  • Mar 4

    So to everyone who claimed this was just gonna be a business as usual administration and that Trump wouldn’t do most of the things he claimed he was going to do during his campaign, what now?

    out on the streets you finally go?

  • Mar 4
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    Same. It's almost like we elected an agent who is doing everything possible to destabilize the country's economy and global standing.

    why’d yangs campaign bottom out again

  • Mar 4
    1 reply
    Banana Clip

    Interviewing for a position at Arasaka (Amazon). If you can’t beat the techno-feudalist conglomerates then you might as well join them, can’t wait to be techno-knighted!

    I will die for my Arasaka overlords

    Good luck mane.

    Just got a job interview myself.

    Hoping this works out because this job market bout to be ugly very soon if not now

  • humey

    why’d yangs campaign bottom out again

    Because he's Chinese. If America throws vivek out to pasture they will yang. But other more legitimate reasons too.

  • Bo Ceephus

    Aren't you guys tired of winning?

    Kill them Canada ☝️

  • Bo Ceephus

    Good luck mane.

    Just got a job interview myself.

    Hoping this works out because this job market bout to be ugly very soon if not now

    Good luck bro, praying for your job security and stability

  • CrimsonArk

    Oh wow...this is literally anti-american

  • Do we think hes just courting russia so the oligarchs will invest in his s***

  • Bo Ceephus

    I don't recommend doing unethical things on the internet other than s***posting.

    But white collar crime is now legal in America.

  • Ya boy

    Unlimited shell companies in the age of AI? Time to party

    AI about to conjure me and all time grift

  • Mar 4
    1 reply
    Ya boy

    Unlimited shell companies in the age of AI? Time to party

    I mean I don't know how to do it, but if you happen to have an idea of how these nefarious individuals could attempt anything like that please DM me and we can talk about how crazy those kinds of people can be.

  • Elon been in the case for over a month and not a single arrest has been made in connection to fraud.

    They're just firing people and looking at our private data.

  • Mar 4
    2 replies

  • If Canada goes to the extreme and cuts power/energy I wonder if Trump will use that as an excuse to escalate or just straight up ignore it, because I don’t see him backpedaling after this.

  • Zach LaBeam

    Crine we’re f***ed

  • it’s over

  • Zach LaBeam

    This man is not going to be impeached or anything no matter what and this is his last term, so why would he even care really?

  • Mar 4
    1 reply

    Trump been in office 30 days and already tanked the markets while eggs cost $8 a carton

  • CrimsonArk

    So to everyone who claimed this was just gonna be a business as usual administration and that Trump wouldn’t do most of the things he claimed he was going to do during his campaign, what now?

    Don't know why anyone would think it would be business as usual, if he won

  • CrimsonArk

    Well if anyone still didn’t believe that Trump was a fascist…well there you go

  • Mar 4
    2 replies

    So this trade war means im not getting a 5090 for 2k anytime time soon?

  • CrimsonArk

    they saw Trudeau get away with this during the truck rallies so they are doubling down lmao