  • Feb 5
    3 replies

    I said I’d vote for the democrats if they just promised a ceasefire and they wouldn’t

    So guess what

    F*** them

    And now we get no ceasefire AND millions of Americans everyday conditions get worse. So that makes genocide more palatable to you?

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    I get your point. We agree on the US imperialist root of the problem.

    My frustration is that we chose the guy who IS openly telling them he wants to bomb them. How does this teach anything to the democrats who will quietly retire and/or support his bullshit from the shadows so that they have something to run against in 4 years?

    If anything, it feels like we've rewarded them.

    We don’t “teach” democrats anything because we fundamentally have different views (not you, the proverbial view)

    No one is trying to reach out to a bourgeois imperialist party

    The goal is to organize the working class led by an anti-imperialist, anti-revisionist political party

    The people in here not voting Kamala are more than likely communists and the orientation is towards partaking in grassroots movements and proletarian organizations that can organize within different areas of the working class (education, healthcare, student movements, factories)

  • Santiago


    It’s the truth

    The fact that Palestine is hundreds of miles away and we are centuries removed from black people picking cotton doesn’t change this uncomfortable fact

    You can gloss over it and hand wring and try and say it’s different but it’s not

    And no one’s saying go to hell but saying your “pro Palestine” is a stretch

  • Feb 5
    2 replies

    Straight up saying you are going to relocate 1.7 million people on international tv is insane

    And news networks in the US don’t care

    The chokehold “Israel” aka the “greatest ally” has on the US is something. I’ve really never looked into it a lot until i started reading about Palestine. Why does Israel have so much control over the us?

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    Straight up saying you are going to relocate 1.7 million people on international tv is insane

    And news networks in the US don’t care

    The chokehold “Israel” aka the “greatest ally” has on the US is something. I’ve really never looked into it a lot until i started reading about Palestine. Why does Israel have so much control over the us?

  • Synopsis2

    What do you do?

    Well you could stop with the idiocy to start. This has always been the plan

    Is this the second generation of Synopsis?

    Returned as an AI?

  • Feb 5
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    I truly don’t understand

  • Damn. USAID had a key role in ending apartheid in South Africa.

  • Y’all carrying Trumps jockstrap for that fake ceasefire is funny in hindsight

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    We don’t “teach” democrats anything because we fundamentally have different views (not you, the proverbial view)

    No one is trying to reach out to a bourgeois imperialist party

    The goal is to organize the working class led by an anti-imperialist, anti-revisionist political party

    The people in here not voting Kamala are more than likely communists and the orientation is towards partaking in grassroots movements and proletarian organizations that can organize within different areas of the working class (education, healthcare, student movements, factories)

    I follow, I can respect this. I just also am struggling to justify that Trump and the resulting parade of even bolder imperialism and domestic oppression had to be the result.

    When we don't have control over a binary election though, I suppose that makes sense. Appreciate your perspective.

  • Bro this dude needs to DIE

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    Voting for the democrats would’ve solved nothing, so I have no clue why you’re so vehemently defending that course of action

    They have had a decade to a***yze and understand the wave of fascism taking this country over and chose to do nothing except commit genocide

    No social programs, no regulations, no litigation against illegal s***. Just spineless concession after spineless concession

    I'll echo what I said to afterimage: I hear your perspective. Democrats have failed us repeatedly in our lifetimes and I don't know how to reconcile that with the "alternative" (as defined by our system) being even more openly oppressive and gleeful about it.

    I just hate that we had to get to this point.

  • Feb 5
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    And now we get no ceasefire AND millions of Americans everyday conditions get worse. So that makes genocide more palatable to you?

    These opening weeks have been so incompetent and unapologetically evil that, today, my conservative dad told me he thinks the Dems sandbagged themselves with Kamala knowing Trump would set back Republicans for decades if he won.

    I wouldn't agree with that, but I think a lot of people underestimated how much damage and chaos a more senile Trump with no future election to concern himself with could cause in this country. I've stopped following the news with any regularity because it's already gotten exhausting.

    But hey, at least the president isn't a hypocrite, right?

  • Zach LaBeam

    How do you expect your movement to succeed when you label anyone to the right of you an enemy, no matter how slight. And if you don't need allies, then what's stopping you from starting the revolution?

    It’s not “my movement” it’s the working class and anyone who actually believes that we can organize our society on a fundamentally different basis

    it comes from getting involved in your local community and seeing which areas of class struggle are most relevant and your personal skills can be used best, combined with the theory of scientific socialism and any political parties that have attempted to implement them in the past to learn from failures and mistakes

    Like i can’t give you a step by step data map plan of how “revolution” could work because it fundamentally doesn’t work like that and it requires you to log off ktt and revolution isn’t some next level stage you achieve once you’ve owned enough liberals on KTT or made the correct amount of gotchas or have the perfect formulation as to how every sector of the working class is supposed to unite, much less would you even comprehend what I’m saying outside of idealistic terms without Atleast engaging with any of the reading material or attending some type of event in real life

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    I follow, I can respect this. I just also am struggling to justify that Trump and the resulting parade of even bolder imperialism and domestic oppression had to be the result.

    When we don't have control over a binary election though, I suppose that makes sense. Appreciate your perspective.

    Idk if u should respect this bro.

    Yall gotta dead that attitude. If he wants to hold those beliefs sure. But you can multitask.

    You guys don't have infinite time on this world. You're wasting 4 years of your life and other people's lives letting some crazy brainlet president ruin your life. Take meaningful steps to collectivize power and impact your sphere of influence.

    Otherwise, you guys end up talking with people on internet forums yapping about revolutions while your President is debating building condominiums on the lands of an indigenous people.

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    I'm sure grassroots activism and community outreach will really pose a significant challenge to the We Will Kill You Party

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    I'm sure grassroots activism and community outreach will really pose a significant challenge to the We Will Kill You Party

    When you can’t respond to anything other than one liner gotcha

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    When you can’t respond to anything other than one liner gotcha

    The gotcha is correct. I don't even think people should be wasting time talking to you.

    They're not gonna get anything done and you're not gonna get anything done IRL.

  • Feb 5

    Every couple of days I come in here and post “it has never been more over in my damn life” and things only get WORSE!!!

  • Feb 5

    I'll echo what I said to afterimage: I hear your perspective. Democrats have failed us repeatedly in our lifetimes and I don't know how to reconcile that with the "alternative" (as defined by our system) being even more openly oppressive and gleeful about it.

    I just hate that we had to get to this point.

    This is not our system lol this system serves corporate leaders and fascists

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    President of USA threatening the people in a single piece of a land, which they barely have left, and this idiot is talking about going in and TAKE OVER??? while standing next to a genocidal maniac who kept dropping bombs on them

    We are really going to see an ethnic cleansing done by israel and USA with our own eyes

  • Feb 5
    2 replies

    The gotcha is correct. I don't even think people should be wasting time talking to you.

    They're not gonna get anything done and you're not gonna get anything done IRL.

    because I told you Kamala would’ve genocide the Palestinians too?
    Yeah I can’t help you want genocide to not be presented in the least grotesque way

    That’s the American style

    You haven’t said anything either other than gotchas and trumps bad

    But it’s everyone else’s fault besides the democrats that Trump won
    Exactly why DNC is in the spot it is now. Good riddance

  • Zach LaBeam

    Whatever happens from here on out is as much on people like you as it is on dems

    You people are insufferable and wrong

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    You could never catch these communists up in bad logic because they just flipped the switch from “both sides bad” rhetoric to blatant accelerationism lmao. You can’t make them think they did a bad thing letting this guy get in

  • OwO

    President of USA threatening the people in a single piece of a land, which they barely have left, and this idiot is talking about going in and TAKE OVER??? while standing next to a genocidal maniac who kept dropping bombs on them

    We are really going to see an ethnic cleansing done by israel and USA with our own eyes

    It actually made me sick to my stomach watching that s***

    And dude is sitting next to him just grinning ear to ear.