most classic albums of his generation
That's so much harder to define though. Very subjective. Only way to objectively try to define a classic is to look at 'how much it impacted X amount of people for Y amount of time' and that brings you right back to numbers...
Man I can’t help but cringe at this guy
Let the cringe flow thru you, it's a natural reaction.
Strange angle to take.
Super fans of any major artist will discuss to ad nauseam their fave doing well on the charts & streams.
This is a site of super fans, so what do you expect?
theyve become what they always hated
or maybe just maybe it’s getting #ThatMan’sStans back for making it all about the numbers and now they have nothing to brag about
Most of them kendrick fans don’t care about numbers. I notice them bragging more about Kendrick having the most classic albums of his generation
idaf about numbers. I just know it ruins drakes stans days to see this
New album is so phenomenal
aint the charts threads on here run by drake fans ?
No thread is 'run by' anyone TGD has OP of the most recent charts thread though
The radio freestyles he did in the early 10s
Underrated verse, kinda
aint the charts threads on here run by drake fans ?
this s*** is the most transparent butthurt I've ever seen lmao
Underrated verse, kinda
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OEsaQjqCxYE&pp=ygUbRmF2b3JpdGUgc29uZyBjaGFuY2UgdmlkZW8gFire. Gambino gave Chance a platform before anyone too