I don't think I'm smart at all, check my thread history I'm dumb as hell. plus English is my third language so I don't expect to look great
explains a lot tbh
doesn’t matter if it fits the OBVIOUS theme of the album that everybody can EASILY understand, it’s still a garbage ass song
dumb ass nigga
There is an obvious theme and a less obvious one, I invite you to reconsider and relisten to it its beautiful.
But please never call me that despicable word again.
not slandering, that user said on 4yeo cole dared to make an album with no commercial compromises, neighbours & de ja vu were presented as (EXTREMELY valid) rebuttals
I mean i get but neighbors being a commercial attempt is a reach. That song just hits and the hook doesnt even have a rhyme. Obviously, tpab is the better album
There is an obvious theme and a less obvious one, I invite you to reconsider and relisten to it its beautiful.
But please never call me that despicable word again.
i’m gonna call u exactly what i feel like u are
& it’s not a good album & definitely should never be mentioned in the same breath as tpab
2 sit here & act like cole didn’t attempt a few commercial sounding records is asinine man, u need 2 relisten if u truly believe that
i’m gonna call u exactly what i feel like u are
& it’s not a good album & definitely should never be mentioned in the same breath as tpab
2 sit here & act like cole didn’t attempt a few commercial sounding records is asinine man, u need 2 relisten if u truly believe that
Just call me a dumbass no need to go further.
I'm aware that Cole made commercial sound record but I didn't feel it was a compromise, whereas when it comes to Kendrick I always feel like it is a compromise, if not thematically then sonically. That's why I loved Untitled Un mastered so much, I'd take 15 more of these from Kendrick
& what’s wrong with a commercially appealing song anyway
Nothing is wrong with that but I personally dislike it when it's done in spite of the album cohesiveness feel me ?
Just call me a dumbass no need to go further.
I'm aware that Cole made commercial sound record but I didn't feel it was a compromise, whereas when it comes to Kendrick I always feel like it is a compromise, if not thematically then sonically. That's why I loved Untitled Un mastered so much, I'd take 15 more of these from Kendrick
so this is a compromise? listen 2 it b4 u answer
so this is a compromise? listen 2 it b4 u answer
King Kunta such a good song man
Thundercat bass goes CRAZY
& what’s wrong with a commercially appealing song anyway
Its the let nas down theory
King Kunta such a good song man
Thundercat bass goes CRAZY
man i can’t believe some of the s*** i be reading on this forum
man i can’t believe some of the s*** i be reading on this forum
Some of these Kendrick threads are going to be the death of me man.
Some of these Kendrick threads are going to be the death of me man.
1st he says it’s cool if deja vu is on 4yeo cuz it fits the theme
& then says king kunta is a compromise 2 appeal commercially & doesn’t fit the theme of the album, like i am flabbergasted tryna understand his logic
I'm perfectly fine with Kendrick making the type of music that he's been making so far in his career. I don't need him to change a damn thang as far as his musicality goes.
My only nitpick is that I wish he don't take another 4-5 years for his next project to come out.
4 your eyez only? a kendrick album?
@Kdogone look at this
Kenny pioneered rapping on jazzy beats @saveme . Really tho Mr Morale and 4YEO actually have more in common if anything lol. Polarizing personal releases coming off their biggest eras respectively. Both artists misdirected people into expecting spicier energy than the albums received (Everybody Dies/False Prophets, smokin’ on top 5). Not being “bumpable or super replayable” being common critiques of both.
been listening to TPAB recently and man
it doesnt even matter if he never drops again (i hope he does) cuz this cemented him forever
damn near a perfect album, as good realistically as an artist can drop, from all angles
its highly listenable and accessible as well, not something you'd play at the club but theres so many easygoing and fun songs like These Walls, King Kunta, Momma, Hood Politics, You Aint Gotta Lie, and i
KendrickToThe these last 2 weeks.
Mods really are just not gonna do anything bout these hate threads lmfao
so this is a compromise? listen 2 it b4 u answer
The hook does it for me, sorry. But weakest example I'll admit.
Kenny pioneered rapping on jazzy beats @saveme . Really tho Mr Morale and 4YEO actually have more in common if anything lol. Polarizing personal releases coming off their biggest eras respectively. Both artists misdirected people into expecting spicier energy than the albums received (Everybody Dies/False Prophets, smokin’ on top 5). Not being “bumpable or super replayable” being common critiques of both.
That's my point, 4YEO is the good version of that imo
KendrickToThe these last 2 weeks.
Mods really are just not gonna do anything bout these hate threads lmfao
I don't hate kendrick wtf
u want kendrick to drop a dogshit album?
thank god u niggas not a&rs