  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    Exaggeration much

    not if you go outside

  • May 13, 2023

    Your last sentence me think, perhaps this particular rapping style was done to give this feeling of venting to his therapist? As opposed to say, him spitting bars after bars where it lose the personal feel

    probably, especially when you reference videos like Count Me Out & Rich Spirit & the fact that he seems to be talking to a therapist throughout the album

  • May 13, 2023

    Amazing album

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    Excellent album. A rare moment in the culture where a black man is super vulnerable and lays it all out there. Very brave.

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    That 100 rating automatically makes this album "overrated" lol. Its a good album but it has flaws forsure

    That’s photoshop.

  • May 13, 2023

    Musically a great album, tone is a bit off putting otherwise

  • May 13, 2023

    That’s photoshop.

    Should've known it wasn't real,album has much more reasonable 85 metacritic score

  • May 13, 2023
    El Nigga

    Rap album of the decade so far. Rich Spirit, Unified In Grief, Die Hard, Count Me Out, N95, Father Time, Crown, title tracks KTT few years behind just like y’all were w TPAB and DAMN.

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply
    Theory Talk Trader

    not if you go outside

    This argument is literally the dumbest one I've ever heard

    You think TPAB was played outside

    Or any indie album for that matter? Different type of music for different type of settings dumbass

  • May 13, 2023
    Theory Talk Trader

    absolutely terrible album that ruined a perfect discography

    He's not your savior, stop expecting perfection.

  • Love when my favorite artists make albums about fatherhood and growing up

    That’s why Morale and 4YEO are some of my favorite projects

  • May 13, 2023

    Kodak renegaded

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    It says a lot about kendrick that this is his weakest album

    This would be most rappers best album

  • May 13, 2023
    math fifty

    It says a lot about kendrick that this is his weakest album

    This would be most rappers best album

    Best take in the thread.

  • May 13, 2023

    I also am a firm believer that this album overall surpasses DAMN

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    Excellent album. A rare moment in the culture where a black man is super vulnerable and lays it all out there. Very brave.

    For what it’s worth, a lot black artists in the culture are super vulnerable they just may not be as articulate as Kendrick or people may be tired of their sound. I see people giving him a lot of credit for this, but niggas like Yak/NBA are no different in vulnerability, just they take a different approach to the same traumas.

  • May 13, 2023
    e t t

    9/10 album but only because he made a huge mistake putting ‘those two songs’ on it. Remove Auntie Diaries and replace We Cry Together with The Heart V and it’s by a mile the best hip hop album of the decade. Nobody doing it like Kendrick today.

    Auntie Diaries is some heat

  • May 13, 2023

    Beautiful album, maybe my favorite of his

  • May 13, 2023
    2 replies

    That 100 rating automatically makes this album "overrated" lol. Its a good album but it has flaws forsure

    Album definitely would've been getting some 6s and 7s from critics if it wasn't Kendrick

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply
    Huge Castillo Fan

    Album definitely would've been getting some 6s and 7s from critics if it wasn't Kendrick

  • May 13, 2023

    Great album

    Rich Spirit, Silent Hill, Father Time, Savior, and Mr. Morale still get plays today (mostly in the gym)

  • May 13, 2023
    3 replies

    But it also has multiple perfect scores. Which I don't think would be the case if another artist released this same album

  • May 13, 2023
    2 replies

    Critics opinions don't matter, at all.

  • May 13, 2023

    Idk man I’m still conflicted on this album, I loved it on release but it’s slowly fell out of rotation and it doesn’t hit the same on revisits.

    Like a lot of it was shocking to hear and that shock wears off when you listen over and over

    I still respect the hell out of it because it was the first mainstream rap release to really surprise me in awhile

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply
    Huge Castillo Fan

    But it also has multiple perfect scores. Which I don't think would be the case if another artist released this same album

    maybe some people just like the album