I’ll be damned I gotta wait halfway thru the movie just cause others have weak bladders
I liked it overall but definitely found it to be unnecessarily long.
It got quite repetitive with the murders in the mid chunk of the film.
The last act was easily my favourite because it had the most stakes and drama.
I still am not sure how I feel about Leo as an actor. Some scenes he kills it while others its just upside down face mumbling acting.
Go watch Jordan peele trash
y’all letting this racist cracker roam these forums like he pac
@FREE @Brave
He petty as hell
@FREE @Brave
Cringe af
Every Russo movie since endgame been a flop anyway. He ain’t the reason that movie was a hit
They kept the shot when he accidently hits the camera
Film of the year
F*** a duck had the whole theather dead
Great movie man, Leo was perfect, but Lily Gladstone stole the show for me
Cigarette smokers (me) lost