  • Lamar

    So this trade war means im not getting a 5090 for 2k anytime time soon?

    get you a 5090 for 5k

  • Lamar

    So this trade war means im not getting a 5090 for 2k anytime time soon?

    The way s*** is going we’ll be lucky to even be gaming at all by the end of this year, feel like focus will probably have to shift.

  • Mar 4
    3 replies

  • CrimsonArk


  • CrimsonArk

    Those R's will be distracted by the constant culture war agenda.

  • Mar 4
    1 reply
    Banana Clip

    Interviewing for a position at Arasaka (Amazon). If you can’t beat the techno-feudalist conglomerates then you might as well join them, can’t wait to be techno-knighted!

    I will die for my Arasaka overlords

    You got fired from your fed position by that guy w autism?

  • Will this affect the GTA VI release?

  • Mar 4
    1 reply

    You got fired from your fed position by that guy w autism?

    never that. Arasaka corp reached out to me about a position so I’m taking the interview see what they’re about

  • Mar 4

    cost-push inflation will be the end result of this saga

  • Banana Clip

    never that. Arasaka corp reached out to me about a position so I’m taking the interview see what they’re about

    Arasaka !?!

  • Mar 4


    Wait I read that wrong. So they are okay with higher prices as long as it's Trump

    Man people are ridiculous

  • Mar 4
    2 replies

    It’s time to bring back wallpaper made with arsenic

  • babylon sherm

    It’s time to bring back wallpaper made with arsenic

    Time to bring back tack and gruel.

  • Mar 4
    1 reply

    recession incoming

  • Mar 4
    2 replies

    So like how long before he does enough to piss off a decent chunk of the people who voted for him, it's already starting

  • Mar 4
    1 reply

    So like how long before he does enough to piss off a decent chunk of the people who voted for him, it's already starting

    The reality im coming to is absolutely never going to happen. These people are so entrenched and have been for almost 10 years now. To admit they were wrong or lead astray and taken advantage of doesn't fit their im always right way of thinking.

  • Mar 4
    3 replies

    The reality im coming to is absolutely never going to happen. These people are so entrenched and have been for almost 10 years now. To admit they were wrong or lead astray and taken advantage of doesn't fit their im always right way of thinking.

    His base base is long long gone

    I'm more thinking about the people who were "on the fence" or the ones who voted for him "because the economy" or the Biden to Trump voter

    We can't act like those people DON'T exist

  • Mar 4
    1 reply

    His base base is long long gone

    I'm more thinking about the people who were "on the fence" or the ones who voted for him "because the economy" or the Biden to Trump voter

    We can't act like those people DON'T exist

    I still feel like those people will justify it somehow or the republican propaganda train will scoop them up. Republicans control the narrative in this country and its actually kind of genius.

  • Mar 4
    5 replies

    when did this idea float around that “everybody used to love elon musk?” it’s so stupid lol

  • oath

    I still feel like those people will justify it somehow or the republican propaganda train will scoop them up. Republicans control the narrative in this country and its actually kind of genius.

    You have a point there. I was talking to my aunt when she was in town a few weeks ago and I think she voted Trump but won't say it. In our conversation she was talking about how she felt like things in this country needed to change, but she didn't like how Trump was doing it and how fast it was happening.

    Mind you this was less than one month into the presidency.

    One thing I think that is kind of hindering everything is how involved Elon actually is. If he had laid off after the election I think there would be less people on that side who are mad.

    I'm just not trying to be totally hopeless rn lmao

  • Mar 4
    1 reply
    Sir Swagalot

    when did this idea float around that “everybody used to love elon musk?” it’s so stupid lol

    I remember the first time I seen that man. It was a livestream for the Tesla Model 3 that I watched because people treated him like a genius and I wanted to see what the hype was all about. The way they cheered for him was hilarious.

  • Mar 4
    1 reply

    recession incoming

    it was already here

  • Nix

    I remember the first time I seen that man. It was a livestream for the Tesla Model 3 that I watched because people treated him like a genius and I wanted to see what the hype was all about. The way they cheered for him was hilarious.

    fs the first red flag was blindly bowing down to a billionaire who will “change the world for the better” or some s*** i could never worship somebody whose brand was associated with money or that they were the real life Tony Stark it’s just so corny lol