Wii is a masterclass of digital interface design philosophy, alongside iOS and Windows XP. What XP did for efficiency and iOS did for simplicity, Wii did for style.
I got both new consoles and even though the Ps5 ui looks nicer, I usually have to press way more buttons to do things when I am in the menus. Xbox UI is more efficient imo
I think the switch has plenty of personality
Especially with the different colored controls
Never understood people who get nostalgic about UI’s and s*** like whatever the hell OP is talking about
Just make the console more powerful and make better games. Could not care less about what the home screen that I spend 15 seconds on looks like
Switch I kinda get though while it sucks.
PlayStation 5 and Xbox X have no excuse
Dreamcast homescreen better than your favs homescreen tho lets get retro in this hoe