  • Ezio 🎰
    Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply
    back 2 black

    once again i ask.. what the F*** are u talkin about

    Can't save you

  • Dec 5, 2022
    2 replies

    Can't save you

    if deja vu isn’t chasing a hit then i don’t know what is

    4yeo isn’t even a good album lmao

  • Dec 5, 2022
    2 replies

    Neighbors slander crazy

  • Dec 5, 2022
    John Madden

    Neighbors slander crazy

    nobody is slandering neighbors

  • Ezio 🎰
    Dec 5, 2022
    5 replies

    4YEO is nowhere near TPAB.

    TPAB is a masterpiece and one of the best albums on the 2010s

    4YEO is another J. Cole album

    TPAB relied on gimmicks to compensate for lack of emotion except on a few tracks. It's a journalistic, objective matter-of-fact album. I like emotion.

  • Dec 5, 2022

    As an Em stan, Eminem complaining about the reception of Revival was the absolute worst part of that album and it is like the second worst part of MTBMB

  • Dec 5, 2022

    TPAB relied on gimmicks to compensate for lack of emotion except on a few tracks. It's a journalistic, objective matter-of-fact album. I like emotion.

    goddamnit man

  • Dec 5, 2022

    TPAB relied on gimmicks to compensate for lack of emotion except on a few tracks. It's a journalistic, objective matter-of-fact album. I like emotion.


  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply
    John Madden

    Neighbors slander crazy

    not slandering, that user said on 4yeo cole dared to make an album with no commercial compromises, neighbours & de ja vu were presented as (EXTREMELY valid) rebuttals

  • Ezio 🎰
    Dec 5, 2022
    2 replies
    back 2 black

    if deja vu isn’t chasing a hit then i don’t know what is

    4yeo isn’t even a good album lmao

    Déjà vu ties into the core theme of the album in a perfect way. The kendrick tracks I named don't.

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    In what world was Revival mature

    To be fair, minus the stupid songs like Remind Me and Heat, Em had a lot of mature moments on it, like finally apologizing to Kim, Castle and Arose, etc. it just sounded like s*** so people didn’t appreciate it as much as they could have

  • Dec 5, 2022
    2 replies

    TPAB relied on gimmicks to compensate for lack of emotion except on a few tracks. It's a journalistic, objective matter-of-fact album. I like emotion.

    Top 5 worst take I’ve seen on KTT2

    4YEO being better then TPAB is in the top 10.

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Déjà vu ties into the core theme of the album in a perfect way. The kendrick tracks I named don't.

    man shut the f*** up

  • Ezio 🎰
    Dec 5, 2022

    Top 5 worst take I’ve seen on KTT2

    4YEO being better then TPAB is in the top 10.

    It's not better I just prefer it better

  • Ezio 🎰
    Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply
    back 2 black

    man shut the f*** up

    Not my fault if the album's theme went over your head. Makes sense why you'd prefer kendrick, he makes it obvious but obfuscates it, that way you feel smart when you understand him.

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Déjà vu ties into the core theme of the album in a perfect way. The kendrick tracks I named don't.

    king c***a doesn't tie into TPAB? do you get what the song/tpab are actually about?

    count me out doesn't tie into morale? i dont even like count me out that much but talking about widespread expectations & the ability/difficulty of opening up to people are like the two major themes on that album

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply
    Shady Ant

    To be fair, minus the stupid songs like Remind Me and Heat, Em had a lot of mature moments on it, like finally apologizing to Kim, Castle and Arose, etc. it just sounded like s*** so people didn’t appreciate it as much as they could have

    The content of Revival was good and what people always wanted from Em. But his dumbass ruined it by making it sound like a worse worse version of Recovery.

    Had like 3-4 good songs max.

  • Dec 5, 2022
    2 replies

    Top 5 worst take I’ve seen on KTT2

    4YEO being better then TPAB is in the top 10.

    imagine thinking an album with this on it is better than tpab

    he’s either severely mentally ill or trolling, could be a combination of both

  • Ezio 🎰
    Dec 5, 2022

    king c***a doesn't tie into TPAB? do you get what the song/tpab are actually about?

    count me out doesn't tie into morale? i dont even like count me out that much but talking about widespread expectations & the ability/difficulty of opening up to people are like the two major themes on that album

    Not sure necessarily lyrically

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply
    back 2 black

    imagine thinking an album with this on it is better than tpab

    he’s either severely mentally ill or trolling, could be a combination of both

    4YEO has some beautiful songs like the outro and Changes

    But Momma from TPAB clears that entire album alone. And that’s not even getting into Wesley’s Theory, These Walls, Alright, How Much A Dollar Cost, The Blacker The Berry etc.

  • Ezio 🎰
    Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply
    back 2 black

    imagine thinking an album with this on it is better than tpab

    he’s either severely mentally ill or trolling, could be a combination of both

    only took one page for someone to reference that song thus proving they didn't understand the album at all lmao

    What next I'll talk about chance and you'll write some "love wife" joke ? Please

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    Not my fault if the album's theme went over your head. Makes sense why you'd prefer kendrick, he makes it obvious but obfuscates it, that way you feel smart when you understand him.

    i’m a huge j cole fan, what makes u think i’m not? bc i don’t like his worst album?

    ur a pretentious weirdo that thinks ur smarter than u really are, cut the bullshit out fam

  • Ezio 🎰
    Dec 5, 2022

    4YEO has some beautiful songs like the outro and Changes

    But Momma from TPAB clears that entire album alone. And that’s not even getting into Wesley’s Theory, These Walls, Alright, How Much A Dollar Cost, The Blacker The Berry etc.

    Yeah album has so many amazing songs it's crazy. How Much Does a Dollar Cost is a perfect hiphop song, 90s Nas s***.

  • Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply

    only took one page for someone to reference that song thus proving they didn't understand the album at all lmao

    What next I'll talk about chance and you'll write some "love wife" joke ? Please

    doesn’t matter if it fits the OBVIOUS theme of the album that everybody can EASILY understand, it’s still a garbage ass song

    dumb ass nigga

  • Ezio 🎰
    Dec 5, 2022
    1 reply
    back 2 black

    i’m a huge j cole fan, what makes u think i’m not? bc i don’t like his worst album?

    ur a pretentious weirdo that thinks ur smarter than u really are, cut the bullshit out fam

    I don't think I'm smart at all, check my thread history I'm dumb as hell. plus English is my third language so I don't expect to look great
